When ordering an MG game, does the title show on your card?

I wanted to avoid making a separate topic about this, but I need to reach out to the select few who have purchased an MG product. To those who have purchased from them, the name of their game doesn’t show up on the card, right? It’s just listed as “MangaGamer” or something similar, right?

I ask because MG won’t accept my credit card for obnoxious reasons, so I must resort to desperate measures - using a friend’s card to fuel my hentai addictions :P. Problem is he must not know it’s a hentai game… just a game in general, period. If I order “My classmate is a Sex Slave,” I’d have to laugh at the backlash it would cause if the name showed on the card :D.

I don’t think any company would change the name on the statement for each of their products, not to mention you can buy multiple games at once.

Err… Paypal doesn’t accept transfering credits with adult material =_=

Well, apparently you wouldn’t needed to have worried about it if you bought the game before 7/31. :lol: MG decided not to charge anyone who bought games before that date.

I WAS wondering why I was never charged.

Wow. They actually did that, huh? That goes even further than I had expected they would go. That is huge.

[Edit: No, I’m not being sarcastic. I’ve got a headache and I feel like crap, but that is honestly awesome.]

With all the positive changes I’ve been hearing about, I may finally give in and get some games from them, if my budget permits. As it is right now though, I’m already behind in my savings to build a new computer powered by an 8 core Intel chip using the Nehalem microarchitecture next year… (That’s right - I don’t trust anyone but myself to build my PC.)

Nehalem is a loooooooooong way, like a loooooooooongcat, so keep dreaming or just enjoy their games for now (not that there’re much to enjoy though :P)

Actually, Nehalem microarchitecture chips, which will be marketed as Core i7, should be starting to come out in the next few months. They already have shown multiple demonstrations of the chips running. The information I’ve seen indicates it “will be released in late 2008 for high-end desktop and dual-processor platforms and in Q4 2009 to Q1 2010 for mainstream desktop and mobile platforms”. Seeing as how I’m building a high-end/extreme desktop, this news bodes well for me. It won’t be cheap (I’m estimating around $1000 USD), but I don’t mind paying for the power this chip has already shown in the demonstrations.

Paying for the extreme processors is such a waste of money. You’re often paying a 100-200% premium for 10-20% increase in performance. You can buy a whole computer that’s quite capable of gaming for the cost of one of those processors. The high end desktop version is $1000 for 3.2 GHz. The lowest one around initial release will be ~$285 at 2.66 GHz. You’re telling me a 20% improvement (and that’s assuming a linear performance increase) is worth a 250% price increase? Not to mention you can probably overclock it to 3.2 GHz easily.

Also, the 8 core version is aimed at servers, so you’re going to be paying even more. All desktop versions will be quad-core until Westmere, the 32 nm successor, which will be 6 core.

Plus, first 8 core/6 core processor generation will never be optimal. Remember when Quad Core/Dual Core were still new? They’re not faster than their previous generation very much, somewhat slower in fact. The age of 8 core processors must be through advancements to get to their fullest performance, and until then, the price may already be greatly reduced :wink:

Hmmm, I may move down to quad, but I still have no problem with paying for performance. That “10-20% increase in performance” can mean a difference of a year extra before you feel you need to upgrade. Considering that the base parts (I’ve made little upgrades since I first built it) of my machine is almost five years old now (single core Pentium 4 3.2GHz w/ HT on a D875PBZ), I am really in need of a big upgrade. Given how old it is, I must say it still performs fairly admirably. However, I really would like a machine that can run the PC version of Assassin’s Creed and Crysis. (Reports I’ve seen say Crysis actually runs fairly decently on chips with the Nehalem microarchitecture and the latest generation of card from Nvidia.) Also, it would be nice to be able to run Neverwinter Nights 2 decently.

That 10-20% difference in performance also means you probably will pay over twice as much for the computer overall. That means you could just shorten your upgrade cycle and have an even bigger performance boost earlier. You can easily make a gaming capable computer for ~$800 instead of paying $800+ for a processor alone. Save that money, and get another ~$800 computer in half the time of your normal upgrade cycle. And again, you can just overclock the lowest end processor to same speed as the highest clocked one. There’s really no reason to get the extreme parts for anything unless you have too much money.

Yeah, it makes little sense to pay for a top-end computer unless you have excess money to burn. Contrary to what some think, it doesn’t take a particularly expensive system to run new games smoothly (just make sure you have a mid-range video card. A GeForce 8800GT should allow you to play last year’s games at a fairly high resolution), even if certain video settings must be thumbed down.

Ultimately, your PC will become outdated anyway, so you might as well save money now and then upgrade or buy a new one later.

Hmmm, I suppose in a way I do have some cash to burn, even considering the very small size of my yearly income. Every month mostly boils down to me deciding how to divide my money up between food and drink I enjoy (oh how I love the lambic beer of Belgium… in fact I’m drinking framboise lambic right now), firearms and ammunition, and computer related things. Only recently have I had the new money sink of paying for Japanese class at a community college. (Unfortunately, the level of class I’m in was canceled this semester because there were only 4 students including me.) Being a “professional bum” as I state in my profile, as well as being a bachelor who has been unattached for quite some time has its advantages. On the down side though, I haven’t been out on a date in over 10 years…

As a matter of reference, the only time I’m maxing out my 8 cores at home is either when I’m running an x264 encode on 8 threads or if I’m running a custom data solver for work. By the way… how did this thread break down into a computer core discussion thread?

Pretty much every thread on these forums goes completely off-topic from random tangents. We’re just like that. :stuck_out_tongue:

To be precise, it’s more like every thread is a chat thread, that’s why i think we need a chat thread, just to… err… chat, yeah :stuck_out_tongue: