When will eroge games play like their trailers?

After seeing another great eroge trailer, I was wondering the ancient question that has been passing through my mind ever since seeing the video trailers to top quality eroge titles:

“When will the game actually look like their trailers?”

What do I mean by that? Well if you watch a video trailer, you’ll note it always has a ton of bling-bling (motion graphics is the Japanese technical term for it). Stuff like falling leaves/petals, showy light effects, moving layered backgrounds, and other dynamic cool stuff that’s obviously been enhanced via Macromedia type software. Yet the eroge game itself is always “static” (for lack of a better word) – unless it’s the occasional “animated sex” gimmick.

But when will the games be as great looking as the advertisements?

The first I’ve seen ever do it was Quartett, yet even that was rather limited, yet despite the praise that game received for doing so, it wasn’t copied by rivals (or even the studio that produced it). Sure, it will cost more and take longer to develop; but by the gods will people love the company for it.

I think you answered your own question. Higher cost and longer development time = less profit. Unless games with flashy visual effects sell considerably more units than the comparatively more ‘static’ games, there’s no motivation for the game developers to do it. They’re in this business to make money, after all.

I tend to be paranoid, therefore I usually want to see reviews and demo games before spending money. A trailer is merely/intrinsically a commercial spot, in my opinion, therefore objectively incapable of depicting the real nature of a game… although I would like to be proven wrong (for example, what do you think of these erogames and of the relative trailers -Getchu pages here and here… Twins, somewhere :wink: ?-?).

My understanding is the business is very very cutthroat and all the companies are very small. Taking risks with big expensive titles can sink companies in a flash, so not many do.

How about getting summer days or School Days?They have full animation.They’re costly tough and need high requirement too
First time I heard an eroge game need Pentium IV 1500 mhz
Here’s the link
School days: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=32364
Summer days: http://schooldays.0verflow.com/sd_index.html

[ 09-30-2006, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: RedHell ]

well…trailers are just propaganda, they never necessarily end up being the same as the actual product. even movie trailers are subject to change without notice until the actual movie is out.

does a shampoo commercial really makes your hair go bling bling like that?

like it or not, they are just ways to pychologically make you buy that product, however different the actual product may become in the end

and you better not buy summer days until they have fixed their problems after recalling all copies of the game from the market

[ 09-30-2006, 12:24 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

The same can apply to bishoujo games, too. Kana Little Sister’s opening movie, for example, ends with a lingering shot of Kana in the rain that is never used in the actual game. Oh, and there’s a shot of Taka kissing Kana while she’s sitting up in bed, which is never used in the game either.

All in good time, my boy.
All in good time… :slight_smile:

I know about Summer Days being a total dissapointment but since it has been a while I thought the problem has been fixed.

But aside from that I’ve seen many eroge says full animation ADV on their title.Don’t know whether it’s really full animation or not tough,(never bought it since I still love my “static” games :wink: )