Where is a good place to buy Anime/manga online?

The only site I really know of is Play-asia and Rightstuf, but play-asia overcharges on a lot of things and Rightstuf tends to be missing items fairly regularly (Or it’s on backorder, etc).

Anyone have any suggestions what site I should go to for my Otaku driven consumerism? A wise man once said, moar anime is moar better, but moar manga and moar anime is even moar moar better :lol: :lol:

I don’t like buying stuff locally, since they are worse than Play-asia around where I live for pricing. :evil:

I dunno what else to say, This is a pretty straight forward question! I remember there was a thread somewhere about like “Where do you buy your stuffs” (probably not in those words) but it seems to have gone poof! So! Any help would be appreciated~ :mrgreen:

Thanks in advance!!

Well, amazon has anything that isn’t adult.

Are you looking for translated, or untranslated anime/manga etc.? For untranslated works, I’ve found YesAsia to be quite good, as they offer free shipping if you order over $39 US of stuff. All of their prices are marked up a bit to take that into account though, but the overall cost of the order with shipping should always be less than you’d pay for it on amazon.jp. I’m not sure where the cheapest place to buy translated works from online would be though.

Deep Discount

Sorry shoulda specified that, was going to but I ended up falling asleep before I got around to it :oops:

I’m looking for both translated and untranslated~

Thanks to all of you for helping with suggestions!

Actually, Amazon has adult oriented manga and anime as well. I have purchased several hentai anime from them as well as the Futari H series in manga.

You’re right. I should have said Amazon’s collection of adult-oriented stuff is not as complete as I’d like it.

Customs steals all my hentai half the time anyways so not a big deal to me :lol:

I’ve tried a few online shops for manga and Rightstuf is the best of them all. They have best prizes because of their special sales and their customer support is excellent. Justmanga.com is a bit more expensive but the quickest.