Where to find Walkthroughs and Save Files for your erogames

Searching for Walkthroughs and Save Files for your Japanese erogames isn’t so difficult, even with low knowledge of Japanese, IF you use certain Internet sites:

Walkthrough “Browsers”:

These two sites do not contain Walkthroughs, but give indications regarding their availability elsewhere. To my knowledge, a Japanese equivalent of http://www.gamefaqs.com/ doesn’t exist: you need to search amidst many minor sites -my preferred is http://www.foolmaker.net/game.html - for a specific Walkthrough, but the existence of the above-mentioned sites is a VERY BIG help.

Save Files “Source”:

This isn’t the only site which contains Save Files, but I’ve always found here all my Save Files, even just for trying random Demo Games (I will reveal you a little secret: if you use the “All Clear” Save Files with certain (rare) Demo Games, you will unlock additional stuff. For example, both demo games from From M and Saiinjutsu hide the same ULTRA BIG surprise… ).
The EroGoddess be praised :stuck_out_tongue: !

Oh, thank GOD you posted this.

I’ve still got a boxload of demo games left over from when I was with G-Collections (No, you can’t have them. =fi), and I never could figure out how to play many of them. (Not knowing Japanese explains a lot.)

I’ve had to rely on friends, current and former co-workers, and translation programs to find out what to do.

Now, if only there was a Bishoujo Game version of GameFAQs…

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
Now, if only there was a Bishoujo Game version of GameFAQs...

This sounds like a really good idea. I wonder why it hasn't already been done?

Courtesy of an InsertCredit thread, I got to know that there is a Japanese equivalent of GameFAQs, sort of.

Not Babelfish. Excite is better: http://excite.co.jp/world/english/web/

Heh… as wonderful as they are, online translators still need a lot of work until they become perfect.

Still, when that day comes, many an eroge fanboy will cheer for joy.

I recommend using more than one translator, as some are better at certain terms than others. Still, that Excite one was made by Japanese people, so it does name translations very well.

It still doesn’t help me figure out the correct English spelling for characters though… I mean, how the heck am I supposed to know how “Riiruge” is supposed to look in German.

Public Service BUMP!

If you need a Game Patch for ANY Japanese (ero)game, go here: http://nawa.sakura.ne.jp/cgi/
Although many sites offer patches for various games, the only “Patch Central” is http://nawa.sakura.ne.jp/ , to my knowledge.

EDIT: The site redirects the http://nawa.sakura.ne.jp/cgi/ Link to the main page but, if you seek in the top left of the http://nawa.sakura.ne.jp/ page, you will find the “Patch browser” very quickly.

http://nawa.sakura.ne.jp/ is a “Patch Central”, yes, but if your Patch (or Savefile) is available elsewhere (especially if the producer still exists and offers those files in its homepage), you will find only the Patch “specs” and the Link of its Software House.
If http://nawa.sakura.ne.jp/ has your Patch, search for the ¬Ç√®¬Ç√ò¬Ç (“repair”) Link instead.

Is it possible to get this topic stickied? It contains a lot of good info for those who import titles. :slight_smile:

Gee, thanks :smiley: ! And if this happens, let’s insert this Link to my Online Japanese Dictionary thread too.

Bumb! :slight_smile:

Oh, my thread lives again :wink: … ).

The list isn’t exhaustive (at all!), but I’m a lazy netsurfer, do you know :stuck_out_tongue: ? See ya!

Italicus asked help for walkthroughs of his new erogames, let’s reanimate this thread (huuuh, what a nice guy I am :stuck_out_tongue: , vero?)…

From an American resident in Japan, a few nice suggestions for you all:


And now, try experimenting his IP advice with http://www.assemblage.co.jp/ :wink:

Originally posted by Baldo:
[b]And now, try experimenting his IP advice with http://www.assemblage.co.jp/ :slight_smile:

Perhaps banning other countries hurt their sales? :stuck_out_tongue:

In any case, I’m still waiting for my copy of Lust Scripter. Those sisters may not be twins, but they sure as hell look like it… I bet they are and won’t say except in the game!

Oooooh… new game called The House of Humiliation. Sounds good… err… I mean evil.

Are you sure :stuck_out_tongue:

I can. There’s a big Black Cyc ad for Extravaganza in there.

“Navigate”, I said :frowning: … ).

You can get many “saved games” and patches of “bishoujo games” from “Anime Densetsu”:


To get the “saved games”:


To get the patches:


To say the truth, I’m no sure where Sagaoz posted those files, he uses the Japanese sillabary, and I can’t guess his Japanese equivalent of “X” and “2R” just now…