Where's Vaga42Bond?

Originally posted by SCDawg:
...They do tend to have more sex then plot, a lot more, but don't know, still think they deserve higher rankings then whoever makes DYLHB, which are well not sure, better then the dark games I will say that much about them.

Having just checked, I must admit to having somehow thought DYLHB was Trabulance; it's not, it's ZYX. Should have known from the character designs; must have actually been smoking some of my own crack.

Anyway - the point is that there haven't really been ANY Trabulance titles with deep storylines, and they've released 4 from them. GC has released plenty of better titles - so if they concentrate on Trabulance it's less likely that the better titles will be translated.

Hmmm… It’s the other way around for me–I can tell you almost everything that happened in Chain, but Kango Shicyauzo was a pretty forgettable experience for me…

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
Well, don't forget that Proofer currently ranks about 2 steps above the Office Fax Machine, and just below the Coffee Maker, on the "Chart O' Powah".

That's not too bad. Afer all. Lamuness calls himself an errand-boy as well.

It should be enough for me if you simply promise to take those questions and TRY to find answers. If you are not allowed to tell them, it can't be helped. But I can't stand it if I ask questions and don't even know if they have been noticed.

Another question to ask. whatever happened to salmon pick. They gave us postcards and bookmarks but no game??

Come to think of it I did get a bookmark for that game back when I ordered, geez I think it was Crescendo, and then it was mentioned here but nothing in a few months. I guess it did just fall through the cracks?

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Another question to ask. whatever happened to salmon pick. They gave us postcards and bookmarks but no game??

We really shouldn't over-interpret the giveaways.

There may be many of them related to products they are going to localize, but assuming that for all of them goes a little bit too far. For example: Among my first presents, that I got when I ordered from G-Collections their first four games right after they started, there was an Innai Kansen-clear folder. Of course, that certainly wasn't planned for localization at that time either. It was just a nice present they gave away to their customers...

I’ve been meaning to ask, what does one use a clear folder for? At least the ones I have gotten as gifts are larger then business card size, smaller then letter size, seems almost too small to hold anything other then maybe as a marker for a page in a book?

One of the ‘free gifts’ I got at one time I think was for Idoles Galore (at least hte picture looks like something that could be from Idoles Galore, which they are just now translating, but that was a gift from one of the first games I ordered from G-Collections. So maybe they are teasers, some of the gifts, as to what in the distance future they hope to bring out more then anything else?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-10-2004).]

I don’t even know what a “clear folder” is.

clear folder is a folder/binder that is made of clear/translucent plastic and you can stuff papers in it

You forgot to mention the awesome graphics that are usually printed on the clear plastic Lamuness Otherwise it’d just be a regular old folder that none of us would care about.

Q&A Ver. 1

Q: Is G-Collections still in the phase “evaluation” or has the English market already proven profitable for you?
A: That information is above my security clearance. (Move along, you lookie-loos, before you get assigned mandatory bonus duties as reactor shielding.)

Q: Of course, you can’t give away the sales figures, but is it true (as most of us suspect) that the more plot the games have, the worse they sell? So, may we expect even less games with great plots like Kana or Crescendo in the future?
A: Not as high as planned, but they are successful to the point of not ruling out future releases. (Don’t Panic)

Q: Is D.O. still involved? There are at least two games from D.O. that I would at least know if they are in closer consideration to become localized: Kazoku Keikaku and Sumeragi no Mikotachi. If no: No prob because I still can get them in Japanese, but I want at least know for sure that there is no chance yet.
A: Yes, they are still very much involved. They are being looked into, but there is no word yet on if or when it might happen.

Q: During last year, there was an unofficial announcement on the G-Collections BBS from G-Collections staff regarding Kuroi Toshokan - Bibliotheque obscure. Now the list of upcoming announcements even contains games from the survey but not this one. So may I assume that this project is canned?
A: While the project has not been officially canceled, it is on hold while certain issues are worked out about the game itself. (“It’ll be ready when it’s ready.”)

Q: Is it likely that we’ll see any games with gameplay beyond “choose-your-path-NVL” from G-Collections? G-Collections released now a lot of games and all of this kind, so I see a kind of specialization here. Of course, I am aware that the Japanese Bishoujo-market is also dominated by this kind of game, but there are others too!
A: There has been quite some interest in translating different types of Bishoujo Games. However, the “choose-your-path-NVL” is the easiest to work with. Other formats are much harder to work with, will take longer to translate, and will probably not be done at this time. Of course, this might change…

Q: Another question to ask. Whatever happened to Salmon Pink? They gave us postcards and bookmarks but no game??
A: The “Neat Stuff” ¬ô that we hand out is determined mostly by what the parent companies of these games ship us. (Read: Whatever didn’t sell, or is surplus in the warehouse, they dump on us. I’m kidding. I hope.) However, for Salmon Pink, the game is on the “Maybe” list.

Q: Will (Name of Game) be translated anytime soon?
A: There are 3 types of lists… well, 5, but 2 don’t really count. They are the ¬ënot likely’ (-), ¬ëmaybe’ (?), and ¬ësigns point to yes’ (+). (Why yes, the game choices are being made by a Magic 8-Ball. How did you guess?) There are also the ¬ëIn the pipeline/Actively being worked on’ (+++), and the ¬ëNot going to happen without a miracle’ (—). (Look! It’s Miracle! Sound of a horse whinnying)

(Note: List is partly compiled from memory and badly scribbled notes, not to mention things can change.

Innai Kansen +

Sensei 3 - (Special Issues. Between Improbable and No)
Kazoku Keikaku - (Different Special Issues)
Sumeragi no Mikotachi +

Salmon Pink ?
Pururun ?
Fukuramikake 1 & 2 ?
Majokko Silk —

Naked Apron +
Oshikake +

Sagara Family - (More Special Issues.)

Angel Smile
Akiba de Ochashiya ?

Future Q&A stuff will probably be done on G-Collections BBS, to avoid giving Lamuness a fit here. (Unless he lets me.)

What about CDPA?
Their games look very nice, and they are also one of the cd-bros group.

Cool. This answers several questions I’ve had; it’s good that Kazoku Keikaku is being looked at, if it hasn’t been announced formally and is unlikely. It’s also good to hear they are still open to plot-heavy games.

No prequel of Tottemo Pheromone? Aww…

This is only a list of what people have ASKED us about, not the actual list itself… heh…

And yes, there is some look at CDPA, though nothing is decided yet.

shakes the Magic 8-Ball of game decisions
"Answer Cloudy: Ask Again Later:

Boooo no majokko silk Yay for more games Thanks for keeping us informed.

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
(Look! It's Miracle! *Sound of a horse whinnying*)

If we get a white horse (called Miracle, of course) shipped to the G-Collections office, do we get Majokko Silk? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

What is this special issue means,Vaga42Bond-san?Being looked on,having big possibility,or else?

So what’s the answer,Lamuness-san?Will u let him?Sure hope u give the ok sign but since company issue is involved even if u refused I won’t nag about it (okay,maybe spamming a little ).Because I honestly don’t like G-col’s BBS design,bad for the eyes and difficult to read

Originally posted by AG3:
If we get a white horse (called Miracle, of course) shipped to the G-Collections office, do we get Majokko Silk? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Now the question is does the horse have to be alive when it arrives in G-colls office [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

I wouldn’t even call the G-Collections BBS a board script. shudders