Here’s another round of Q&As, found at the G-Collections BBS!
Q&A Ver 3
Vaga42Bond (2004年09月17日 (金 09時08分
It’s time for another Q&A Session!
Q1: Have you any distant future plans on translating non-hentai bishojo games?
A1: First off, please do not call then ¬ëhentai’ bishoujo games. (Offically, anyway.) Hentai means pervert, bishoujo means pretty girls, and we make pretty girl games, not pervert games. (Mandatory Bonus Duty to declare that.) Anyways, onto the question itself, if you’re referring to more dating sim like games, then no, at this time, we currently aren’t doing anything, but we do have that idea as a possibility.
Q2: You mention that there may be negotiations with other companies in the future. Can Guilty be one of them or are they taken by Peach Princess? And on that note do GC have an exclusive contract with the companies “on all” games you translate or is it just the games that you announce and have planed for within those companies? For example, could you another company just take on CD-Bros game and translate it or do you have full mandate on all games? Reason I ask is because some of my favorite games are from Guilty and with PP being not so fast… yeah, you get my drift don’t you?
A2: We do not know the nature of the deal between Peach Princess and Guilty. (And I have no idea how to go about finding out, or if I should even do that.) It is quite possible they have some sort of deal. Otherwise… See previous Q&A regarding other companies.
Q3: Sensei 3 is under the category (-) not likely, but it has a rather strong fan base on the forum. Could the staff on GC not do a survey like you have done in the past and add that game to the list so we may see if it has a chance to pull through?
A3: We have some thought on it, but it is still heavily up in the air, and is going to remain a (-) for the time being for reasons beyond your security clearance.
Q4: Have GC thought on working on a title with a story concept like Chain, a mystery/detective novel like game?
A4: We are open to suggestions, and if you can find any games or game companies that make such style products, we will see what can be done.
It’s “Can you get this game/games from this company?” time!
Siawase no Katachi (Angel Smile) ? (Maybe a +, it’s a little vague right now.)
Lilith Soft (See previous Q&A regarding other companies.)
Q5: If we get a white horse (called Miracle, of course) shipped to the G-Collections office, do we get Majokko Silk?
A5: I was told to be creative on this, so the answer is, IF the white horse, (named Miracle, of course), was shipped here, and Miracle was able to win the Triple Crown, and get us the huge prize money, thus covering the cost of production, THEN there will be Majokko Silk. I suggest you people start looking for prizewinning thoroughbreds, because I’m just as interested in getting this game as you are.
[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 09-18-2004).]