Which game to license? (UPDATED POLL)

Oh, not at all, I was just slipping in an underhanded comment about my own perception of formal/classroom foreign language education, and how it probably won’t be sufficient for playing Saihate no Ima no matter how many semesters of it you take. =P Are you sure you don’t want to have a go at translating that into English, though? Just the first line will do.

As for the ‘subtleties’ you mentioned, I argue that they are not really subtleties. I think you’re just overanalysing. Yes, while ??? carries more of an inquisitive tone than e.g. ??? it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with wanting to know the details behind someone’s free time… the asker could simply be being polite. For example, in G???:

Kyosuke isn’t asking anything here… I think you’ll find there’s absolutely no implications behind the ??? whatsoever.
That’s just one example, mind, but I don’t consider these things worth noting unless the context requires it.

I may take another crack at translating what you said a little later on. Right now though, I’m in the middle of studying for my mid-term exam. Yesterday I was busy coming up with a two part dialogue (hence my razz about something more complicated) that contains all 15 grammar points in the three chapters we have covered so far. As is par for the course with me, I was turning to all sorts of things I’m technically not supposed to know how to do yet to make the conversation sound more natural, such as using more than one adjective when describing something (???), resultant states (???), and expressing desire with the ?? form of a verb (???). Of those three things, the first two are in the next chapter, but the last one isn’t until the last chapter (which is three chapters from the one we are currently on). One last word of note: I’m using kanji I don’t know how to read yet, mostly to make it easier for you (since as I understand it, once you have down kanji, it is a pain to try and read through things that are all or mostly kana). Of the ones I used above, I can read ?, ?, and ?. Of those three, the only one I currently know the stroke order for is ?.

The stroke order rules for various radicals are fairly consistent - you don’t need to learn the stroke order for every kanji, as they mostly make sense once you know what radicals make it up.

I know that, but I don’t know all the radicals yet. I’ll get there. Oh, an amusing fact for you: I’m writing this post in class while the others are reading their dialogues. :stuck_out_tongue:

BUMP FOR GREAT JUSTICE! (over two years later) pockets resurrection magic

Shingo, what happened?! I suppose I can’t really say things are going that horrible lately (Demonbane, my gf is pres, etc), but seeing as this thread was created by you, I thought you guys were feeling confident about getting at least one of these.

Good point, at least tell us if the deal fell through and why.

Speaking of which, you were also in talks about some game called Death Meta. Whatever happened to that?

I’m amazed Bullet butlers got the most votes,really guys?

If I had to guess, I’d say what happened is similar to Xchange Alternative 2 - where Peter didn’t even know the game was out because he hadn’t talked to Crowd in such a long time.

I suspect they’ve been rather busy getting the GC games, and the Downhill Night series, and their three new partnerships, up and running - so Peter decided to simply shut up and hope we forgot about this poll.

Personally, Haruka ni is a Pulltop game, and so I’m interested in it. (I’d be interested in all three, actually, which is how I voted before.)

Haruka ni Aogi is my personal favourite, followed by Sekai de Ichiban, followed by Bullet Butlers.

I personally would have opted to ignore (for now) Bullet Butlers and go after Ayakashibito (same company, earlier game, better game) instead, then consider it later if Ayakashibito does well.

Yeah, I doubt they will tell us much about why it fell through, but I think it is safe to say that it did fall through considering when this was posted in 2008 and here we are close to 2.5 years later without an announcement about them. It is a shame though. Or maybe they’re gonna wait the standard 8 year wait before doing it (I jest).

I am too. I voted for the other two. I mean bullet butlers does sound cool, but the first post says it has low ero content. I’m sorry, but part of the reason I buy these games IS the ero content. I only do medium level and up on ero content. I’d say anything less than 2 scenes (prefer 3) per girl is a no-go for me, and that level is perfectly manageable in a longer game. To each their own I guess.

I can’t say it has much effect on my own perception. The ero is as much a part of the story as any other part of the story- if a particular story works with it, it works with it. If it doesn’t it doesn’t. I have absolutely no wish to see unnecessary H scenes (anything that doesn’t feel truly a part of the story) simply because I’ve probably read something very much like it before. On that same note, I don’t want H scenes to be removed if they were in the story in the first place so I typically have a dim view of most ports and all-ages remakes and will not play them.

With some exceptions, H scenes are written in a fairly generic style and it’s hard to derive enjoyment out of them when you’ve read the same thing before but with the events moved around a bit and the names changed. Booooooring.

That said, this does support my position - Ayakashibito has heaps more ero (more than double the number of scenes) and it’s far better ero too!

You made some very valid points and I agree with you. I would take it a step further and say that those hscenes can regain their appeal depending on how effective the writer is, and by that I mean how well the writer can pull in the reader to care about the characters in the story. If the writer can’t flesh out the characters in the story and make them unique, then I would agree what you said is completely true. Such titles are not common though either unfortunately.

I don’t think there’d be any point in licensing it now. It’s old (2004), by a notoriously average writer, and Will have numerous more recent games in their catalogue that would surpass it.

As for ero, I’d argue that regardless of how well H scenes might be written, some eroges don’t need them, others only need only a single scene or one per character, others can have the standard 3 per character, and others are either being sold on the H content, or have a story that needs a lot of scenes in order to work. In addition to Lancer-X’s comments about most scenes being fairly generic, I think the other difficulty is really in placing them in the story, as (standard length/standard approach) H scenes can very easily disrupt the flow or impact of the surrounding events, particularly those that immediately precede or follow the scene, as it’s almost impossible to carry through the existing mood of the story whilst writing anatomical descriptions of sex. A lot of games place H scenes right before critical plot developments/endings, which in the worst case, can skew your evaluation of the entire route if the scene/ending to follow has a lesser impact as a result.

I’d also like to whine about not getting any news about this. :frowning: I wish they’d just tell us if the deal failed or not, at least.

It could be the japanese companies too though. I am not sure if there is an truth behind it, but I recall reading an article once talking about how some american businesses aren’t too fond of working with japanese businesses because the japanese take their sweet loving time on making business decisions. On the other hand, I remember reading another article where the Japanese said they felt that western businesses were too “pushy”.


Something just occurred to me. JAST said that if Princess Waltz sold enough copies it would remove the DRM from the game. Since JAST did remove the DRM, we can conclude that they sold enough. Wouldn’t one imagine the number they set in order for the DRM to be removed, is a number that would allow them to break even on their investment in the game and gain a profit? With this in mind, I can’t see why Pulltop would disagree on continuing the relationship seeing that the game sold enough to remove that DRM.

Anyways, If that was such the case, it would imply that both companies benefited from the sale of Princess Waltz, and something else is more likely the cause of why we haven’t heard of anything. Maybe Pulltop wanted more money, and JAST either didn’t have that or they are going to wait a few years and hope the price went down. It could also be possible that JAST did have the money, but the amount was high enough that they could split that money and get more games from multiple companies and have a more diverse library.

I wonder if the sunset clause is self-imposed or something that the Japanese company requires. Well, this is all speculation on my part, but it does make logical sense.

Well I will cast a vote on my own for a eroge I wanna, Daiteikoku from alicesoft.

it’s not even out yet! you don’t know if it’ll be any good

He wouldn’t even know if it was good when its released ;_;.

I could tell him! I have pretty good taste >_>

Most people think you have shit taste : D.

But anyway we have similar shit taste!