Which game to license? (UPDATED POLL)

No they don’t; I swear I’m the classiest vipper on 2ch* and all the boys come to the yard for my Eroge Recommendations. Actually I’ve been really shit at picking good upcoming eroge lately- I thought Artemis Blue would be the best title out of the three in February and it turned out to be Grisaia no Kajitsu. I thought Hello, Good-bye would be good and it turned out to be pretty ordinary. I thought Hatsukoi Sacrament would be a bit ordinary and it turned out to be Purple Software’s best eroge. I thought Axanael would be good and it turned out to be a landmine** with no real story and unfunny jokes. I thought Kicking Horse Rhapsody would be ridiculous and it turned out to be both ridiculous and awesome. Even the Lilies Project free yuri eroge was a lot less interesting than I thought it was going to be. What next, Aiyoku no Eustia turning out to be crap?

[size=85]*not actually true[/size]
[size=85]**i’m not the one saying it[/size]

and alice soft doesn’t seem to care about the english language market

Like Minori.


Now go make a top 100 eroge video

a new one.

That could be fun. I’ll look into it sometime. Might need to wait for the April-May titles to come out first though.

////////////hopefully f/sn will be off the list this time\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

By any chance are you the one that made that ‘troll’ “Before you make a topic on /jp/ try these” chart?

Pulltop eroge should’ve won.

Also do another review your last review was like in…july?

As for a poster, I dunno. I made a few similar things back when I visited /jp/. If it was using that gradient Georgia font, probably.

I have a review for Grisaia no Kajitsu partly written, just need to get around to finishing it.

As for a poster, I dunno. I made a few similar things back when I visited /jp/. If it was using that gradient Georgia font, probably.

I have a review for Grisaia no Kajitsu partly written, just need to get around to finishing it.

Ah I’m looking forward to it…
[color=#FFFFFF]「闇色のスノードロップス」特設サイト is this a doujin?[/color]

No. VisualArts brand. You’re probably confused because it’s a full-length remake of a doujin game called Kureuta.

Ahhhh looks like a rape fest with story…

Also Jast would be amazing if they got http://www.jellyfish-pc.com/top.html when it came out.

Just look at those breasts… I think its going to be fully animated too.
[size=50]full animation can be good when it doesn’t look like shit IE school days[/size]

No idea when it will actually come out though. The thing’s been delayed several times and is probably in the top 5 eroges as far as time in development goes. I’m getting it just for the glitz even if it does turn out to be shallow because it is so pretty.

I’d laugh if it turned out to be a nukige
Also due to the fact that its been in development for 7 years most people are going to expect something ‘god’ level.


At this point I’m just pasting stuff from your site.

Don’t care. If I could spend a year playing sengoku rance. I know I can do the same with daiteikoku.

Not exactly. I believe sales of Princess Waltz were good, but obviously I don’t have the actual numbers in front of me. The sunset clause was set to activate after an initial sales period. Here’s Peter’s actual post on the topic:

As I recall, after G-Collections tried to save itself with a last-ditch Virtual Mate DRM scheme in 2005 or so, this board erupted into a fairly acrimonious flamewar and a lot of people here (myself included) were dead set opposed in principle to any form of DRM. However, Pulltop wouldn’t license Princess Waltz unless Peter agreed to use DRM; therefore there was a thread where he asked us what we would/wouldn’t find acceptable. The point was made that these companies tend to have low survivability, and that if something happens to the activation servers, the games are forevermore inaccessible. So Peter decided to compromise, and went back and got Pulltop to agree to release the DRM-stripping patch after a length of time.

What’s the problem with DRMs, I’ve seen drms so far like, one time activation stuff. Its not bad at all, granted I haven’t seen anything evil yet xD

DRM is a pain in the ass for various reasons. It makes reinstalling a game when you upgrade your OS or reinstall or get a new computer more difficult- out of all of the eroge I haven’t been able to play in Windows 7, 98% of that is because the DRM (often Alpha Activation) doesn’t work in Windows 7. The game itself would likely work fine and does in most cases, but the activation system doesn’t. This is because activation systems need to gather sufficient information about the system you’re using in order to uniquely identify it and this often needs to be done with OS-specific hacks that do not respond well to new OS versions. Activation systems threaten the second hand eroge market (which is the only way to acquire many classic titles that are no longer sold), they mean that after the company is long dead your chances of getting the game to run again on a modern system are pretty slim.

It also requires an internet connection, if not every time you play the game then at least the first time. This is generally fine for download sales titles but I find it hard to tolerate with packaged stuff. I don’t always have internet access immediately available (although I do have internet access 99% of the time nowadays) and if I’ve brought a new eroge with me when I’m going on vacation somewhere to play it on my laptop, finding out that I need to pay for the hotel’s ridiculously expensive internet plan for one day just to play it is infuriating.

Most hotels I’ve been to have free internet! They should have free internet then! [size=50]thats how the world works,right?[/size]

http://erogetrailers.com/video/1876 I’m drooling over this now…for the wrong reasons…
Why the hell can I see nipples? Why do I like that? I like the fact I can see the ring circle!

Without knowing anything about that game right now, I would pre-order in an instant if JAST got that.

Voted for Sekai & Bullet Butlers. Although, I would prefer Sekai de Ichban…more though.

Tempted to make thread… I want this so bad

Because nipples are awesome?