Which game to license? (UPDATED POLL)

First of all I would like to say that this voting poll is a great idea !
Asking the community what kind of game they would like to be licensed
will surely help your sales aswell, as you can see what kind of games
people are into.

I also have to say that all three games seem to be good picks,
I wouldnt be disappointed with any of them being licensed.

The one of those that interests me most is Bullet Butlers though,
it has really superb art and according to many reviews a great plot.
I love mystery plots, they just pull you so much more into the game.

I’d say license two though, Bullet Butlers as a bit more mature and serious game
and either Haruka or Sekai as a bit more lighthearted and colorful game.
This way you’ll have one game for everyone’s taste.

I changed my vote too.
before i only wanted Haruka, but now I’d like to have Sekai too since it seems it’s not only a sex-fest.
So I vote for both Haruka and Sekai.
BB doesn’t interest me at all and I don’think I would buy it (too dark for me).

PS : more pics of sekai on getchu : http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=433185

You can check some more info+pics about Sekai here:


Haha, nope. Pure coincidence, I assure you.

I hope I didn’t imply that with my description of the game; a look at the CG on the official site, Getchu page and Game Style page shows that it’s rather more sex heavy than the other two titles, but it’s certainly not a “sex sim” - it’s described on EGS as a game with a “good balance of story and ero elements”. I’m happy to see you here advocating for it and describing it in a more positive light - I know the game must have some significant merit to be so highly regarded by the Japanese gaming community, I haven’t had time to delve into it myself yet though. I do hope people will consider it in that light.

That said, as long as we’re linking to other Japanese pages with information on the various games:

Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashino

Game Style

Bullet Butlers

Game Style

I re-voted, choosing both Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashino and Bullet Butlers. My favorite remains Harukani, but Bullet Butlers sounds like it has a great story, too. Maybe you’ll get lucky and be able to license both titles! :smiley:

Althought I only voted for being really interested in two of the games, I’d still probably buy the third one, just because I like to own anything PP and G-C sells that isn’t outright nasty or a rape-fest.

I swear I’d still prefer an otome game, but, damn, all three choices are good… I can’t choose.

However, if you HAVE to put a gun to my head and tell me to pick only one, I’d say Bullet Butlers, sicne it’s storyline is the most unique out of the lot.

I’d like Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashino to be translated here. Love the art style.

I decided to vote for both Bullet Butlers for first choice and Sekai for my second, they all sound great so I hope all 3 arrive here to the US gaming market. BB has a very different taste than any recent translated games in PP or GC and how everyone is commenting on it was very interesting to me, haven’t played it though and I’ll wait until if PP or GC considers to translates the game. Sekai at first nobody really gave it much thought until Peter Gilis gave his comment, problably the reason some people thought the game was boring was because they saw it as a not interested story. An example of interest will be let’s say your friend goes to the theater and watches a movie that you also wanted to watch, but your friend tells you “it sucks” what happens next, you go with the flow; but a few months later you’re in your house just kicking back on your couch trying to find what to watch on TV and suddenly the movie you wanted to see in theater just started after you watch it you reggret not going to see the movie that day. Sometimes is better to find out for yourself.:smiley:

I’m wondering something.

Whatever game is translated, we won’t see it before the 6 other games “in developement” (Family project, princess waltz, …).
So it means that it won’t be on sale before 2009 (or 2010…).
It has been 2 months since the last release (snow sakura in december), but maybe due to the fact of a raise of the number of pervert otakus (us :D) the wait between 2 release will get more and more short (why not , :D).

I Hope so. Cant wait till the next Release.

To quote myself from the first post in the thread:

Our goal is to put six games out this year. I won’t be able to say until December 31st whether we’ve met that goal, but we’re working toward it as hard as possible.

If the opinions of the 2chan community mean anything:


Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi no ranked #4 to them in 2006.

It even beat my personal favorites of that year, Gore Screaming Show (ranked #5) and EXTRAVAGANZA (ranked #8). :expressionless:

I voted for haruka and Sekai de Ichiban NG they both seem like good titles that I would love to have brought over to America.

Wow… someone voted Not interested in any… :shock:

I assume that means you want something with loli or yaoi? :mrgreen:

Just tell me when the pre-order button is available for Bullet Butlers and/or Haruka; cause I’m sold for those two :smiley:
Although, which I’d rather have, BB or Haruka…

Don’t make me choose between the two! :cry:
Good things come in pairs, right?

I’d always rather have a loli title. :mrgreen:

Yeah, after looking them over I don’t think I’d buy any of them. So I voted not interested in any.

I would buy any or all of them, but if I had to pick just one I would go with Haruka narrowly over Bullet.

Hmmm well I would really like something with loli in it, probably more than anyone else here, as sadly I’m a loli addict. So I voted Not interested. But if I had to choose some it would Bullet Butler, Haruka, possibly all three depending on if there were any traces of Loli present in them.