Who here knows spanish?

not that we are releasing spanish versions of our games or anything :stuck_out_tongue:


i heard that they aired daiakuji on spain tv and people are complaining that it’s kiddie porn

i got this info and youtube from a japanese news site

I know of the eroge original, but is the anime version adult or a non-hentai version?

Originally posted by Lamuness - BBS Admin:
[b] not that we are releasing spanish versions of our games or anything :smiley:

By chance, what are the laws concerning this in Spain?

Conchota, sinchota…
Todos los santos…Siniorita.

Asta La Muerte… Asta La Muerte!!!

Well one of them is that child porn is illegal and they said if they find it on the series!.., well nothing has happened so far they probably didn’t do nothing except not to show that kind of H series or anime any more. The reason they didn’t do nothing is that is not child porn, she’s 18. I have a pic of Akuji and Satsu together of the H-anime when they were children looking almost the same height. I have the pic but don’t have a URL for it, sorry.

So Spain’s lawmakers have ruled that animated erotica can be classified as child porn, like Cananda did? Or is it still a debateable point?

Though I think hentai should be available through things like pay-per-view and dvd’s and that type of thing only, not really a network television thing.

Yeah that’s the law. Hentai’s are available in DVD’s, and I haven’t seen any in pay-per-views.

I’m from Spain sa i can translate it.

In Spain we allways talk about we are very liberty and others things but about sex… we always do the same.

The news say that the hentai have been “prohibited” till the material pass an exam cause the “toons” show a girl with the face really young so it could be vindication of sex abuse…fuck off.