Who is your favorite Princess Waltz character?

Seeing as how those of us who pre-ordered the game could be getting our hands on the game in a few short days (in fact, given the relatively short distance I am from San Diego, I may get the game tomorrow or Saturday if I’m really lucky), I thought I would jump the gun just a little bit and start this thread. Narg, seeing as how you have already played the original untranslated version, perhaps you would grace us with the first reply to this question? In any case, while I can’t really choose a favorite yet, I will say that the character I’m looking forward to most (based on appearance) is the protagonist’s foster sister Shizuka, who, from what I can make out from a screenshot in Narg’s review is (beware, this could be a major spoiler*) one of the girls you can end up with.
Oh, one other rule in this thread: If your favorite character is one that doesn’t have an ending (which I suspect is the case with Narg, given a comment in his review), then please also list your favorite character with an ending in addition to your favorite overall character.

*Though not really if you know the rules of eroge.

I am mostly interested in Shizuka, too, I like her look and attitude (at least, what you can imagine from the screenshots and the descriptions). A close second place goes to Liliana, she seems pretty funny.

there are 14 characters listed in the fanbook

eldin looks pretty cool and out the the main girls chris

Chris Northfield. For various reasons, all of them SPOILER, so I won’t go into things =p

Hey, don’t forget about the official wbsite all the character’s profiles are there :slight_smile:

And based on it I’d go with Shizuka as well, and with no blood relation… :twisted:

I’m gonna go with Nono; she looks adorable. Also, I’m a sucker for short girls.

suzushiro is even shorter than her

I think I agree. Liliana looks to be a good second place in my mind. For some reason, looking at her I feel she is kind of like a hybrid of Saki from Snow Sakura (for obvious reasons of appearance) and the young Yumi Kashima from the very early part of Kana.

Since my judgments so far are based primarily on appearance, I must say that I don’t really care for Chris. The character looks too much like a guy with blond hair, especially given that both pictures in the character profile on the official site are clothes for guys. Also, what’s up with the hair style straight out of Star Wars?
I must say though, I have one nagging complaint about how a majority of the paper dolls for the characters look. That being, most of them, including the protagonist, look like middle school brats. The definite exceptions are Angela, Shizuka, and of course Nanae. Liesel and Iris are kind of on the edge. Thankfully, from what I can tell from the sample pictures from scenes on the official site, they don’t look so young during ero scenes. It would be quite disturbing to me if they did.

Since Shizuka is the obvious choice for me too, I’ll continue the trend of listing my second favorite character and that’s Liesel. Hey, Ayanami Rei’s look-alikes always have a special place in my heart. :smiley:

Well…Shizuka seems to be leading the pack, and i must say that she looks pretty interesting to me, too. My impression of her is of a tsundere type who dresses like a Sukeban Deka character and she’s a sister character, too. Best of both worlds, in my opinion. The dirty-talking Angela looks interesting, as well. But, you know, i think Nanae, Arata’s mother is the most fascinating of all. You think she’ll go out with me? I’m getting this game for xmas, so i guess i won’t know until some time in Jan.

True, but Suzushiro is a bit too fragile looking for my taste. Besides, apart from the bit about being a trend follower, Nono’s description on the official site is practically a checklist of things I like in a girl.

Chris scares me.

Apart from that Shizuka seems awesome, and would probably be my #1 choice.
Then there is Angela, who seems like a pretty interesting character,
but I fear she will turn into that anime stereotype with the typical holds a hand in front of his mouth “ho ho ho” laughter…

: It has been confirmed -.- http://princesswaltz.com/voice/angela_voice_01.mp3

Nono and Kazuko look a bit too young for my taste. It grosses me out somehow.
Then there is Liliana who would be an interesting character but again looks way too young.

Oh and there is also Iris… whenever I read Chris’ and her profile I fear I might be making the wrong choice.
I dont know about the plot yet, but if Chris turns out to be Iris…yuk… :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t you think Iris’s profile on PW’s site gives away WAY too much information about the character. Reading her profile is pretty much a spoiler, since I can easily guess a lot about who she is. They really should of opted out her information or something.

I’d pick Iris, but she’s sadly not available. I’d probably pick Angela or Liliana after (I’m a sucker for girls with long hair). I wouldn’t be sure until I actually played the game.

A few random comments:

This is of course a purely subjective judgment based on original artistic 2D non-derivative images (insert all appropriate disclaimers here), but I agree, in the ero scenes the characters don’t come across as particularly young.

Slight teasery spoiler: You might reconsider your opinion after seeing her in combat.

Looks can be deceiving…

The first rule of Princess Waltz is that nothing is as it seems (I was trying to work a “don’t talk about Fight Club” reference in there, but BBCode doesn’t have built in strikethrough text). :frowning:

This isn’t to say her description is inaccurate; just that it doesn’t tell you nearly as much as you might think. The biggest mysteries in the story have nothing to do with Iris’s true identity.

Back on topic, I’m going to have to cop out on listing a favorite for now. I’ll try to weigh in after the game is in more peoples’ hands, there’s a lot to talk about.

clamps mouth shut, applies duct tape

Entirely possible; I’m just basing this on a physical first glance, and the descriptions on the site. That said, she strikes me not just as fragile physically, but as a shy personality, (although I admit I may be wrong there as well), which is not really my thing. As an introvert myself, I tend to prefer girls with more outgoing personalities, as Nono seems to be. Actually, I think part of her appeal to me is that she reminds me of my ex, who was very outgoing.

that is kinda true according to her stat chart from the fanbook she is on the “frail” side

her armor score is -1 and her agility +1 score are the lowest of all the characters but her weapon score is the highest at +9

My favorite character in Princess Waltz is Chris Northfield.

Hold your horses, her haircut isn’t that uncommon.
I have seen variants of it in various other manga,
DNA2 being the most obvious one I can think of.
She doesn’t look like a boy though, she looks like a boy that looks like a girl :wink:
That’s the whole point of cute girlish boys. You aren’t supposed to be able
to tell whether they are male or female.

Me personally I think she looks very cute.

lolwut? Yuck? Please elaborate.

Actually I think reading the profile for Chris
on J-List is to much of a spoiler.
While you 1 chapter into the game are 98%
certain she really is a girl – Arata isn’t.
When you first run into her she COULD
have been a guy.

My first choice as my favorite character would be Riko, as she remind me of Rei from Snow Sakura. At least as far as appearance.
My second choice would be Liliana or Lun Lun as she favours herself called. I like her appearance to but what really ticks me of, is the way she behaves. She is just to CUTE :oops:

arata is very dense