Why doesn't Peach Princess do a panel?

I was thinking about this while I met the Peach Princess staff at Comic con. I figured if Broccoli could do a panel. Why not Peach Princess?

I think it would help spread the world of bishoujo games, and people would learn and understand more about the genre.

Because Water Closet permanantly scared away any normal customer forever.

Hmm while another thread here mentions con-going JList/PP happenings I’d be awfully suprised if any group attached to the ACML would want to do such a thing… I’m not sure Peter is even aware of it, but by and large Jlist (and by association PP) has a bad rep among Anime conventions… I’m not sure about other Cons, but sppsrently those staffing the Jlist booths have committed a number of “no no’s” at various Anime conventions.

Heck personally I’ve never had any real issue with PP or Jlist and I’d be willing to even offer them the chance… Except the Con I’m staff for is a family event and I know their is absolutely no way I’d ever be able to convince the rest of the staff it would mesh with the Con ideals… Especially not with all the bad press from the ACML over Jlist… Heck Jlist was used as an example of who was not allowed in the dealers room at a meeting because of what was said on the ACML…

Hey Shadow99 could you dwelve into that? I haven’t heard of that and I would love more details into the ACML VS Jlist bout.

Yeah, I would like to know too.

anime convention something something? I don’t know myself, though I’m curious to find out.

Well ACML is the Anime Convention Mailing List, it’s for staff (that is the upper level staff) of anime conventions to discuss issues related to running a Con… Everything from How Con X does activity Y to trends and issues…

Now to start I should say this is all second hand (since I personally haven’t seen Jlist do anything), but a rep for one of the Cons on the list (I don’t remember which off the top of my head) retold a story about Jlist staffers having caused quite a fuss by selling games to minors twice in the same day at their Con and that they were thinking about banning Jlist from ever coming back as a dealer over it. This came up in the first place due to a discussion on keeping minors from having access to materials that they shouldn’t be legally purchasing and the penalties to the Con when it happens. Well once that story came out about a dozen other conventions told similiar tales about Jlist. It pretty much sounded like Jlist had no redeeming qualities at anime conventions at least and it came up for debate on the list if they should be banned across the board (The ACML maintains a list of ‘dishonest vendors’). In the end it seemed to be that theyed agree on a ‘wait & see’ stance for now.

The whole reason for the fuss is due to the legalities of the convention bussiness and that we are the first ones held responsible, not the indivual dealer. This sparked a fairly big debate among staff at my convention because we are meant to be a ‘family accessible’ Con. Though I had suggested we might want to try inviting some vendors such as PP/Jlist, so I took a good hit from having to defend them when I’ve never been to a convention they have been at.

Anyways that’s the story…

Interesting idea. I am all for getting panels going for next year’s cons. I’ll be happy to make suggestions to A-Kon and Anime Expo and maybe we can work something out with Comic Con too.

What exactly is this panel business?

a panel, in anime conventions, is like a discussion session/workshop where people discuss a specific topic and they have some errrm “experts” (for lack of a better term) or people who know the topic very well to lead the discussion

A lot of the time, though, it winds up degrading into the panel leaders just ranting about how much they love yuri/beyblades/fanfics, or what-have-you. ^_^;;