Why not futanari?

I have nothing against dickgirls, it’s only that I would like to have the exclusive dickstribution rights during my sex time 8) :wink: .
Besides, I fear uncontrolled wild dicks more :stuck_out_tongue:

Woah, what an uproar!
Ehh, futa is a good thing in my book.
Its hot and can lead to… interesting formations.

But multiple dicks and giant penises are still a no-no…
God damn /d/

I had not checked this forum in a while and I didn’t realize how much of an uproar my post caused.

From what I can tell, I think that a lot of people have mistaken beliefs about futanari. I think that people consider “futanari” the same as transgender or cross-dressing males. I.e., it has “guy on guy” content in it. While this is sometimes true, the stories that people tend to enjoy more universally are what I consider an advanced form of “yuri” (lesbian). The dual-gendered person in question is almost always a real girl, but through magic or some scientific accident, her clitoris becomes a more-or-less functional penis. These yuri-styled futanari don’t have testicles (visibly, at least), and they are not bisexual and only seek out other girls.

In fact, the “cute” heroines often get embarrassed by their new feature, and often show a little resistance when they find themselves becoming attracted to women all of the sudden. For instance, Mizuki’s story in Yin-Yang X-change Alternative.

I personally thought that Naisho no Tintin Time was all right, and it was pretty original in spots. The developers were definitely innovative in the H scenes, at least.

You can purchase the game via download at DLsite here. Note that while the interface is in Japanese DLsite does accept foreign credit cards - if you need any tips on making a purchase let me know, I’d be happy to help.

If you have to ask, the answer is probably “no”, sadly. You can find a list of games with patches released and those that are currently in translation here; the VisualNews forums are also a good place to investigate if you want to organize a fan translation project of your own.

Even if/when the game is translated you’ll probably need that DLsite link, unless you plan to import a package version of the game (it’s currently out of print, so that could prove a bit difficult).

For games like this, improving your Japanese to a level where you could enjoy them might be a more realistic alternative to ever seeing them translated into English, alas.

I think the word “hot” discribes it quite well…

Fortunately, “humerous” hasn’t got any synonyms, so we’re cool.

He was making a joke about your spelling. :slight_smile:

This thread needs a reply from needa. He is the futanari masta.

Speaking of futanari, SkyFish’s latest game seems to have plenty of it. Esspecially since the main character is female and seems like she can turn futa or male at will.

Don’t mistake sex for Gender - the one is what you are born with, the other is much more flexible. Throughout the world you will find different definitions of what it means to be male and female; attributes western society applies to one do not always mesh with the definitions of other cultures. Since we seem to be discussing gender differentiation on a social level, I won’t mention personal gender indentification here - though it is a real thing.

Socially, if an individual is defined as, behaves as and is treated as a specific gender, it falls into that category no matter its physical attributes. Some cultures do not even recognize the gender of a child until it reaches a certain age - which can be around 4 or 5, but might not occur until its adulthood ceremonies; usually around puberty. There are also cases in which a boy or girl will be raised as their oposite gender and, until the differences become obviouse, they are treated as such. (and, thus, effectively are such)

Case in point; let us say you go out to a club/bar/pub whathaveyou and meet a sweet and attractive woman. The two of you talk, you buy her some drinks, pull out the stool for her, open her door, and in all other ways treat her like a woman - because that is how you have gender identified her. As it predictably turns out, (or I wouldn’t be using the example) when you get back to the hotel, she confides in you that she is a transvestite, at which point you react as you feel appropriate. The point is, however, that until that moment she was a woman; everyone at the bar treated her like a woman; and she behaved that way when you communicated. Despite whether or not she has a penis, her gender is female.

This directly applies to the conversation at hand, because I keep seeing you insist that dickgirls are neither male nor female, which is socially incorrect - they are whichever society treats them as and they in turn behave as. Now, if they wandered around with their comedically overlarge penises (using the hentai imagine for visualization purposes) hanging out, but still demonstrated the behavior of a female (or likewise their overlarge breasts but acted male) then it is likely perceptions would be divided - and some actions would certainly be extreme - but if the individual is showing a distinct gender biase then you’ll still hear “Ew, what’s she doing?” or “He’s got to be kidding!” … society identifies you by how you behave. (mind you, such a person would probably be forced to move, because there are a lot of hatemongers in the world - but again, they would be identified as their chosen gender in the new location)

Sex and gender do usually affect one another, but they don’t have to.

More info on this, please.

Official site: ???

Beautiful looking eroge… but not my kind of fetish, so its really low priority on my purchase list. Maybe later in the year, when I find it used…

Looks well drawn - but either I need to learn to speak japanese, or japan has to give in and adopt english as its national language … considering how lazy I tend to be, I think I’ll be holding out for the later.