Why the fuck

are all the games released from like four years ago? does it really take that long to translate a game, or are english-speaking gamers that far behind the curve that we request games from that long ago?

x-change is a popular series, but the third installment (which came out seven years after the first) is still waiting to be translated after being out for two years. how long does it take to translate a game (from securing the rights to do so to shipping)?

…What? X-Change 3 has been released since late last year.

To start, there’s a turn-over year after the Japanese version has been released. Then the script gets dumped translated, fitted back into the game. The game gets tested heavily, corrected, its game engine gets modified for use on non-Japanese PCs, its CGs get uncensored… Did I miss anything?

Localising a bishoujo game takes a long time. Far longer than just translating the game’s text. Add to that that Peach Princess depends on the Japanese company to do the actual coding and the CG uncensoring while they have games to work on and to release as well.

The process takes at least one year, I think, but I could be wrong. So games are at least two years old when they get released here.

So it goes a little something like this…

“Weeks of planning, months of building, years of perfecting…(Accidentaly drops a game disc without noticing…then, turns back after realizing…and accidentaly steps on the disc.CRRACKKK!!!) Oh, and seconds of smashing.”

something somewhat unsetteling and funny at the same time, I could see a developer freaking out because of that … then a minute later (hopefully no longer) they realize that they can burn another copy… that is if he didn’t trip on the computer cables and have it go crashing to the floor, … ouch now that would be something to cry about.

it has to do with japanese companies not allowing us to get licenses for games that are fresh from the oven; we have to wait for like a year before they will let us do it

It also has to do with large delays on the Japanese side when code changes have to be made. Since the Japanese companies are very busy keeping up with the Japanese market, it makes it hard sometimes for them to be fast for us.

And it makes good business sense for them to do so; US games retail for 60% of the price and sell a fraction of what they do in Japan. Competition being cutthroat over there, it’s possible a company that got too distracted by the US market could implode entirely.

“it has to do with japanese companies not allowing us to get licenses for games that are fresh from the oven; we have to wait for like a year before they will let us do it”

Correct me if I’m mistaken but is Yume Miru Kusuri the quickest title to get licensed by PP?

I’m not worried about getting old titles, just because the games are new doesn’t mean they are good. I prefer just to get quality titles. I haven’t seen a whole lot of ones I like lately, but I have my hopes up for Yume Miru Kusuri, and I also am glad that Kitty Media is doing Bible Black. I hope it’s popularity sparks a bit of interest in this business.

So do I. I’m quite hopeful that Kitty or one of the other companies bringing h-ovas over will look into these games.

If Bible Black were to be a success, that would mean good things for the availability of more games like this. And there’s a good chance Bible Black will be a success.

I’ve got my hopes riding on it’s popularity. But only time will tell!

Haven’t you ever used a TiVo before?
The time offset doesnt matter so much as that they come out at a regular interval.

Speaking for myself, I’m not planning to purchase or play Bible Black. I watched the first episode of the H-anime, and that was enough for me. Too much rape and violence. Not the kind of thing I enjoy watching. I don’t care if it develops a story later on, or if it gets better. What I saw was enough to turn me off of it forever.

Fair enough, violence and rape can’t be everyone’s cup of tea, and is hardly mine. But the couple of episodes I saw of it had a lot of intrigue, and mystery, and that type of stuff really draws me in.