Win2k issues

I’ll start this thread in case anyone’s interested in running Peach Princess’s games on Windows 2000.

Peach Princess don’t support games on Win2k, so we might want to have a record of problems and solutions here.

We better not have any spoilers in here.

[This message has been edited by Raven (edited 05-22-2001).]

First out is Snow Drop.

The text dialog gets messed up in win2k,
solution is to set the text delay to “Fastest”.

Actually, the first acknowlege problem was in X-Change, where the text wrapped a bit after the text box.

Anyway, keep in mind that Windows 2000 wasn’t meant to be a OS for gaming, so be thankful that the game ran from the beginning. My $0.02.

[This message has been edited by fxho (edited 05-22-2001).]

I didn’t notice any problems when I originally began playing Snow Drop on my Win2000 machine. Then again, I set the text speed to “Fastest” right about the time Keika had gotten everyone lost…

That plus, doesn’t the insert that comes with the game mention something about playing on W2K anyways? I would assume that the testers had also tested the game on said platform.

Well, that is what I get for not having the item in front of me when I write about it. I could have sworn that I saw something about running it on W2K… Ah well. At least it works fine except for the various known issues.

Well I’m not going to rewrite my huge posts on the topic, if you want to see them in their entirity check the other forum. But in short while it is true Win2k is only being marketed for businesses it is not true that it was not created with the intent of being a gaming platform. The decision not to be one came very late in it’s development and is not a result of a technical flaw on the part of the OS.

I don’t think the Japanese versions of any of the games Peach Princess has chosen to port so far have supported Win2k and so I wouldn’t expect Peach Princess to do so in the English versions. If however in the future Peach Princess ports a game that does support Win2k (such as Brave Soul… please, please). I will be terribly disappointed and consider it a huge mistake on their part if the English version doesn’t have similar support.

I encourage Peach Princess to keep Win2k compatibility in mind when considering what to port, even if they don’t officially support it. I see no reason to needlessly alienate those of us running Win2k and our numbers are only going to increase.

Just a few notes, I’ll TRY to keep this short. I’m probably wearing out my welcome if I haven’t already done so.

1.) Just to be clear, I was just saying I hope OS type (specifically Win2k) becomes A consideration, not “the first concern”.

2.) Again, I’m not asking you to recode any games, I’m asking you to support the same OS’s the Japanese version does (which so far I believe you have) and to make note of it on the website.

3.) You already covered Europe so I’ll skip that. I’d like to note that Dell and Compaq, the two largest PC vendors, are already including XP upgrade offers (I can list more if you like). The fact is the vast majority of new computers sold on or after Oct. 25th will come with WinXP. WinXP is a Win2k derivative and as such is going to have most of the same incompatibilies yet will quickly become the dominant home OS. Given the time it takes for you to translate, etc. the games there is probably a good chance that many you already have in development (plus any new titles you get from this point on) won’t be released to the public until after this date (Oct. 25). It’s going to hurt sales if Joe User goes out and buys his brand new Dell on or after Oct. 25 (especially over the Christmas holiday) then finds out that the cool Bishoujo games he’s read about on the awesome Peach Princess site aren’t supported for his OS. EA can afford to loose those sales, especially since SOME games they sell DO support Win2k. I’m not sure the Bishoujo market can, XP will be the OS for home users come Oct. 25, of that there can be no doubt. I really don’t understand your rational that if EA can make some games that don’t support Win2k then NO game from Peach Princess should. I’m not saying every Peach Princess game should. I refer you back to points 1) and 2).

I’ll shut up now and go back to just lurking. One last thing though. I’m not mad at Peach Princess, I think you guys are great and look forward to buying games from you (when Win2k is supported). Text messages are hard to convey tone through so please believe me that I intend no disrespect nor do I harbor any hostility toward your company. Thank you.

[This message has been edited by Asmodai (edited 07-30-2001).]

Wow, I have never posted messages on a message board that were so totally misunderstood and I post on a lot of boards. I’m going to assume I’m failing to explain myself properly because I don’t know what else it could be. I’m not really sure how else to say what I’m trying to say but we clearly aren’t communicating effectively. One huge clarification though is my reference to the Bishoujo market. I was referring to the AMERICAN market and while granted, I didn’t explicitly say that, the notion that the Japanese market it going to be seriously effected by anything Peach Princess does is so absurd that I felt it was obvious I was referring to the American market, I see now that I was wrong and I’m sorry I was so vague.

Additionally although I’ve stated repeatedly that I’m NOT asking for Win2k/XP support in games where the Japanese versions do not support them you continue to put up arguments that look to me as if that is exactly what I am asking for. I go to the Japanese sites and I see Win2k in the specs for the games. I don’t see Mac and thus I don’t see how it compares at all. I still don’t get the EA analogy because EA isn’t porting/translating games that already support the OS and EA DOES offer some games that do support Win2k. EA creates original content, you do not (at least not that I know of). For EA to support Win2k or XP would require a MUCH larger development effort than it would for you to support Win2k/XP IN GAMES WHERE THE JAPANESE VERSION ALREADY DOES.

I hope that I misunderstood you on your subtitled/dub and cheap PC points (which is very possible since we don’t seem to be operating at the same wavelength at all) but your point seems to be that would-be fans should choose their OS and/or computer specifically to play Bishoujo games. Your target audience is indeed small if it is people who are willing to do that. Very few people, even if they REALLY like Bishoujo, are probably going to be willing to go that far, especially here in the U.S. where the market it just starting out. Personally I think you are seriously underestimating how big of an impact XP is going to be but I respect your opinion.

My point here was supposed to be just to ask for Win2k/XP support and let you know that there IS demand from this market segment. I’m not trying to TELL you what to do. Who am I to do such a thing? I’ve already stated that I accept the “we don’t have the resources” statment. The reason this has continued as long as it has is because alongside that totally acceptable reason, you throw out these analogies and statements that make litte sense to me at all. (such as your original “Win2k was NEVER INTENDED to be a gaming OS” statement. I beta tested it, it most certainly was INTENDED to be a gaming OS for quite a while, it wasn’t until shortly before release that that changed.) It is those statements that I’m attempting to refute.

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
This is also rather like people who refuse to watch original Japanese anime, or those who refuse to watch subtitled anime... in both cases, people only insure that they are hurting themselves and the market for the product they say they want. It works in reverse, too... people may not like dubs, but companies have to stay in business to offer more titles, etc

That's why I Buy DVD's almost exclusively anymore, Subtitled, Japanese or English language, It covers all the bases.

Originally posted by Doug:
That's why I Buy DVD's almost exclusively anymore, Subtitled, Japanese or English language, It covers all the bases.

Me too! Plus the better quality doesn't hurt either. Sometimes you even get lucky and they put a bunch more episodes on the DVD and charge less than it would have cost to buy all the corresponding tapes.

Yes, some of them are doing direct transfers from the videotape, but those that use Animorphic transfers (i.e. Princess Mononoke and Akira) are very stunning in their overall visual quality.

Just FYI, I had no problems running WC in Windows 2000. So far, besides to minor details, all the games had worked with Win2000…

well tokimeki check in runs in 2k (albeit with a fair amount of lag).

my config : athelon 850, geforce mx2, via '97 sound chipset… oh and NTFS

I think the sound chipset was the biggest cause of lag… I’d like to see what difference installing something more stantard would have like a nice SB16 or something.

performance improved a bit when i installed service pack 2 but not enough…

that’s ok thi I prefer my '98 box anyway…

Hmmm… I have some opinions about this. ^^; In regards to Kumiko-san’s comment about EA Game’s “Alice” not being compatable with Win2k, I don’t know if the actual game is or not, but the demo ran… er,fairly well on my system. (And yes,I have win2k,it was the OS installed when we got the computer. I miss Win98 ;- The only major glitch I had with running that particular game was around the 5th level when the textures dissapeared (example: you could still hear the music and see the backgrounds/worlds, but the main characters and other moving things were completely brown. @.@;; … Win2k is buggy,too,I’ve noticed. Or mabey it’s just my computer… I can’t have too many programs opened at once or else my computer restarts (and sometimes it restarts on its own without warning) >.< Umn,I know I’ve probably gone off-topic but I thought I should reply. ^^ Thank you for reading this!

Originally posted by allieroze:
Win2k is buggy,too,I've noticed. Or mabey it's just my computer.. I can't have too many programs opened at once or else my computer restarts (and sometimes it restarts on its own without warning) >.< Umn,I know I've probably gone off-topic but I thought I should reply. ^_^ Thank you for reading this!

Really odd. Except for a strange behaviour of Dell workstations (if I unplug the network cable, the computer will reboot for some unknown reason), I have never had experienced such problems. But, in the worst of the scenarios, I can always dual boot! ^_^