Windows XP preview article.

For those of you who are contemplating upgrading to Windows XP, Gamespot has an interesting article posted about it on their website. You can find it here:,12880,2772269,00.html

bad idea…

Upgrading to Windows ME was itself a bad enough idea…

If that’s so, then consider yourselves among the lucky ones! 75% of the people I know who uses WinME had all sort of problems, whereas with Win98 they had (almost) none. In my case, I will stick with Win2000Pro.

(BTW, Kumiko-san, that was a quick break!)

(yeah Kumiko… go back to your break!! heh heh heh… come on… enjoy your summer…)

well that’s true… Windows Me for me and many of my friends only means one thing… you’re paying for getting more problems…

I really haven’t had a lot of problems with WinME. The worse I had was having to do a reinstall when my system registry got screwed up. Fortunately with backups and such it only takes me a few hours to get everything back on.(Thank God for CD-R’s!)

-Side Note: since I use my computer as my DVD player, WinME runs the videos much better than Win98SE.

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 06-23-2001).]

Doug-san: Consider yourself lucky enough to be tech-savy (and owner of a CD-RW for backups!). Most of the people I mentioned above, do not backup regularly, don’t have antivirii updated, etc. etc. etc.

On a similar side note, the DVD playback on my box is fine, too with Win2000.

"Kumiko is still on break"

Of course she is. Even if you are using Kumiko’s name, your posts have been way to short to have actually been written by her.

Originally posted by Mischief:
"Kumiko is still on break"

Of course she is. Even if you are using Kumiko's name, your posts have been way to short to have actually been written by her. [img][/img]

Mischief, maybe the shortened posts are Kumiko's way of "Taking a Break"

One big problem with Win2000 was driver compatibility, as it was with Win ME, if I remember correctly. Some of it has nothing to do with gaming, but then it still sucks.

anyway, the point is users buy a PC not just for gaming, but other purposes as well (graphics design and CG work for me), and a new OS that aids gaming but screws up much of anything else isn’t really good news, actually. (^^;

Odd… After the first three months of drivers inavailability, after that, there were pretty much driver for almost everything. At first, I had problems with my Creative DXR3 DVD card, but I manage to find the (beta) driver from Creative. Besides that, everything works fine with me (could it be because I keep some old ISA cards??? ^_^;

In my case, my home computer is for almost anything. Getting the most “generic” brand name devices have helped me a lot avoiding any of those problems.

Keeping on the topic of WinXP, what is PeaPri current stand for this OS? Sort of a “if it works for Win9x/ME it should work for XP, too”?

Hey, everybody Microsoft has a comparison of
features between Windows XP Home and Professional Versions. What’s important to all of us who buy Japanese language games is at the very bottom of the page of this link:

Valid point, but the fact that they are making the effort looks pretty good, and the fact that (if implemented succesfully) conversions to English wouldn’t take as long. (Due to just translating and inserting the new language into the game) It could start some companies (if the market over here gets better) to concurrently develop English and Japanese versions of Games.

Sorry, I thought the coversion process would go easier due to the unified code. Oh well, live and learn.

Actually, Kumiko-san, it is not that bad. Rather, think in the possibilities, of the developers making the game in different languages at the same time, rather than a “translation” after the game is finished. Or even, the game with different language in the same CD set…

BTW, doesn’t a game called Silver, or something like that, had an in-game option for English text?

Its not just the WinOS that is issue with upgrades, its the hard ware!!

As Kumiko-chan said, their are virtually infinit combinations of PC hardware, even in the SAME product line. Experiance has taught me that the same installation of the same WinOS on 2 differnt machines but “same” hardware (a Dell) does NOT mean same performance. I ran a lab of 40 Dell’s, and 4 always where acting up. I even read of 1 admin who had a computer that flat out did not work, despite hardware test OK (20th install seemed to work OK).

With each gerenation of WinOS, the bugs of old version where fixed, only to break somthing else in NEW OS version. Win200 has 10’s of millions of lines of code, and WinXP most likely have over 100 million, which translates to roughly 1 GIGABYTE of hard drive space. It is very easy for new bugs to get though while fixing old ones.

I remeber that when Win2000 was realased, Microsoft announed their where some 65,000 “issues” (IE, BUGS) with it. At that time, there where some 28,000 viruses attacking Windows. Whats worse?

My advice:
If it works, DONT upgrade it.
If you MUST upgrade, install any OS from scratch, on clean, formatted drive.
If you have problems, try reinstalling.

If you have a partition manager (like Super O/S), try that.

OH!, forgot to add.

I have NEVER in the 7 years I have used Macintosh had trouble running Japanese software on Mac, even though I did not have the fonts (so had junk for text).

At work, we use G3’s and G4’s running VirtualPC 4.0 with Win95,98,ME,NT (all on same computer at same time, if we want). Performance on V-PC is at least as good as a real PC hardware on a same MHz basis.

Its true that Mac is only 1/9 the size compared to Windows, but that does not mean its not profitable. In fact, becuase of the limited number games for Mac, their is a huge demand, any game for Mac will be profitable.

I just came back from Japan and I did see a small number of bishjo games for Mac. I did not take notes, but I do belive Tokimeki Memorial is one, and for what its worth, I own a copy of Princess Maker 2 for Mac.

I would suggest that Peach Princess, JAST, or whom ever actually consider a Mac version of its most popular title and see how it does. That is the only way to test the market demand and profit margin.

Thanks for you reply. I have been on other BBS’s, and yours is quick and personal, the best!

yoroshiku onegaishimasu (I hope thats appropriate!)