WOOHOO! LMM gone golden master!

Lamuness-sama, is it possible to choose the items in the pack, or are they randomly placed? I would like to receive that keychan with the glass-eyed one in February ! … You know… personal reasons…

Awww… i just noticed there’s not an Aya keychan…

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 11-29-2004).]

since you caused so much trouble on the bbs recently (and i had thoughts banning you last night actually) i dont think i can take your requests

go bug the sales department and beg; i dont control that anyways

Originally posted by MadMooch:
I've got the money and have just pre-ordered.

there's something that is really bothering me regarding madmooch's signature link......out of boredom and curiosity, i clicked on the link, and i see "me aged 15" and then what appears to be a high school yearbook photo....

i have to stress that this place is ABSOLUTELY NOT FOR CHILDREN, we cannot allow or tolerate any minors here at all. obviously there is no way we can screen everybody but if you pose as an underage kid i cannot just stand here and do nothing.

mad_mooch, please do not order or purchase our games if you are a minor, but you are more than welcome to come back when you turn 18. we have to obey the laws afterall.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 11-29-2004).]


[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 11-29-2004).]

i see that you have retracted your previous message, italicus…

and i have read it :stuck_out_tongue:

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 11-29-2004).]


just watch your back…and i’m serious

woooa, why so much trouble between the forum admin and an already well known member…?
Italicus-sama what have u been doing bad boy, gotta be like me, an example of how not to be an example to others

mhhhh… i want the keychain and/or the plastic cards i just love collecting them…but above all the free stuff u are giving us, I WANT LMM cant wait to have it in my hands

Totally Off-topic: BTW, i’m not anymore a N00b member! now i’m a member Yay!

[This message has been edited by The Unholy Avenger (edited 11-29-2004).]

I have a question about the email updates. Did PeaPri change email addresses or something? Only asking because I got an update from email@titansrv.internetmatrix.com.

精神 の 神

I happen to be 19, for those of you that have their doubts then ask the folk at http://peelmuzik.proboards35.com/index.cgi where I am well known (Note: this is a pub messageboard), You should have at least asked me to make sure before deleting my membership.

i must say i was a bit hasty on my judgement (i am in a bad mood today) and i apologize for that, but i think if i were to ask the suspicious ones directly no one will be that stupid and admit they are underage, so i think it is moot.

honestly i still have my doubts but i dont know what to make out of this. i guess the best way to make our lives easier (well, mine) is: dont post anything that will give me the slightest amount of doubt/implication that you are underage. like i said before, i cant possibly screen everyone, but if i have the slightest doubt, i have to act on it somehow

no hard feelings madmooch, but minors are a serious issue to us, a more (morally and legally, more on the latter of course) serious issue than say piracy

I understand your reasons and I bear no ill thoughts towards you for your actions.


Unverified minors on the board are a more serious issue than pirates? That’s an interesting statement. Would Peach Princess really be responsible if (undeclared) minors were found posting here by others (such as parents or some government inquiry)? To me, a minor posting here doesn’t even seem like it would be breach of the law. It’s not like this is an image board with explicit pictures or anything. It’s merely discussion, and not even particularly vulgar discussion. Now selling the games to minors is a different story…but age can be verified by checking with the credit card company for first time buyers, right?

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-30-2004).]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
...but minors are a serious issue to us, a more (morally and legally, more on the latter of course) serious issue than say piracy

And this is exactly one of the reasons why I've decided, years ago, to learn Japanese (like my even older decision to start learning English for playing with D&D and other RPG's, unexistent in Italy in the '80s).
Now, I can play with my little Ayumi with no external interferences...

Originally posted by Baldo:
Now, I can play with my little Ayumi with no external interferences...

Is that screen from a game? if it is, can u tell me from wich (but i fear u'll tell me that its a game in Jap, i dont really undestand Jap at all, not even a single Kanji, what's more, it amusses me that i can write the word "kanji" correctly).....

[This message has been edited by The Unholy Avenger (edited 11-30-2004).]

well, since to me, showing porn to a COMPLETELY WILLING minor who is seeking it out of their own free will is no moral issue at all, that almost sounds like encouraging piracy!

but that’s another discussion, I suppose. People have different opinions on that matter. And I’m not a parent. (If I were and my kid were looking for porn, I think I’d like to know about it so we could talk briefly about some of the things they’d see and how they do or do not resemble reality. But I’d rather my twelve year old was playing Water Closet, horrible as that thought is, than running around having sex with older men or something )

Point to papillon.
well, i think i will hope the same (but using “WC” as example WAS horrible) as long as i sit them and talk to them, as you said papillon. But i’m not a parent so maybe i should wait till i can give an opinion…
but then again, i prefer to have my kids playing a game more like AoE 2 or War3 than playing bgames.
but then again, i prefer to have my kids playing soccer on the park than having them 24/7 in front of the pc (or tv, u know what i mean)…

From M, Blackrainbow.

Here’s the link.


Baldo, may i remeber you underaged people sex-related material - of whatever kind - are considered pedophilian material for italian laws? Even if in Japan legal consent is at the age of 13 for that kind of things. Whatever material that depicts such acts - imported or not - is illegal. Be careful and verify. Postal Police like this kind of things…

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 11-30-2004).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
...but age can be verified by checking with the credit card company for first time buyers, right?

...I was under the impression that you couldn't even get a credit or debitcard in the USA until you turned 18.

At least that's how it was for me...

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:

Unverified minors on the board are a more serious issue than pirates?

by "serious", i mean we can get in trouble if we are caught with let's say, selling stuff to a minor, and whether we know he is really a minor or not is moot coz the "damage" is done already

it has happened in cons before when jlist and himeya are asked to leave because of this (i believe it's AX)