WOOHOO! LMM gone golden master!

Best b-news I’ve heard in months! According to PP’s front page LMM has now gone golden master! I can’t believe it’s finally here after waiting for it since about 2001. Congrats to the PP staff for finally getting it out, and to myself for breaking the news here on the BBS!

Lamuness, on a side note, is it too late to preorder and get the cool-looking LMM manga that you recently said was in short supply?

you will have to sacrifice some virgins first…

i think we only have 300 copies of that manga, but i have no idea how many preorders there are at this moment since 2001…so i’d say just preorder it anyways; it’s not like you will not order the game if you dont get the manga right? we still offer keychains (and we have tons of them) so keep that in mind too.

and yes, i believe lmm is done since i got the official “yay finished” email from peter himself.

Can’t wait. Now, the tricky part is whether I should get it shipped home or to my school. I go home for a 3-week vacation in two weeks. The safest bet would be to ship it home…but in the past I’ve told my little brothers they can open my mail if I’m not there (I like to encourage their interest in RPG’s, and I mail-order all my games). If I suddenly tell them not to open my mail…well it’s suspicious. They’re budding adolescents…if I tell them not to do something, then they’ll be even more likely to. -_-’ I’d rather just get it shipped to where I am at the particular moment. Then again, I’d be annoyed if I shipped it to my school and I couldn’t play it until January.

Oh well, I guess I’ll have to figure something out. I’ll tell them it’s a textbook, and I want to open it myself in case I need to send it back. That’ll kill their curiosity.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-23-2004).]

So I guess it’s time for me to think about ordering this game now




Now what is it, a month until the duplicators are finished with it?

Hopefully, it won’t be delayed because of the instruction book. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just hope I get before christmas with the christmas season and that I am on the other side of the world.

I think I had pre-order for LMM since 2001…I don’t remember…because I don’t have any receipt ><

well, I preorder this game after snow drop came out, and I have to cancel my order couple of times because of credit card changes. I am kinda sad that I won’t be able to get some of the limited bonus eventhough I was the first few that preorder this game. Other than that I will really enjoy this game since I notice it back in like 2000. I just hope sale department got my credit card update 3 months ago.

What happened to the three more months that it was supposed to take? Still happy to hear it will be out by xmas so I will pre-order it shortly.

Originally posted by MadMooch:
What happened to the three more months that it was supposed to take? Still happy to hear it will be out by xmas so I will pre-order it shortly.

I think 3 months was more of a worst-case scenario. I'm sure they took as much time with it as they felt was needed.

I sure hope so. This will be one of the most important bishoujo game releases of quite some time.

Expect my order for February ( sorry, not before: real life comes first ).

Three hundred manga to give away for preorders, but not everyone will get one, huh. How many people preordered the game so far?

how many times do i have to say i have no friggin’ idea how many pre-orders are there…

Personally, i like the keychan idea.

Yeah!! Would realy like to have one of those keychains, they look realy cool

Ha! Found my preorder confirmation at the bottom of my inbox.

Order is dated December 8, 2001. Wow…

I’ve got the money and have just pre-ordered.
