Working on my own anime/maga, sort of :o

Hi there, Since I have a bit of free time, I thought of writing a sort of story-novel. As I did a bit of research, I thought of developing alight novel. I have doing some background work for the past 2-3 weeks. I’ll post a bit of infohere so tell me what you people think.
When I say background work amd research, I also refer to plagiarism.hehe :stuck_out_tongue: :twisted:
Oh and the major “inspiration” are the fate series,dragon Ball series, Final fantasy VII and some other things.

Okay, so I Have a bit of a background for it (Adapted from Indian Mythology).Its very crude now.

The theory of creation of the Universe;
At the beginning of time, there was nothing but darkness, nothing that contained everything in it.Then came a vibration, a vibration of word that had all the possible frequencies and all the possible sounds. Following was a single ray of light, out of which were born the forces of creation,operation, and destruction. Amidst all the chaos and order the Universe diveded into various “subverses”, which then divided themselves into systems and realms so that administration of the universe was possible.various forces were also created to smoothen the functioning of the system.

specifically to the series:
Earth is one of the planets in the system, it is quite prized and rare in the sense that it has life on it.(Plz that I will not consider water and Carbon as the necessities for life, there can be life forms that thrive on things like fire).As such it has some forces on it, chiefly the forces of the elements and some other forces.These forces take form of either inanimate objects that grant the wielder immense power or fuse with a chosen individual that is chosen as a wielder.

The protagonist of the novel (Couldnt think of a really cool name) is a boy of age 21, trained in ninjutsu, athletic and intellegent.He is Bored with life and doesnt know what to do after competing college (got mostly A’s :shock: ). Unknown to him, he is one of the last remaining fallen angels (Asura: Gods banished from the heavens) and is chosen as a host of an extremely powerful guardian force (Calling it Tamas(Lit. The Darkness)).Unknowingly and Unwillingly he is formed to form a pact with it and has to fuse with it.
There are also various groups of individuals, chiefly the Guardians (Individuals chosen to protect Earth from threats), Individuals granted powers by nature (Pakriti) to protect it, and other “good” groups. There are also some “Bad” groups.
So our dude finds himself admist all this mess as he tries to find his place in society.He finds a demon(not decided on name) who gives him some weapons and training as he himself is dying and some other events that force him to become an unwilling hero, as he fights anti social elements, greedy power seekers, devils trying to open the gates of hell, guardian wars, crystal wars, and demonic hordes.

thats basically the story I have thought so far.I have deveoped charecter biographies and tried to draw illustration (My drawing sucks) How you like it? Plz give me suggestions.
Also I have thought of having two protagonists, both with seperate stories and charecter development, mostly unrelated.
What do you think of this idea?
Feedback is appreciated.

I love two protagonists, as people used to say the more the merrier. But instead of making them partners, I believe making them rivals (not enemies) will give more twist. What if they both are going after, say, same girl (assume they are both boys)? what if they are vying same position, perhaps class president or squad leader? I can see the hearts of the readers/viewers are split in two, that will leave deep scar for days to come.

More on this topic, you already mentioned that the protagonist is a 21 yr old boy trained in ninjutsu. Please give the other protagonist another description, a genius in engineering or science - who create battle suit for himself (Iron man, anyone?) - might do (actually I prefer a computer geek who likes to play eroge, but the ninja may slay him easily).

That’s all I have in mind for now, others may have better suggestions. Good luck with the project, please announce if it is released.

Okay, I am someone who likes mythology so I’ll be using stuff from there.In the fictional world, there are 8 elements, 5 classical(earth, water,wind,fire,sky) and 2 ethereal (Light,Darkness) and 1 alien (Void).Void is so as to say “evil”, Darkness is “neutral” and all others are “good”.The first 5 are needed to maintain life, while the next 2 are needed on a more higher level, to maintain the essence of this planet.Void can be seen as the anti-element.The eements can grant their powers to worthy wielders.This is of two types, first is where an element crytallizes into an shard and the other is where the element fuses with the soul.
The other protagonist, hmm
The suryavanshis(Lit. Desendents of the sun)/Illuminati are an ancient sect dedicated to safeguard power of the crystal of light and the sphere of energy.They have a lot of ancient relics too.The dea is that they found a child who had strong elemental prescence and they trained him since childhood.Growing up, he became stronger and gained power… But to truly become strong, he had first to face death. So When he reached 25 yrs of age, a ceremony was performed, wherein he sacrificed.As a result he was ascended as a gaurdian and the 5 elements gave him their powers by establishing five chakras in his soul.In addidtion he became the host of the prakash (Force of Light) which is the opposite side/part of the tamas (Force of darkness).
His duty, as a guardian is to protect the earth and everyone on it.I think The name Suryansh (lit. Son of sun/part of sun) sounds good?

HEHE Thanks for the advice equatorean. Maybe I’ll introduce someone(s) like you said as a deuteragonist(s).
Primarily I wanted to design the protagonsts as esentially two sides of a coin, something like a paladin and a dark knight, samurai and ninja.
I think rivalry of ideologies is more interesting (Batman and Superman anyone??). Especially when 2 people who are fundamentally similar but differ in perception and beliefs (like. Prof. X and Magneto).
And as the project stands now, The prologue is complete and the main script of the first part is about half done (So abt 75%completion), I suck at drawing so I’ve been looking for some collaborators.
Actually my girlfriend (shes an animator) talked me into going 100%, but now that we’ve broken off, The sketching part is just waiting and mocking me hehe.Maybe A light novel of about 40-50 pages sounds more realistic.

anyone having an idea for an assassin weapon? Like Altair’s hidden blade
I tot of using a ring with a hidden needle hanging by a chain, the needle is poisoned…
A razor blade attached to a fingernail…

Finished working on the guides and writing the first chapter. Please take the time to visit my blog: … chive.html

There is also a download link at the very bottom, so you can download the material.