would you play eroge in a public place ?

or would you be to embarassed ? or do you think it should even be allowed?

I would say that the answer depends on what you define as a public place, what category of eroge the game falls under, and what part of the game people see you play.

…who was around and how private you could make it (ie playing on a PSP or playing on a computer at a local internet coffee shop).

Definitely not!

Doing that would be just a twisted kind of indirect flashing!

Also, if you say “public” then I understand it as “public” - meaning everybody has access to that place - including minors!
And showing erotic content (even unintentionally) to minors is… you know the drill, right?
After all, there is a reason why this BBS doesn’t welcome minors either!

Lurker is just pushing the envelope.

A better question would be " Do your parents know you play eroge? " :shock:

To answer your question, no. I’m not the type to view eroge in public. What’s the point, a cheap thrill, a dare?
BTW, I agree with Unicorn on this.

Against the law.

Exposure of pornographic material in a public location that minors have open access to, and/or can be seen or heard by individuls who find it offensive, constitutes as lewd conduct.

Wouldn’t do it because I have better things to do than getting sued, sitting in prison, or being showcased on local news as a pervert. What you do in the privacy of your own home or behind closed doors with legally concenting individuals is your own business. But when it involves (or has the potential to involve) others who have no desire to partake in what you’re doing? It now enters criminal waters.

I imagine this topic got started because of the little side discussion I was involved in on the Professor Cherry thread…

wow KM interesting read I honestly didnt see that . I started the thread because I would look at himeya eroge homepages demos and the like while on school PC - BTW Im in college.

Bah! Narg spoiled my fun but I’ll get that law repealed someday as a special interest. :twisted:

No, since it’s against the law.
Do my parents know? No.
A better question would be does my wife know?

well I have several thoughts on the public issue but bottom line is money talks , after all many would like to shut down Americas porn industry. My parents dont know I would like to but I have no reason to tell them our relationship is strained already and I see no reason to worsen it . If I was going to marry a girl she’d have to be cool with the ero that’s all.

My friends and immediate family all know I play eroge, and don’t have any issues with it or look down on me in an way for it. As for someone I end up with, I don’t think I would want to be with someone who is so insecure as to feel threatened by drawings and voices of fictional girls.

Should have been in my original post: yes she knows.