XP is not the only time sink. I mean just as a random off the top of my mind…
“Collect X number of Y and bring them back to me.”
“Kill X number of Y and report back to me.”
“Take X and bring it to Y, then Y will tell you where to take Z to A and then bring B to C. Report back to X when finished for… more reporting to C.”
“Uber Quest Boss has OVER 9000 HP but only two attacks. Fight takes forever because his HP is so high, not because there’s any challenge or complexity.”
“Sloooooooooow unskippable text.”
“Go through Path A to unlock Path B so it will unlock Path C, when really all you’re trying to do is go through Path D.”
So forth and so on. Not to say WoW is alone with this… just that newer MMO’s try to shy away from this sort of stuff from being over and over again.
Though on the XP grinding thing: I didn’t have a problem with it on WoW. Then again, I just finished playing Dragonball Online – a Korean MMO – and anything American in comparison to a Korean MMO, is like they’re giving XP away. Not that I’m saying MMO’s should copy the grind insanity of a Korean MMO…
Sorry… but the scenery in WoW doesn’t greatly impress me. Played quite a number of MMO’s with better graphics before WoW, so it’s a bit bland. Of course I’m not trying to bash WoW on the graphics – it was a head of it’s time and looks great for the age it’s in – just that I’m not interested in looking around. There are those who do, and I’m not one of them.
Mists of Pandaria is supposed to awe me with Asian geography… but I’ve seen it done in two or three dozen Korean MMO’s already – minus the Pandas.
Couldn’t tell ya… didn’t play WoW in the “old days” – I’m one of the pansies you’re referring to.
Again: I’m not trying to argue that WoW sucks, I’m just pointing out that there are legit reasons why new people don’t like it. If you think we all suck, fine. No sweat off my back: I’m waiting for Old Republic to go public.
But if Blizzard wants the new generation of MMO’er to join, they’ve got more work to do. As I expressed in the OP – I think Blizzard would do better with making a new MMO series (Diablo or Starcraft or a totally original IP), to get new customers. Retooling WoW from scratch is doing damage with the veterans.
I can tell you love WoW, so I’m obviously going to fail in convincing you with anything (and vice versa with you trying to make WoW seem greater to me). Just citing my personal feelings on the game.
Honestly, the main thing that kept me interested with WoW was the music. I will happily admit the stuff is epic (used a file ripper to get the soundtrack out). Otherwise I considered everything else as average.