X-Change 2 - First thoughts

Ah…thanks guys.

adds game to buy list

I’m just happy they made quite a bit of it avoidable this time around. I mean, in the first one, no matter which way you went, you practically knew there was going to be a forced sex scene there. I still wish they made all those scenes avoidable. And I do get some slight pleasure from Sano-sensei’s reaction when he finds out your true identity after what he did. I know it’s a fantasy but I still couldn’t get over the fact that in the original, nobody was bothered that Takuya had been a male just a day or two before and had immediately started sexing the female Takuya up. (Yes, that’s my own issue and I’m dealing with it… )

Would the original poster, or someone else who has played this game, be willing to write up a review for our J-Mate site (http://www.jmate.com)?

Okay, I bought this at AX, but I just started playing it today. I bought a few dvds over there as well so I watched those first, and I’ve been playing the Warcraft expansion, and finishing Kango 1 and so on and so forth. Anyway, I just want to say, this game has the most unique version of Momotaro I’ve ever heard in my life. Anyway, that’s basically all I wanted to way.

And to the Great and Powerful Payne, I haven’t written too many reviews in my life, and whether I do or not, I might consider it. Unless someone already beat me to the punch, then, oh well.

The Sex Scene with Kouji, unnecessary? Actually, I don’t think so. When Asuka walks in you have three choices:

-This isn’t what it looks like!, This response is a typical guy response to his girlfriend walking in on him with someone else. It really shows that he really is not considering Asuka’s feelings because it is what it looks like.

-I can explain! The correct response on Asuka’s best path, this shows that you care about Asuka and her opinion of you.

-Hey Asuka, what’s up? translation: Get your nose out of my business, bitch!

So I thought this scene really was necessary to show how Takuya truly feels about Asuka and how he relates to her.

Originally posted by Seishin:
Anyway, I just want to say, this game has the most unique version of Momotaro I've ever heard in my life. Anyway, that's basically all I wanted to way.

Um, okay I'm a little confused. Aren't you talking about Kango 2 and not X-Change 2? Or did I miss something in the text again? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/confused.gif[/img]

Oh sorry, when I posted this, I thought it said Kango 2. I just came back from work and I was tired as hell.

[This message has been edited by Seishin (edited 07-14-2003).]

There’s so many sequels going around lately, you really have to pay attention now. :shrug: Anyway, I’m going back to bed.

Originally posted by Seishin:
Oh sorry, when I posted this, I thought it said Kango 2. I just came back from work and I was tired as hell.

No problem, just wanted to make sure I didn't overlook something in the text. Especially since in X-Change 2, I did sort of speed through the unavoidable scenes.

Heh, but that definitely was a unique version of Momotaro, a story which I probably will not be able to tell to children with a straight face ever again. Eleana's way with Japanese definitely made her path fun... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Hmm, just out of curiosity, did anyone else feel that the “uncensored” parts of the images didn’t mesh well at times? I didn’t notice it at first but someone on GameFAQs had asked a question about public hair in the games so I went through some of the images again, focusing in on the groin are, and that’s when I noticed that some of the images seemed “off”. Not really a big deal (like I said, I didn’t even notice it till now) but I was just wondering what other’s thought.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Hmm, just out of curiosity, did anyone else feel that the "uncensored" parts of the images didn't mesh well at times? I didn't notice it at first but someone on GameFAQs had asked a question about public hair in the games so I went through some of the images again, focusing in on the groin are, and that's when I noticed that some of the images seemed "off". Not really a big deal (like I said, I didn't even notice it till now) but I was just wondering what other's thought.

Well... this is a risk you run when you uncensor something. That they're won't be anything there to begin with once the censoring has been removed. That is, the original character design was a doll in appearance, or lacing genetailia down there. I hope Pea Pri doesn't mind me saying this, but, at times, it looks more like they chose to edit the picture instead of just uncensoring it.

What I mean is, if you take a look at the thumbnails, you can get approximate areas of where the mosaicing is... but you can still get the idea that underneath the mosaicing, CROWD just used doll character designs, and didn't have anything there to begin with. You can also see examples of this in games like Private Nurse or Maids Story where the thumbnails are still censored.

So, when Pea Pri removed the mosaic, they were probably left with a tough choice of leaving the doll look of some of the girls, or drawing (i.e. editing) something in.

Now, this isn't always the case. A lot of the adult bishoujo anime companies know that TSRI, Kitty, NuTech, and SoftCel liscence works for release in America, and therefore actually include detail in those areas (if obscured by something). So that when it is removed, the full artwork is still there.

For example, on the region 2 DVDs of Toshin Toshi 2 ("Tournament of the Gods" roughly translaed, adapted by the game from Alice Soft), you can see pubic hair down there already, even though the art is mosaiced. Now, on the VHS release from SoftCel, SoftCel just chose to clip out those scenes altogether. Not sure what SoftCel plans on doing with the DVD release.

There are also bad examples of this in adult bishoujo anime as well. If you watch A Heat for All Seasons (aka, Kiss Yori), there are several scenes where the doll look of the original art has been edited to include something down there... but it looks really poorly drawn in, and detracts from the original.

Anyway, hope that made some sense.

Er, I know all the things you put into your explanation. I was actually asking for other people’s opinions as to whether the edits blended well into the image, I wasn’t asking why or how it got that way. After all, unless it’s extremely blatant, it’s more of an opinion call as to whether the alterations to the images blends into the overall image or not. I just thought it be something interesting to discuss, especially from those with a stronger art background than me. For instance, I just know that they seem “off” to me, but I really can’t say why that is, while someone with an art background may be able to point specifically to coloration as being the problem.

But don’t worry about it, the explanation will hopefully keep us from having the discussion about “uncensoring” with a newbie. Well, for another month at least…

You know I didn’t even notice. but now that you mention it I’ll probably notice it everytime I play the game. See some things are better left unknown

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
You know I didn't even notice. but now that you mention it I'll probably notice it everytime I play the game. See some things are better left unknown [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Whoops! Sorry about that... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Mike Thomas:
Well... this is a risk you run when you uncensor something. That they're won't be anything there to begin with once the censoring has been removed. That is, the original character design was a doll in appearance, or lacing genetailia down there. I hope Pea Pri doesn't mind me saying this, but, at times, it looks more like they chose to edit the picture instead of just uncensoring it.

What I mean is, if you take a look at the thumbnails, you can get approximate areas of where the mosaicing is... but you can still get the idea that underneath the mosaicing, CROWD just used doll character designs, and didn't have anything there to begin with. You can also see examples of this in games like Private Nurse or Maids Story where the thumbnails are still censored.

So, when Pea Pri removed the mosaic, they were probably left with a tough choice of leaving the doll look of some of the girls, or drawing (i.e. editing) something in.

Now, this isn't always the case. A lot of the adult bishoujo anime companies know that TSRI, Kitty, NuTech, and SoftCel liscence works for release in America, and therefore actually include detail in those areas (if obscured by something). So that when it is removed, the full artwork is still there.

For example, on the region 2 DVDs of Toshin Toshi 2 ("Tournament of the Gods" roughly translaed, adapted by the game from Alice Soft), you can see pubic hair down there already, even though the art is mosaiced. Now, on the VHS release from SoftCel, SoftCel just chose to clip out those scenes altogether. Not sure what SoftCel plans on doing with the DVD release.

There are also bad examples of this in adult bishoujo anime as well. If you watch A Heat for All Seasons (aka, Kiss Yori), there are several scenes where the doll look of the original art has been edited to include something down there... but it looks really poorly drawn in, and detracts from the original.

Anyway, hope that made some sense.

Mike , considering that they put in all the stuff that they cut out from the Can Can Bunny VHS release (In the two DVD's of Can Can Bunny Extra), I would expect it to be in there for the DVD.

Hi, just for the record, the uncensored parts were the original artwork provided by Crowd, not anything we did in any way. Their artwork is their artwork and we’d never presume to make changes or anything to the original game.

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
Hi, just for the record, the uncensored parts were the original artwork provided by Crowd, not anything we did in any way. Their artwork is their artwork and we'd never presume to make changes or anything to the original game.

Gomenasai, Payne-sama. We get so caught up over the fact that PeaPri is doing the effort to get the games localized that we sort of forget that the artwork part comes from the original company, not PeaPri.

Which does remind me of something. (Must remember to email about it later as well...) Going back to the other guy from GameFAQs I mentioned, the reason he was asking about the pubic hair thing was that he had seen an image on the J-List site from X-Change (I thought he was getting the two games mixed at first). It did not show pubic hair and then when he bought the game was suprised to see pubic hair added. Now I could have sworn that I bought the game when it first came out, and if he bought it recently it probably was from the latest printing, so I'm guessing there's not a "hairless" version out there. Does that mean the J-List image is some sort of preliminary image Crowd provided? Just sort of curious about the whole thing.

Is it just me or does Xchange 2’s art seem somewhat less refined compared to Xchange?

I like the art a lot, personally. As with everything Crowd does, there is so much polish and quality. By the way, responding to an earlier post, the Sano-sensei scene is optional in all paths I believe (which you see if you buy the sexy underpants with Asuka), so you only need to mess with it if you want to get 100% of the pictures.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:

Since you are going to say it, so will I... can you name 10 titles of ANY Japanese media that doesn't involve the "rape her until she likes it and falls in love" scene?

Personally, I keep a sharp eye on all the adult products I purchase from Japan. Again, personally, I think the older Japanese generations had a thing for rape that is slowly dying out, but still holds a large (and disgusting) sway in the media. I don't like it, or appreciate it in any way. However, this is wholly my opinion and I don't expect anyone to agree with me.

My 2 [i]en[/i],
Made in DNA