X Change 3 - need help - possible spoilers!

Please give me a hint!

I am missing pictures 85-93, 225, 226, 243, 244
And memory 27 “Teach 2”

What am I doing wrong?

Are these scenes / pictures deleted in the English version?

Nope. Teaching 2 requires you to follow Ayanos path with the tutor job. Its tricky, you have to do several things that belong to other paths to get the memory. Among other things it involves giving Kouji a swift kick to the nuts :stuck_out_tongue:

also there is a walkthrough if you request it from me I will send you… it is in excel format and you can download the Excel Viewer at Microsoft’s web site.

[ 07-23-2006, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: ms308680 ]

I have been playing this game stady for about 2 or 3 weeks and can’t gat past a certen point
I maybe have hafe pictures and memory but know mater how heard I try I can’t gat the wright combo to go any farther
can you help or sand me the walkthrough ???
sand to jcordon1@rochester.rr.com
Thank You John D Cordone

I’ve said it before, and are saying it again: it’s a great walkthrough! :slight_smile:

hummm not sure what ones im missing i have a few endings asmi auska um…o.o rumi and the other girl…and i think Kouji’s ending…

Quite a few left for you to finish up then Kim :slight_smile:

I will no longer be supplying the walkthrough… you will have to contact PeaPri’s Support to obtaion walkthrough. Thanks all

yeah i dont have CG’s 24-27 or the number 10 being watched in the memory room any ideas on how to get them…=3

[ 07-23-2006, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: Kim ]

Followed hint, gave me “good Ayano” end. Is there supposed to be a matching H scene for Memory 23 - “Teach 2”?
The ending found did clear up all four 200 series missing pics.

[ 07-24-2006, 03:10 AM: Message edited by: LBob ]


Check Classified Ads for 24-27 pictures. (C-Track)

Memory 10 - let your fingers do the walking.

[ 07-24-2006, 03:10 AM: Message edited by: LBob ]

c-track…? o.o …stumpted on both…

C-track - Chisato’s path

Mem 10 - you have a chance at this after your sister catches you playing with yourself

oh i found it…24-27 inst c-track well at least not for me…it was mem 10 that opend that line up… ^^ thankies any way

[ 07-24-2006, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: Kim ]

To get memory 23 you have to follow ayanos path, when you get to the option to go for the tutoring job take it, then take the naughty lesson. After this you just follow the path until you get to the diner job, leave early then follow the path til you get to trusting kouji. Trust kouji then kick him in the nuts, follow the path until you spot ayano again, instead of following her pick go home, now at this point you’d usually get the big sis rape scene crap, but if you did everything correctly it will instead go to the tutoring job where you will receieve memory 23.

nods yar but im all done now…^^

Thnx! Mem 23 picked up the rest of the pix.

hmmm… I don’t believe there is any other way for you to get the walkthrough unless you contact PeaPri for it with the information they request. That is some pretty crappy luck the disk getting broke.

AHH!!! IM SO FRUSTRATED. IVE PLAYED FOR A LONG TIME AND CAN ONLY GET 1 GOOD ENDING. GEEZ. all i can get get is asukas good ending. i cant seem to figure out anyone elses. can someone, post another sequence to get someone elses good ending?. perferably ayano or chisato

As with most of these games, stick with a girl to get her best ending. The Chisato track starts when you are faced with Ayano’s choice. Chose against her to start Chisato. Mostly - if you go to a character and act how they want you to, it moves you to thier ending. If you get a good ending, you see a selection of scenes from other endings, too. Save frequently and use skip to get by repetitive scenes so the game stays fresh. All scenes for the back of the package are in the game. Ayano’s track has clues earlier in this thread.