X-Change SPOILER(somewhat)

…haha made you look…

Anyhow, in fairness to those who have not received the game yet…I shall be cryptic…only to say that a certain file MAY contain the SOMEWHAT entire dialogue, if opened with a common light-blue.iconed winapp…so sorry but ‘dats how da cookie crumblez’.

Frankly, I was disappointed that I spent so long on one sitting, only to get Ending #(ahem) where (ahem) decides to (ahem)…finding that file is like catching your parents as the tooth fairy, I wish I never found it out…

Yeah, I tend to agree with Kumiko-chan on this matter. Unless you are really really stuck I don’t understand why some people justy give up so early when they by a game. Part of the fun is to figure out all the little tricks on the game on your own. However, I do understand why they have walkthroughs out there for those people who are stuck and frustrated.

Hey everybody make sure you check the X-Change CD for the previews of the other Games. There are some pictures there that aren’t posted on the site!

It’s my philosophy that walkthrus are important if you plan on playing massively multiplayer RPGs like everquest or Phantasy star online 'cause if you don’t plan your character out right from the start you’re bound to wind up suckier than you could have been. granted i’ll discover the locales and tactics on my own but character creation tips are essential for those types of games.


I do not really understand why anyone wants to have a walkthrough for bishoujo games…If I have to think about it, you play those kind of games…just so you could experience and enjoy the storyline…hmmm…i think I forgot something… …^^
Anyway, If you follow a walkthrough, you already have an idea of the plot and the story…unless if you already know about the story… …Knowing the story means you just wasted your money…
That is…unless you only want the sex content… …but that means you really do not need the game… …You need more porn…

Anyway, I could understand that some people needs walkthroughs for rpg/adventure games…but…To tell you the truth, using a walkthrough removes the feeling of accomplishment…Well…I am sure the companies want to sell walkthroughs so you would buy another game rapidly…and thus continue the constant cycle of consummation…really do not have a problem about that…

But…Look at me…I finished all the Zelda games and all its secrets( even the first one in NES ) without any help, and I am proud of myself…^^…@@…O_O…Ok…><…I admit…I used a walkthrough to find all the secrets of Finalfantasy 3 and 8…T_T…But after finishing it 7 and 5 times respectively…Ok…><…I also bought 3 walkthroughs ( and a gameshark )so a guy of 20 like me…could beat his little brother of 9 and all of the small kids in my place…in the game of Pokemon…T_T…My not-so-secret shame…I could still hear the mocking laughter of my friends…sniff…But…I am still the undefeated Pokemon master…^^

Oh, yeah…Talking about walkthroughs…Does anyone figured out how to play that stupid slot game in the game Gloria…it has been 6 or 7 months since I have the game…and I cannot have a 100% bcuz of the slot game…That is why I hate games involving luck and reflex…not fighting games though… …Ok…never mind what I just said…

Oh, well…just want to write something…v :slight_smile:

Well to throw my two cents in here as well

I never did understand using hint-books, walkthroughts, or cheatcodes for games. It drove some of my friends crazy because I’d play the same part over, and over again because I refused to type in some “invulnerability” code. (as an aside, I sometimes pick up hint books or check the net after I beat the game to get a fuller idea of what all was in the game, and to try to get some extra game art.)

The other reason for me, is walkthroughts and hint guides usually spoil to much. I didn’t get a game, just to have someone hold my hand as I play it. I picked up the game to get involved in the story of it! I liked the older hint books that gave different lvls of hints (from things like “check your inventory” to “Talk to Mr. Bill at exactly 4:00 PM at the trainstation. He’ll tell you he’s missing his key to the office, and give you a passcode to go get his key. Go to the office, pick up his key, and get it copied at Ted’s Hardware. Return the original to Mr. Bill.”)

The new “The Longest Journey” adventure game’s hint site was exactly like this, I felt that it was great because of it. I could get a nudge in the right direction, without spoiling what I needed to do to solve a puzzle. (aside, this is a great game too.)

These different lvls of hints gave me clues that I might not have thought of, without spoiling the game and the story.

To Quint:

Don’t worry about the slot game. I’ve spent some serious time on it (overall Gloria percentage 85%, but I did get a lot of the Gloria slotmachine art… let me know if you want to see some of it. I have some posted on my website.)


My 2 centavos:

It really depends on the game. If a game is very long, I would like a FAQ that explain me some game mechanics. This applies to RTS (Starcraft, C&C), simulations (SimCity), and RPGs (Diablo II). Why? It saves me frustation in the long run. I really hate to spend 50+ hours just to find out that an upgrade/skill I invested in the early/mid stages of a game is totally useless as the game progress.

As for cheat codes, I think it is used because of bad game design. With a bit of effort, anybody could finish the game without the need of them; however, if the designers decided to make the game longer than needed by making a quest extremely difficult (so you end up in a restore/die/try again cycle) having the cheat code nearby is almost a necessity.

I usually don’t argue on the walkthrough/hint book issue. I leave that as a personal issue; If you are willing to pay some extra $$$ to get them, and spoil the fun on the way, that’s fine with me. I prefer to ask other people who is playing the game for hints or tips. After all, that’s the purpose of one of the forums, isn’t it?

My thoughts on cheat codes:

-I don’t like them but for some gamers it’s necessary.

-In Star Trek Voyager : Elite Force, I only used the cheat code to get by the final battle with the last boss. It allowed me to see the last scene in the game which I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to.

-In Half-Life I didn’t use the cheat codes, but I used something I saw in Computer Gaming World to get by the boss on the last level. (A Hint)

-I finished the first two Wing Commander games without using a guide book or cheat code whatsoever.

What I’m trying to say is that sometimes Cheat codes and hint books are necessary to get through the game. I love first person shooters but I’m not very good at them. If a cheat code can get me through the game when the challenge of a level exceeds my abilities
as a gamer, then I’ll use it after I die about 50 times. It lessens the frustration factor especially when I’m more concerned about what happens in the game’s storyline than the game itself.

Kawaiiii…v ^^

I finally have X-change…just an hour ago when I arrived… … T_T…It is such a touching and…probably…one of the quintessence of my life…*sniff…Ohhhh…I have not played it yet…

@@…Sorry to interrupt your sharing of words…Nobody-san and Kumiko-san…But I have to say it is quite interesting to read your opinions ^^…albeit long @@…

Anyway, I just wrote to say thanks to everyone who gave me a thing or two about Gloria’ slot game…Mike-san and Nobody-san…Sorry it took me a long time to respond…but I have to remedy some complications concerning my new PC…Oh, well…at least I am finish…

Oh, yeah…Mike-san…If it is alright I am just wondering what is your site… …Oh, yeah…I also want to thank Nobody-san for the tip of getting all of those CGs…Very…very…useful…v ^^

Oh, well…v ^^

PS: Starcrap is the best…Took me 8 days to finish the game…and 8 days have my mother kept on screaming at me to get out of the computer…T_T…good memories…

This is turning into quite the philosophy discussion, but I’ll throw in $.02 from somebody who writes spoilers and (rarely) walkthroughs.
I agree that cheats are sometimes useful for people who don’t want to spend all the time necessary to get whatever “normally”. For instance, I played “Septerra Core” using several cheats to see hidden monsters & triggers, and the HP of monsters, just to speed up my progress. Sometimes the cheats are deliberately built into the game to make it easier to progress for everybody, you just have to figure out how to use them, e.g. the “level 30” fountains in Might & Magic I.
I rarely write walkthroughs myself, because they’re a lot of work, but I often download them (from www.gamefaqs.com) or buy guidebooks (esp. for PSX RPGs). And even then, I find that I have to add things that were left out, either because I thought they were important, or another source includes info of use, e.g. my additions to a “Septerra Core” FAQ, my ongoing “Breath of Fire III” work, or my “combined” “Vandal Hearts” guide (7 different sources combined). I chiefly use them so I can stay on track after not playing a game for a while, or so I don’t waste my limited time in blind alleys and dead ends. A good walkthrough can also avoid having to start over or give up in frustration, like trying to beat the T.Rex monster in the training garden of FF8 near the start of the game.
Spoilers, well I’m rather guilty on that score. Luckily, most H games don’t give too much trouble there. If choices are really significant and lead to multiple endings, like “Isle”, I’ve resorted to patching after getting buried in multi-level decision trees.

I could say a lot more, but I have to get going in RL.
Bombard me with your opinions here, or email hentaihelper@yahoo.com
Pete the Hentai Helper

Hey, It’s Pete…v ^^

It has been a long time since I visited your site…well…if it were not for you I would not probably known about Himeya…Anyway, never thought that you will be posting here…So, thanks for those reviews…Oh yeah, no offense but I still hate your litte age verification window…but still a great site v ^^…

And nope…I do not have any Korean penpals, but I have Jap e-pals…although I am having trouble trying to understand their english …Anyway, I know about those Korean fanatics and their clans…there are always in the arena…and they are always beating up my team…><…Ok…not always…but most of the time…

And yep…I am also studying Nihon-go and Hiragana…by using anime sub-titles and japanese bishoujo…I got to admit…because of these…I like studying japanese…

Oh, well…v ^^

PS: Noooo…my first ending in X-change is that I am a girl…I wanted Asuka sooo much…Why…It is the fault of that nurse…and there are too many people raping me in the bus…><…Funny game though…^^