XC3 Patch 1.1

Man, I just have no idea what to say to respond to “I find it less disturbing.” while agreeing with the first part of the sentence. Both are disturbing.

Molenir’s post I am seriously hoping is sarcasm.

i can see what riverwatcher meant…just from reading molenir’s line alone (and if you dont put it in any context, that is) it does appear as if he is promoting/advocating/defending kiddie p0rn as a whole (ie, including real life ones) or something :stuck_out_tongue:

not to say that he is (i seriously hope he isn’t), but just that from reading his line alone just doesnt seem right for some reason. i think it is in molenir’s best interests to edit/clarify his post (as in changing the wording to make it more legal)…not necessarily for our sake but more importantly for his own

i may have to reserve the right to edit his post if necessary, but we will see (it’s best if he changes it himself, but given that his last login date was feb01 i may have to resort to doing it on my own; i’m not going to let this sit for 2.5 months). i know sounds kinda contradicting given my recent public apology but on the other hand i dont want something like this to pop up on a google search result either…

[ 04-24-2007, 01:54 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

How can his last login date be February when he posted a couple days ago? o_O

i meant his last login before that april 23th post was made, sheesh…

coolgamer, i never said anything about your opinion, my post was strictly about molenir’s line that can be reasonably perceived as something illegal

i know very well that molenir was referring to a virtual setting (ie in a game), and that everybody here is just comparing the lesser of the 2 evils like you said, but it’s just that his line, the way he stated it, is way too blunt to suggest such

im not going to delete any posts or ban anybody over this, but i seriously believe that it should be edited out, for liability reasons

[ 04-24-2007, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

Then I think, Coolgamer, you meant “equally offended” as opposed to “less”.

Sorry, but there is NO “lesser of two evils” here.

However, that is just my opinion. And on that note I will not continue to post in this thread. I think at this point we are really just debating on the use of words and no the issue of the game.

I applaud you, Coolgamer, for coming back with a cool head and clarifying your position. For the most part I can agree with you, word choices aside. I believe that there has been a lesson learned here.

Cheers and happy gaming!

Sees Lock

Attempts to smash lock


Well, I guess you’re right about this, Coolgamer. I’m agree completely with you about “but some people assume that fantasy reflects reality”.

And what about the horror film series “Saw”? I think these movies contain much more violence than B-games and animes, right?

The violence from animes and games scenes are much more softer than films. Why? Because in the movies, there are real human beings as actors/actress. And in the animes and games, just a animation/cartoon scenes, right?

We don’t exaggerate about scenes from animes/games. I don’t agree with rape scenes, but I guess the censorship is much worst than it.

Really depends on what you watch. Go pick up a copy of Gantz, the unedited for late-night Japanese television one (yea…the anime was so intense even late night Japanese television wouldn’t air it uncensored). And there was a cry of outrage for that…well what could be said for an obscure anime title.

Anyway I’ve partially pleased with the patch. It addresses one of the issues with XC3, but still the fact the Lipp sequence is out means it is still censored. irreguardless that some people might not like such scenes, there are others who probably like rape scenes even less and censoring one and not the other I don’t agree with. Unfortuantly I don’t think PP will be adding them in so my only hope is to either learn Japanese (something i don’t have the time for right now) or someone else to make an unofficial patch for the game. Then i would consider buying the game.

Despite coolgamer’s choice to end his boycott, I still will continue it. Of course, this is my opinion and probably am the only person left who thinks this way, but hey…

Then there are those of us who wouldn’t buy the game anyway because we don’t like X-Change. :slight_smile:

True. I didn’t care for the first one much. The second was decent…except for the way the really pushed that the Asuka ending was the real one…especially as i liked Chisoto.