XChange 3 and tutoring visit(s)

yes there are 2 visits to the tutoring session but I forget how to get the second session.

The first visit just has Takuya and the boy
The second visit has Takuya, the boy and his friend.

Yeah, there’s two visits. The second one is censored (dialog and voice cut out), but all the CG is there.

Yes, Prof. Rumi is in one of the various endings in the game.

Should I just post the walkthough here or send it to you?

Full guide below. Path 2.2 will get you the second tutoring, but a lot of it has been cut from the English version.

2.1 Takuya Bad End

• Well, I might as well get in.
• Compliment her maturity due to hardships.
• Ask Prof. Rumi.
• Have Ayano-chan drink it first.

2.2 Takuya normal end

• Oh well, might as well drink it…
• Asuka does have a point
• Ayano-chan is so kind…
• Maybe I should peek in … I mean, we are both girls…
• Go to the tutoring job.
• Maybe I should tease him a bit.
• Go check on Asami-senpai.
• I am heading back home…….
• It is my farewell party… I should stay.
• I really should refuse her.
• I wonder how Asami-senpai is doing.
• Work on my own project.
¬ï ¬Ö…all right, fine.
• He needs a nice kick in the balls! Let him have it!
• I should see how Asami-senpai is doing.
• …I should leave her alone.
• Chisato
• Asuka
• Asami-senpai
• Prof. Rumi
• Ayano-chan
• Show off to Kouji

2.3 Takuya normal end

• Well… maybe just a little.
• I wonder how Asami-senpai is doing.
• Work on my own project.
• It sounds too suspicious…
• I should see how Asami-senpai is doing.
• Chisato
• Asuka
• Asami-senpai
• Prof. Rumi
• Ayano-chan
• Show off to Kouji

2.4 Prof. Rumi normal End.

• Eat dinner with Ayano-chan.
• Go check on Asami-senpai.
¬ï Maybe I should help Asami-senpai¬Ö…
• Maybe I should take a look at the specialized books…
• …but I am worried about Asami-senpai.
• I wonder how Asami-senpai is doing.
• Work on my own project.
• It sounds too suspicious…
• Well, Prof. Rumi might be in there…
• I should not overstay my welcome.
• Head back home.
• Cause him lost of troubles to see him squirm.
• Prof. Rumi.

2.5 Prof. Rumi Good End.

• I want to help Prof. Rumi some more.
• Prof. Rumi.

2.6 Asami-senpai Normal End.

• Well, she did make the offer.
• No no, more!
• …but I should stay with Asami-senpai.
• Asami-senpai.
• Ask Prof. Rumi for help.

2.7 Asami-senpai Good End.

• Figure it out on my onw.

2.8 Ayano-chan Bad End.

¬ï ¬Ö…all right, fine.
• He needs a nice kick in the balls! Let him have it!
• I should see how Asami-senpai is doing.
• This looks interesting… maybe I should follow her.
• Keep looking.
• Beg Natsumi to stop.
• Ayano-chan

2.9 Ayano-chan Good End.

• I have to protect Ayano-chan, I shall take her place…
• Ayano-chan.

2.10 Kouji Good End 1.

A nice slap in the face should do the trick!
• Who the hell does he think I am?!.
• I should see how Asami-senpai is doing.
• Show off to Kouji.

2.11 Kouji Normal End.

• Fine… you are forgiven.
• I should see how Asami-senpai is doing.
• Turn back after all.

2.12 Kouji Good End 2.

• Stay with Kouji… as a girl.

2.13 Takuya Bad End (Maid end)

• I should ask Chisato or Asuka for help instead.
• I should just head back home…
• Go check on Chisato.
• Search around town.
• I should check up on Chisato.
• Contact the old man from yesterday.

2.14 Chisato Normal End.

• Put my faith in Chisato.
• Check up on Chisato
• This cannot be good.Run!

2.15 Chisato Good End.

• …all right, I will help.
• Chisato.

2.16 Asuka Bad End

• I have time, so I might as well go home with Asuka.
• Well I might as well drink since Asuka is.

2.17 Takuya Bad End (SM queens)

• Since Asuka is drinking maybe I should pass.
• Go check on Chisato.
• Search through the classified ads.
• I should check up on Chisato.
• Head into the lab that Asuka has classes in.
• Check up on Chisato.
• Listen to what he has to say.

2.18 Asuka Normal End.

• He is too weird to listen to.
• Asuka.

2.19 Asuka Good End

• She might be doing test in the workshops.
• Check up on Chisato.
• Asuka.

2.20 The last scene and cgs.

[From begin]
• I am not quite sure…
• Compliment her maturity due to age
• Whatever. I should get started on work.
• Oh well, might as well drink it…
• Hey, that is a bit too harsh!
• Maybe… I should… masturbate.
• I should ask Chisato or Asuka for help instead.
• I should just head back home.
• Well, Yumiko is drinking… maybe I should too.
[After the scene you have got all scenes and cgs][/spoiler]

Whatever you do… don’t follow path 2.8, no matter how tempted you may be.

It brings nothing but mental scarring and pain.