Xchange2R/ XchangeR

I heard these two games are going to be the same as the original only with extra’s. Has it been confirmed what will be added in them?

Check Crowd’s web site for details… But PP has decided not to translate these games due to the fact that they already have them and feel that the minimal amount of new stuff included really isn’t worth the time and effort and most importantly money to translate the renewals.

What also contributed to their decision was that they were new engines, which would have meant as much work as a new game.

X-Change might have been alright because they added voices, updated art, and a new character, but X-Change 2 totally wouldn’t be worth tranlating because there is almost nothing that was added to the game. The only new stuff that was added to X-Change 2 was updated art which doesn’t really improve it much and Takuya’s sister appears in the game who makes Takuya and Asuka her sex slaves.

[This message has been edited by Sousuke (edited 07-02-2005).]

Actually I’ve never heard PP say that the would or wouldn’t translate R/R2. As for the new engine it’s virtually the same as the one for Yin-Yang so it wouldn’t mean that much work if there’re already working on it. I mean in japan all 3 games were released with in 2 weeks of each other.

Originally posted by AnimeFreak:
Actually I've never heard PP say that the would or wouldn't translate R/R2.

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
We've looked at the redone X-Change games, and while they look good, there are enough changes in the story to require total reworking of the translations and/or re-translation. We've decided it'd be better to work on new titles instead.

From: http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/Forum1/HTML/002149.html