Xenoblade is US bound!!!

Hurray! The letter/email/phone campaign worked for that title. :o

GameStop will be the exclusive distributor, and it can be preordered from the brick and mortar stores now. April 3rd release date.

There’s also strong expectation that The Last Story will also get announced at some point in the near future.

Who says the Wii is dead? :twisted:

So looking forward to this

I want The Last Story reeeeeeally bad. Lost Oddysey was awesome, pure awesome, and I am really interested in TLS.

As for Xenoblade … unfortunately, my opinion of the creators is that Xenogears and Xenosaga were both much better ideas than they were games - the execution was pretty badly flawed. So I’m not really all that excited about it. But if Xenoblade comes out, I’m probably gonna buy it just cause I want TLS -__-

Still, for all the people who DO want Xenoblade … that’s awesome! Good to know a sustained pressure campaign can actually work. Go team! :smiley:

Xenosaga 3 the best ever.

Although this just means I have to go and buy a sensor again lol. I stupidly threw mine away didn’t think there will be anything else worth buying for wii.

Yeah, but the problem is, Xenosaga 3 was the game mostly made by Namco after they threw the creator off the project. And 1 and 2 had some issues, and Xenogears was a mess. A very interesting mess … but a mess.

It’s too bad, really …

Wow, I’m not sure how that quadruple post happened … Some kinda weird glitch.

Deleted. And while I’m here, let me just say that KOS-MOS is awesome, Emerada is awesome, and Yui is awesome.

Looks like I won’t be assassinating Makoto unfortunately. haz good taste.