YASAR (Yet Another SomethingAwful Review)

SomethingAwful reviewed “Doushin - Same Heart”.

There’s a lack of silly screenshots this time. How disappointing.

Haha, yes! I’ve been waiting so long for this. Even without funny screenshots it’s still entertaining as hell.

I usually love his reviews and think they’re hilarious, but this one was pathetic. I know he could have found more material than that to poke fun at. The review was about half a page, it was like he played the game for ten minutes and gave up.

Ugh, he’s such a moron.

Why is he a moron?

Considering the site does nothing but satirical reviews of everything, I think he does a pretty good job of showing off the games. I wish he did reviews a little bit more frequently, he really needs to do X-change 3.

Also, Somethingawful keeps J-List up as advertisers, which is really good considering how many hits the site gets.

[ 08-19-2006, 02:36 AM: Message edited by: Billybob ]

I’m not so sure it is satirical this time, I frankly agree with most of it.

Not as funny as his previous reviews. The “Aliens” one is my favourite.

He’s ignorant. He tends to be wrong a lot just to get an unfunny punch line in. Sure, the site may be primarly humor, but it’s not even funny if you look at it from that perspective. And it makes these games look bad, it doesn’t help Jast, it makes Jast look like a phony company.

[ 08-20-2006, 12:29 PM: Message edited by: DetectiveConan ]

He can be funny, but he can also be rude. It was his review who made me order Kango. So i think he gives atleast some good to bishjou gaming.

The h-reviews still generally remain better than some of the recent Rom Pit reviews have been. They used to be funny, but the people who’ve been doing them lately have just been stringing insults together rather than telling you anything about the game. I like mocking games but you have to give something to mock, not just make up new fill-in-the-blanks for “It sucks worse than ________”

Ever since they hired new writing staff, a lot of the funny has gone away. It is sad, really.

And DetectiveConan, thank you for answering me seriously. I was not trying to start any flames or anything, just looking for some serious reasons why you thought that.

There’s more than one guy? That’s scarey.

Why is that scary? Something Awful is an ENORMOUS website, there are tons of visitors who would all love to be posting. :slight_smile:

(I do have an SA forum account, but I don’t use it much.)

Just shows you how our population just gets lower and lower in intelligence. Of course we already knew that with so many people loving Penny Arcade.

Wow, critical of the critics, are we?

I get an occasional chuckle off penny-arcade, I don’t see what’s too wrong with enjoying it, or how enjoying it makes someone stupid. I do know most somethingawful residents share your view of penny-arcade though.

That makes me either wanna love Penny Arcade, or kill myself.

[ 08-21-2006, 06:49 PM: Message edited by: DetectiveConan ]

Much to some peoples delight, and others dismay, Something Awful has now reviewed X-change 3 as well.

That one sucked too. It seems like he’s barely even trying. I think he’s probably just doing it because he needs to advertise for J-list or something.

It’s a shame, these reviews used to be so entertaining.

Well he announced he’s doing the yaoi one next. Perhaps he can make a comeback with something he’s never had at before.

I thought this was a bad review, mainly because there was a lot to the game he didn’t bother to find out. There’s a lot cool stuff (potentailly mockable, whatever) in Doushin, but he didn’t seem to want to find it.

Well, I think that Doushin is a great game, especially for Crowd fans. Hopefully most of the people on this site have gotten the game.