Yes...there is a teardrop next to my head...

As in the anime cliche, there is a tear drop right next to my head…and my eyes look all buggy…I had a horrific computer crash (desktop) this week. I’ve been able to get the system back up and running…but, waaahahh!!!..I lost the vast majority of my games. I’ve gotten in touch with JAST to see if something can be done about several of the games…but I lost Nocturnal Illusions for my computer. I was wondering if anyone knows how I can get (legal of course, I do not want some pirated version, not that anyone here would sell that) the game again (I had the JAST three for one CD, so I also lost MayClub)? The reason I do not have the CD now is that…I can’t find the bloody thing…looked everywhere in my “cave o’ games”…Any help would be grand. I’ve tried several of the usual places (here and even over at EBay) but I cannot find the full version (the one without the deleted pictures).

All my sympathies. My pc is all but dead, I’m just a few days away from ordering a new pc myself.
This is why I don’t trust keeping anything important digitally. I am very wary of buying downloads unless I’m certain I can back them up on a hard copy, becuase you never know when you’re going to crash and lose everything stored on the pc.
Wish I had something useful to contribute but I don’t know of anything that will help you, except to contact anybody you’ve bought downloads from and request that you be able to redownload.

Typically vendors that sell downloads offer additional downloads free of charge. Short of the company going out of business, a computer crash on the user end shouldn’t be a problem.

In any case, piracy isn’t wrong if the ones who are supposed to got your money.

Well I was able to find the downloaded programs…but even though I have them downloaded…I dont have the Virtual Mate keys to reopen the games. What sadness! As I said, I emailed JList… hope I can find a miracle or two… of course though I have been able to reinstall those games that I had CD wise…I’ll have to go through the scenarios to gain the graphics again…thank God the games have great scenarios!!!

Oh I know about the piracy…but I know that some people out there sell illegal pirated programs and sell 'em via places like Ebay.

In case replaying the games is not a favorable option, gamefaqs ( have some saved states shared. Among which are ones for Virgin Roster and Teacher 2.

Try ƒZ[ƒuƒf[ƒ^‚̃y[ƒW . Providing the engines weren’t changed too much they should work. I just tried the Princess Waltz one on the English localization and it worked.

Well, i don’t want to do ads for my little website, but i put some save online on it, and Princess Waltz is among those.
For now i only uploaded about 15 Eroge Save (for english translated Eroge)… But more are to come anyway.

Oh, and you don’t need VM code anymore to play the Download Edition of G-Collection Eroge.
You only need them for downloading the Game and The patch wich remove V-Mate…

Well like I said, dont mind having to go through the stories once again. I’m just frustrated about those games that I am locked out of until I get some kind of license code (like Cosplay Fetish Academy) and/or VMate code (like Sagara). Still waiting for word from JList…I know they’re busy, so, hopefully the Cat Girl Alliance comes in to draw my attention away (I hope to God that it hasn’t gotten lost in the mail due to the snow storms and all across the US).

Well I had to bite the proverbial bullet and reorder several of the games…haven’t heard from anyone from the JList help desk for over a week. Oh well lol…I will definitely just buy the packaged CDs from now on.