Yin Yang and X-Change 3

Hey guys…

I know, that we are all eargerly awaiting the release of the above-mentioned games. I hear, that X-Change 3 was out for testing and editing soon. Since i am not a computer wizard, then i was hoping, if somebody could tell me more about that and how long it usually takes.

My other question is about Yin Yang! Will it be out for testing and editing soon? Or is it even further behind in the works?

I appreciate all answers and replys.

Peace Out, guys and girls!!!

Doushin is close to releasing. I would guess about a month away.
Then X-Change 3 will come, and next X-Change Yin-Yang. So it’s still some ways off.

Keep it in mind that Peach Princess is a labour of love, not a successful commercial venture. PP takes a long time to get games to market, due to low staff levels and profits that are marginal, at best.

[This message has been edited by kmusky (edited 03-15-2006).]


Peach Princess like to release their games in final and perfect condition. They are certainly no Paradox Entertainment that release buggy games that people have problems with. Peach Princess all the way.

Both games are coming along nicely, and we’re starting beta in Yin Yang too (even I was surprised at that!).

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
Both games are coming along nicely, and we're starting beta in Yin Yang too (even I was surprised at that!).

Plz, plz, plz, release X-change 3 and Yin Yang soooooon... The X-change Stories are absolutely phenomenal and as of yet, I don't believe anybody or any other game has come close to ever dealing with this kind of story-line. I am so excited!

Originally posted by asianLove:
The X-change Stories are absolutely phenomenal and as of yet, I don't believe anybody or any other game has come close to ever dealing with this kind of story-line.

Did anybody else read that twice? :P

Jokes aside from what I've heard Ying Yang is supposed to have more of a story to it than its predecessors. Something along the lines of the hero/heroine trying to keep his/her/it's virginity. Of course he/her will fail miserably by the end hehehe.

Originally posted by Skeith:
Did anybody else read that twice? :P

Jokes aside from what I've heard Ying Yang is supposed to have more of a story to it than its predecessors. Something along the lines of the hero/heroine trying to keep his/her/it's virginity. Of course he/her will fail miserably by the end hehehe.

Well, even if their only change from the "usual" X-change series is that the "rape-bus" is not included in Yin-Yang, thne that still DEFINTIVELY an improvement! However, no need to look the horse in the mounth before it's even out.. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

I’d classify the XC series more as stupid fun, rather that brilliant plotlines, but I’d agree that the rape bus is just stupid.

Originally posted by kmusky:
I'd classify the XC series more as stupid fun, rather that brilliant plotlines, but I'd agree that the rape bus is just stupid.

Who said anything about brilliant plotlines? I was inferring the phenomenal idea of incorprating Transgendered-ism into anykind of plotline. Who does that? its even hard to find good literature dealing with this subject.

In terms of 'popular' culture, the L-word (on Showtime) dealt with it a bit, but it was only a slight passing as Max was a small sub-character who's major issue was not his want to be a Man but the disparity it caused from a relationship with a Lesbian. bleh.

Anyways, X-change is great because the game is willing to look into some of these Ideas (even if it stupid jokes w/ a Rape Bus although I argue Rape-bus has its place) and I congratulate PP and Crowd for creating these games. It's definitely not social commentary but it is definitely enjoyable because of its premise.

Another note, maybe if some of you showed a bit more entusiasm, they might get it done faster! ; x Faaaster!! ;D

[This message has been edited by asianLove (edited 04-25-2006).]

[This message has been edited by asianLove (edited 04-25-2006).]

Originally posted by asianLove:
Anyways, X-change is great because the game is willing to look into some of these Ideas (even if it stupid jokes w/ a Rape Bus although I argue Rape-bus has its place) and I congratulate PP and Crowd for creating these games. It's definitely not social commentary but it is definitely enjoyable because of its premise.

... Well, for a game which explores transgender-ism (plus a ton of other stuff), I'd rather send my praises to the Yami no Koe series ;p.

Oh, and by the way, Peach Princess disn't create these games, only translated them. Crowd created them [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

Doushin is being duplicated now. XC3 should be another 2-3 months, and Yin Yang soon after that.

Originally posted by asianLove:
Who said anything about brilliant plotlines? I was inferring the phenomenal idea of incorprating Transgendered-ism into anykind of plotline.

Earlier, in another thread, you said:

Masterfully written and well thought out scenes that give great insight into his boy/girl psyche which ultimately is why we all play X-change.

If you think X-change is the best thing since sliced bread, that's your call, but IMO the words "masterfully written" and "well thought out" don't belong in the same sentence as X-change. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] You can say that you love the premise of a guy becoming a girl, and even that the premise makes for a very interesting and enjoyable game (in your opinion), but as soon as you call it "masterfully written" and such you're appealing to a universal sense of artistic and/or literary excellence which I argue that X-change doesn't have. Especially in the first game, the situations feel forced and silly, the writing juvenile. The game is based on the concept that coerced sexual intercourse is acceptable and commonplace, and that 'no' means 'yes.' As such, rape has no social, moral, or cognitive consequences, completely dissociating the game's concept of rape from reality in order to satisfy a perceived consumer desire for forced sex without the associated negative consequences (in-game). The writing itself does not draw the player in and immerse him/her in the story, as well-written plot-focused stories should do. Neither does the game contain detailed characters with well-defined, three dimensional personalities that present novel (yet compellingly believable) perspectives on situations, as well-written character-focused stories should do. It's not even particularly witty, as a good sit-com is. X-change consists of an uninspired string of silly situations populated by shallow, one-dimensional characters who serve no deeper literary purpose than motivating said situations. It may be entertaining to some, but entertaining does not equal "well written." If you want an English H-game with a well-written and thoughtful story, go play Kana or Crescendo...not X-change...

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 04-26-2006).]

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
Doushin is being duplicated now. XC3 should be another 2-3 months, and Yin Yang soon after that.

How long will that take? The duplication process of Doushin? Does this mean it will be out after that?

Hey guys…
Someone talked about 2-3 months. Is that for certain, coz Doushin waa only in beta testing for 2-3 months.
I was just wondering, if it is for sure, that it will take 2-3 months to get X-Change 3 out to us eargerly awaiting fans?

Hope the rest will have a good time…

If crowd makes another x-change game, maybe they should try a chick changing into a guy. Obviously all the male customers don’t wanna see numerous scenes of “her” jacking off so that leaves some room for story. Like falling for her girlfriends and of course step-sister/mom. :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Skeith:
If crowd makes another x-change game, maybe they should try a chick changing into a guy. Obviously all the male customers don't wanna see numerous scenes of "her" jacking off so that leaves some room for story. Like falling for her girlfriends and of course step-sister/mom. :P

Hah! Well, that's an idea [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]. But we musn't forget that companies make games with money int he mind - that's to say, they make games based on ideas/themes/whatever they think will attract the most possible number of customers - and the idea of a girl tranforming into a guy might not be one pof those better ideas/theme in Crowd's opinion. OTOH, I personally think it could open the way to some interesting perspectives, themes and situations. Besides, since the main chara would (for msot of the game) be a guy, people might not mind that much. But who knows.. <_<.

Originally posted by 22Jan22:
Hey guys...
Someone talked about 2-3 months. Is that for certain

Patience is a must for a Bishoujo game fan [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

I didn't like the first X-change, but the second was fun (minus the rape scenes and other couple of stupid scenes) I'm looking forward to both games

XC3 is coming along nicely. But it looks like we’ll miss A-Kon

Yin Yang is also proceeding separately, so delays with XC3 won’t hold up Yin Yang or vice versa.

Cool, so what oh Doushin? Must know so I can have my money ready