Yin-Yang - Who is your favorite charactor / ending? (pos

I’d have to say female as Touya’s girlfriend. I don’t know why… but maybe because I’m female, I find him so cute, and hot… and like an all around good guy. My least favorite was all of the Kyoka endings, and Karin… because she scares me.

I don’t want to mention the studen council paths. I’d touch those paths only after I am finished with that gang leader, and touching that gang leader equires having to walk through Yuka’s path in Crescendo again. SO, it’d take me a long time.

Touya’s girlfriend… one probelm of Yin-yang, though it can’t be helped, is that the prtagonist is a female for almost 80% of the whole game, so, unless you can rememebr his original presence as a guy well… it’d be a bit hard to appreciate some of the ‘male’ endings (as in, Kaoru as a guy) So, even though I’m a guy in saying this, I did kinda like the Touya’s girlfriend path… first for the fact that Touya is a real cool guy all-round, and the fact that if Kaoru was a girl (which he was), Touya is perfect for him. Oh, and as a girl, Kaoru is too damn hot.

But if I had to pick a tie, and a male option… Miu’s husband. I think Kaoru really matured in that path, though I wish there were more options with Miu (like dating her, getting her to bunk in, smash Renji’s head half the bloody time)

[ 04-22-2007, 12:14 PM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

Coolgamer’s paths, based on playing my copy.

Male. Sakuya’s husband
Mui. both endings.
Female. Touya’s girlfriend
Male. Mizuki’s boyfriend, Purely for the futa.

Least favorite. Kyoka (ANY PATH)

ok this sounds odd, but personally i will have to agree with coolgamer’s choices here

Hmmm… I am damn tempted to play the Mizuchi paths. For all the futa, she seems to be a socially inept girl due to her little secret (no, I haven’t touched her path, but one screenshot has already said a thousand words)

LOL about Sakuya… I personally prefer Touya and Miu paths,(Miu first, on both paths, then Touya, following the girl path) but she’s cool in her own right.

One way or the other, X-change alternative sure is fun.

I like the Touya’s girlfriend ending best
Sakuya second best because it’s funny
Mizuki third

The school council path endings are at the bottom.

I guess Miu was a bit cliched for you :stuck_out_tongue: lol

I think the general consensus is that the student council paths aren’t very popular, or we haven’t garnered enough response. Wonder if this will affact YY 2…

I don’t like the student council path for several reasons. First, it reminds me of Takuya too much… caving in to every demand. Second, the subject matter doesn’t appeal to me. Third, the ‘good’ ending of that path isn’t all that good. It feels to me like Kaoru doesn’t come out ahead.

Miu wasn’t all that interesting to me. I guess it’s not my fetish. The Touya and Mizuki paths seemed like the main lines male and female to me. I really liked the Sakuya one because she and Kaoru had such a fun relationship to watch.

(ahem guess everybody can guess my preferences) And, admittedly, Sakuya was a little bit of the swordgirl choice (though every good dating sim needs one. Well, maybe not, but it’s one interesting chocie if they pull it off right)

Touya’s path a main path ? Hmm… I personally wish it was longer and more involved, and for a chaarcter like Kaoru, whose life was built on his father’s words, to have him allow Touya to protect him at the end sounds a little bit like a betrayal. But that’s just my opinion, and in all honesty, Touya is the one best suited to Kaoru (as a girl)

Mizuki is pretty much the main path one way or the other. The student council paths turn up early, but tat’s for the old X-change fans… the Mizuki path is something like the first chocie Kaoru can make.

Hmmm… let’s see:

First choice: Student Council

Second Choice: Mizuki

Third choice: Sakuya

Fourth Choice: Miu

Fifth choice: Girl’s side (Touya or Renji)

Sixth choice: ‘Bad’ ending (alone as a boy)

True, true… though Sakuya seemed more like the generic kendo girl to me (too many to list… Love Hina’s Motoko is a supreme example); if anything, her independence and strength of character adds on to the stereotype (though thankfully, she doesn’t succumb to a few other cliches)

True about Miu being cute… but she’s one of the few stepsister paths I know that are relatively… ‘safe’.

Right, she was not married to the American, but was his girlfriend. They considered her part of their family which may be where the confusion came from.

In that one I liked the Asuka good ending mostly because Takuya finally figured himself out, even if it took Natsumi to do it.

If it weren’t for that, I’d take the Chisato path as my favorite because she’s too cute.

[ 04-27-2007, 01:02 AM: Message edited by: OrcAttack ]

I wanted an ending with Yui and imo the game really deserved one.
My favorite ending though was as a girl with Tohru.

[ 04-28-2007, 07:25 AM: Message edited by: Series5Ranger ]

I will second that.

I didn’t really like the ending with Touya. I mean it was ok, but I thought he was rather cold to her at the end. That disappointed me. I mean she gave up who she was for him, and he treats her coldly.

I think my favorite ending was the one with Renjis girlfriend constantly stealing the potion from you. For some reason I thought that was the most amusing one. I liked both of the sister endings as well.

My least favorite were the student council endings. I hate abuse.

The Renji/Karin path were great comedy. I laughed out loud several times playing down that one. I also laughed a few times because of the constant baiting of each other by Kaoru and Sakuya.

XC3 Teacher path. Takuya was her rebound. She’ll find a more mature guy and he’ll have to get his own girl. 'Course if he grows up in two years, Asuka’ll be back… Hey, they could do XC4 if they based it off of that ending.

What I mean is, that Kaoru says repeatedly to Touya that she loves him. Does Touya reciprocate, say he loves her? Nope, nary a once in that ending sequence. To me thats just cold.

If you have ever had a girlfriend, you know that the one thing every girl needs to hear, is that they are loved. His leaving those 3 words out is conspicuous. It suggests that the feelings are one sided. Touya may be concerned about her, but apparently he doesn’t love her, either that or he simply feels no need to tell her that he loves her. Or perhaps I’m just reading too much into this.

Nope, but you are very Western! :slight_smile:

I’m in the USA and never noticed that Touya didn’t say that to Kaoru. I don’t think it would have fit his personality at all. It was obvious to me that he did love her.

While it’s expected that you respond to your wife with “I love you” here, they also believe that actions speak louder than words. Way louder based on personal experience.

I liked Miu’s path’s the best, both of them. Then I’d have to say it would be Sakuya’s paths, Then I liked the path where you stole Renji’s girlfriend she was really cute in my opinion. I didn’t like any of the Kyoka path’s.

[ 08-15-2007, 11:26 PM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]