Yin yang x change alternative 2?

hi there

is there any project for yin yang x change alternative 2?

Currently there’s no news about JASTUSA working on X-Change Alternative 2 (at least, I haven’t heard anything about it).

Since every other title of the X-Change series have been translated, though, I think it’s fairly possible that we’ll get X-Change Alternative 2 too in - let’s say - a couple of years or so.

couple of year ? O.o why it take some much time?

It’s not that much time, actually. When I started playing eroges, more than a year ago, Lightning Warrior Raidy II was already “work in progress”, and it hasn’t been released yet.

JASTUSA is almost surely not even working on X-Change Alternative 2 now. On the other hand, they do have their hands full with Nitroplus titles. So, yes, I don’t think there’s any chance we can get X-Change Alternative 2 anytime soon - assumed that we will get it at all.

Peach Princess is a small company, and they have a lot of games to work on, and not many staff. Also, everything they do has to go thru the Japanese side as well. All this taken together means a couple of years is basically par for the course for them.

Well I think theguys at peach princess would be looking at Xchange alternative 2, mainly because the brand is very popular and established and the entire series has been covered so far. Rite now PP has its hands full with nitro+ so I dont see a license this year.And Ithink, from experience that it takes about a year or two between acquiring a license and actual release. SO lets hope for the best.
The game, as I have heard is pretty awesome. So lets hope we get to play it.

I’m a little surprised that YY2 hasn’t been translated yet, but I wouldn’t say it’s never going to happen. I have always assumed that the X-change series has done very well for JAST. I hope this doesn’t have to do anything with their recent hate of “underage” content…

it is peach princess who translate all the other x change so i belive he will od the same for this

The problem, in my opinion is that YY2 features some rape, tentacles, 1 lolicon, blood ( from virgins ) and incest
Because of the issue’s currently surrounding adult games, i believe they are being wary of the title currently because of this.

They can’t just remove the Lolicon, that’s 2 endings right their, and the tentacle endings are a further 2 endings. So with things as they are currently, they would possibly have to cut out 2 girls story-lines, which is 4 endings.
10 out of 14 = 29%
Meaning an estimated 29% of the game could possibly be cut if released currently ( based off the ending numbers, it could be less/more depending on the text and scenes )

There is already a thread on this game with a lot more detail.


I don’t honestly see them having any problems with the tentacle aspect, since it’s not “tentacle rape” per se.

The loli… PLEASE just lie about her age. I’ve SEEN people in college that literally look to be the same age group as the “loli”.

I think that Demonbane is far more dangerous on the loli side, and probably more dark in the ero scenes, too. Moreover, public uproar tends to die quite quickly (that, or it grows and grows until everything is destroyed, let’s just hope in this case it will die soon), so X-Change Alternative 2 should be fine if it doesn’t come out soon.

Ah, but J-List, Peach Princess, Jast USA, G-Collections, and NitroPlus USA are all the same company run by the same guy.

are you sure?

Considering the guy is well over 4k posts not to mention the date of which he joined, it would seem rather odd if he didn’t have an idea of the games he’s been talking about for the duration of that time.

In short, yeah it’s the same person asdu :wink:

My join date is actually incorrect. In 2004, the board crashed, and to fix it, they had to delete and recreate my profile. I actually joined sometime in 2002. I’m not sure, but I think my post count is correct.

i dont mean the forum admin i mean who own both of the company

Do you really need Peter Payne to login and post before you would believe it?

Peach Princess is a California-based English translator and distributor of Japanese bish?jo games; so far, all its releases have been eroge, which has made it one of the few companies in North America rated “Adults Only” by the ESRB. Many of its releases to date were developed by Crowd, a Japanese bish?jo games studio, such as Brave Soul, Tokimeki Check-In!, Water Closet: The Forbidden Chamber, and the X-Change series. It is part of the J-List/JAST USA/G-Collections group of companies, owned by Peter Payne.

Perhaps this old interview will finally convince you asdu: http://anime.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=2920
From that is this quote:

Jeez, It seems U guys have started ganging up on a newbie because of a rather noobish post…