This had to have it’s own thread?
There’s no evidence that Hiroko possessed the Nekoko persona until her involvement with drugs. While it’s highly conceivable that Nekoko is the unrepressed desires and feelings of Hiroko, that these emotions emerged is a result of the drugs. For example there are very nice people, who become violent drunks. Psychologists can discuss for hours on end, why this is so, but the “normal person” is not violent. Same for Hiroko and Nekoko. Therefore Nekoko is Hiroko, but only under the influence of substance abuse.
tl;dr… It’s a persona that’s apart of her, but not actually her.
Easily fixed.
Now it’s worthy enough to have it’s own thread.
Works for me.
Not that I have been very good at distinguishing different artists of games, but who is behind that picture and what is it from Narg?
Ah… it’s from No Surface Moon (???) by ROOT. It’s a really good dark eroge (but not ultra evil dark) with a happy twincest route. There’s also an anime adaption for it, but they dropped the twincest.
The artist was Carnelian.
Nekoko is very much Hiroko. Nekoko was simply the side of Hiroko that was so depressed and disappointed with the world that she needed to find something to live for. Whereas Hiroko was simply so depressed and disappointed that she had mostly given up. So, for me, the ending where Nekoko “re-appears” is quite wonderful considering that she not only finally found that Fairie Kingdom she was looking for… though it was a combination of her creating it in the park and also her finding it within love… but because the two diverging personalities were able to merge and become one. Nekoko is no longer manic in her depression and is more “stable” and Hiroko is no longer languid in her “depression”.
In the end both sides temper each other and Nekoko becomes what Hiroko truly is.
Exactly. That’s the way I saw it, too. But I wonder, Hiroko/Nekoko is riding high at the end of this path, what with her theme park and all. But what happens if her business model fails? What if the park never makes a profit or if the public tires of it? Will she get bummed out and start doing drugs, again? Or will Disney come to the rescue and buy her out?
we need a rule that all screenshots must have labels of where they came from 8)
The one in the quote is from Cross Channel. I just reviewed it as the first review on my site. It was a pretty bad choice since it’s hard to review. Pretty much anything significant I could say is a major spoiler. :lol:

The one in the quote is from Cross Channel. I just reviewed it as the first review on my site. It was a pretty bad choice since it’s hard to review. Pretty much anything significant I could say is a major spoiler. :lol:
Out of curiosity what’s a game that you’d give a 5/5 to?
(yeah, yeah, dragging the topic even further off, but whatever =p)

Out of curiosity what’s a game that you’d give a 5/5 to?
(yeah, yeah, dragging the topic even further off, but whatever =p)
I haven’t retroactively applied scores to games I played, so I can only name some games off the record. I’m not done with Little Busters! yet, but it seems like it could get a 5/5 from me. Ever 17 probably would also get a 5/5. FSN… maybe. The writing was too long-winded for me, so I might score it a 4/5. Sadly, I can’t even remember most of the games I’ve played off the top of my head, so I can’t think of any other top-tier games I’ve played.
But the main reason Cross Channel didn’t get a 5/5 from me is because I simply didn’t care about the characters enough and I found the writing too hard to follow and purposely confusing at times.

But the main reason Cross Channel didn’t get a 5/5 from me is because I simply didn’t care about the characters enough and I found the writing too hard to follow and purposely confusing at times.
You know, I’m probably going to get a lot of flack for this… but at least I’ll be honest…
Jesus Christ in Heaven, I was absolutely bored with Cross Channel. The thing held zero interest for me. I’ve ran across several eroge blogs and site that heap nothing but praise on it. But if I had to summarize my own opinion of it: Boring as Fuck. I suppose it’s because the Dark Side runs like black tar in veins, and I’m damned beyond all redemption of pure love unless it involves twincest.
Probably didn’t help that the art style didn’t appeal to me either.
I simply couldn’t connect with any of the characters or feel any sympathy/feelings for them. Nothing special happened for me. Maybe I need to stop playing the evil stuff for awhile…
I didn’t really sympathize with any of the characters either, which was one of my biggest problems with the game. It just doesn’t seem like it’s trying to get you to like the characters. You reset too much for any significant character development to occur. The story was interesting enough for me to enjoy it though.
Yeah but did you know that sandwiches are made of sand and wiches ? :lol:
I liked CC.
For some obvious reason (I won’t spoil) it lacks of character developement (in particular for Touko… since it was my favorite character ;)).
For me the characters are more important than the story (wich is great in CC), so it’s only a matter of taste.
Unfortunately it’s always like that in games story oriented. Just like in princess Waltz, there is only one ending so you feel ripped of the pleasure of conquering the girls…
At first I didn’t like the end (too sad)… but after some deeper toughts, it is what makes you realize Romero wanted to make us “think” about the true personality of Daikichi, how he hurt others and his final choice.
Furthermore I like skinny girls so it’s enough for me to like it :lol: