*** Yosuga no Sora ***

It would be pretty cool if Shingo posted :
Well, why not! We’re feeling generous. It looks nice, and JastUSA has decided to get it! :D”

Although the chances of that happening are… 0.4%
You should actively hype about it here and everywhere for the best chance of it getting picked up in the future by someone.
(or start learning japanese using that 2 year guide)


I played the translated demo a while back… it looked pretty. I reserve my judgement though…

Isn’t there an incomplete unofficial patch for it? Do they still work on it?

The unfortunate truth is that there are hundreds of companies that are making h-games in Japan, or have made then in the past. Less than two dozen or so have ever had any of their games released officially in English.

If a game you’re interested in isn’t from one of those 2 dozen companies (some of which are long dead, like Jast or the old Apricot), then sadly odds are that particular game is not going to be localized.

Instead of this, JAST should license Garden and make CUFFS finish it! Seriously, it came out at the start of 2008 and still hasn’t been patched entirely.

So they released an unfinished game? Why would they do that?



Erogers are market masochists…

hm? may i have a link :smiley:

Sure, here are two for learning to read the language :smiley:
Here’s the one for reading VNs…
http://visualnovelaer.wordpress.com/201 … tep-guide/
And here’s another guide that might be useful :
http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/forum … opic=282.0

As for learning to speak the language …
I don’t have a guide :confused: I currently do Rosetta Stone, various audio tapes, anime/VNs, and youtube…

You can only really learn to speak the language through practice and immersion. Learn to read it first- reading is harder, more important and will make speaking it easier.

thx for the links!

It was a good series … but considering it was aired in a very VN style, branching to each relationship the way it did (even with the “secret love” thing going on after the credits) I’m not sure if it would be worth holding my breath for. (since I’ve more or less had the experience of playing it now) Mind you, if it did come out I’d almost certainly buy it, but I’d be much happier if Air or Clannad, or one of those other famously popular VNs I keep hearing about but never get to play, were released in the US.

What stops you from buying a copy and playing?

Not being able to read Japanese and having some weird inability to figure out how to use fan translation material properly. (it’s like some weird mental block)

there are stuff i would rather see than this
i would rather see 3 methods before this
on the patch it covers the first route from the anime

Mwa, ha, ha, ha! Just bought the complete anime DVD. Naturally I already saw it on air, but I need to support my love with the merchandise too. :o

Just to be sure: Episodes #1, 7, 10, 11, and 12 are the only episodes that happened. All the others are just figments of your imagination.

Those who argue will be tentacle raped. Then shot. Then burned. Then shot again. Then burned again. Then tentacle raped some more just to be sure.

And that’s if I like you. :twisted:

Presumably those are the incest episodes, in which case … obviously those are the only ones which really happened! All that other stuff was just filler, getting us to the proper incest content and padding out the series until they could get us there.

It got cancled because Cuffs sent a CandD notice. I think Manga Gamer would be more likeley to get it then Jast, they got Ef and that got a C and D notice too, thanks to the CandD notices, I started to learn Japanese, so I can play them

yeah mangagamer is more likely to do loli

The c&d has nothing to do with official releases ;_; Minori’s main problem was the fact that it didn’t require a actual copy of the game
[size=50]And likely editing the game without permission[/size]