You thought Rapelay was bad?

If the powers that be in politics ever find out about “Demonophobia”, all HELL will break loose.

Part one of the playthrough.

I’ve watched them all so far, just in sheer horror like a train wreak.

Be warned: VERY violent.

You can get decapitated, cut in half, impaled, sliced in half, burned alive, digested, swarmed and eaten by moths, punched to death, death by giant uterus… the list goes on.

I don’t even want to guess at the translation.

For Americans violence isn’t considered as bad as sex in fictional depictions. There’s dozens of violent American games that are banned or censored in Europe and Japan, for being too violent. Generally it’s glorification of sexual abuse, cultural sexual deviance (like incest and bestiality), humanizing traumatic exploitation of children, and blatant overt racism that raises immediate red flags. Fictional violence in of itself to be impossibly violent would most certainly be attacked by critics, but it wouldn’t bring about immediate criminal charges like graphically immoral sexual depiction.

For American evil meters: Consentual Sex Between Teenagers > Graphic Dismemberment of a Teenager

So criminal charges over Demonophobia wouldn’t be for the violence: it be for the lolicon sex. The violence would only be another platform to substantiate the obscenity charges for the lolicon material… but it’s the lolicon that got you sent to court in the first place, [b]not the gore[/b].

Eh, the graphics were too weak to make it really disturbing … you want messed up, try Rule of Rose: … playnext=1

Dead Space is supposedly banned in Japan. Sells fine in the US of A. Could be a publicity stunt, but Japan has banned (in some form or another) at least 3 titles for various dumb reasons.

Check out Australia though… not what I’d expect from the descendants of criminal prisoners. :wink:

Going over that list, I absolutely love the reasons why China banned games. Tibet, an independent nation? Not in our video games!

Saudi Arabia’s reason for banning the Pokemon card game is funny as well.

Honestly? Dead Space sucked. Maybe it was alright on the console (it was also a console game, right?) but on the computer it was more frustrating than fearsome. What a let down after hoping for a good horror fps.

The sprite-based graphics in this game are too weak and the story too sparse to even approach being disturbing. Rapelay itself has the graphics, but again the story is sparse, and the premise itself actually isn’t that disturbing. JAST carries games that imo are far more disturbing: games like Sensei 2, Tsuki Possession, Virgin Roster, and Hitomi: My Stepsister. Illusion itself even carries more disturbing titles: Biko 3 (basically a stalker sim), Battle Raper (forced oral mid-battle, plus several rather realistic defeat rape FMV’s), and Des Blood 4 (main heroine gets raped and killed in several scenes). There’s a number of localized H-OVAs that are pretty brutal as well, with a lot more setup and dialogue than Rapelay has.

The only reason I could see people reacting to a game such as this is because the sprite-based graphics make it look like it could be a game for kids. Which it’s not: it’s 21+. And again, the ero is so weak you can’t even really call it an erogame…

As for Rapelay, seriously, it only drew attention because it has “Rape” in the name, in English. If the name had been in Japanese, the game would’ve slipped under the public’s radar like all the other kichiku Japan churns out.

Which is why they are basically going to be like “yeah, just stop using [these words] in the title of the game” as their response. Most probably, that’s all that’s going to change.

Thanks for pointing out that Let’s Play! They did a really good job with it, inserting music into a silent game, and the commentary made it much more amusing.
The game isn’t the same without the music they added…

The scenes are disturbing, but the setting IS hell or something like it. Also, you are the one being tortured rather than you being the torturer.
If the game had taken place in an urban normal setting. And you went around doing all the things that happen in Demonophobia to innocents…

Then you’d have something people would jump on for being outrageous.

Moths? Eaten by moths? I think that would be the worse…maybe being eaten by dung beatles…or slugs…