your favorite h-games turned anime

what are your favorite anime versions of h-game
you haven’t had to play the game to like the anime

My favorites would be Utawarerumono and Kanon (the second version), though I’ve only played through some of the former and have yet to play the latter.

I also like what amounts to the first half of the Shuffle! anime. In my opinion it’s a better start of things than in the game; I mean the heroines are better introduced and a good portion of it was actually from the game itself and just expanded upon. As for what amounts to the second half… :evil: (though I will admit Primula’s arc was pretty good).

And I know I’m going to take a lot of heat for saying this but, I don’t hate the Tsukihime anime…Now before you grab your torches and pitchforks, people, let me explain. I’ve played Tsukihime and its spinoffs (eagerly awaiting any form of announcement of the remake) and read most of the manga and I freely admit that the anime is vastly inferior to the original. However, if it wasn’t for the anime I might not have even heard of Tsukihime or Type Moon for a long time, so it does kind of hold a spot in my heart for introducing me and for that I can’t hate it. I can’t love it either, but…

the remake of tsukihime should be next December

As above, without seeing Tsukihime I wouldn’t have played the game (and maybe I wouldn’t know of visual novels); while I didn’t disliked it, it isn’t one of my favorites, though.
Shuffle! I liked the anime overall more than the game (though it seems I’m alone on this).
Kanon 2006 is IMHO a very good adaptation, maybe even better than the novel; I liked even more Air, though I haven’t played the game.

While a little Short (4 Episodes) I thought Dragon Knight: Wheel of Time was decent. The Focus is really on the 2nd half of the game it’s based on. ( elf’s Dragon Knight 4) It does touch upon the major themes that the game is based on, but it really doesn’t have enough episodes to really flesh out a lot of the side character’s stories.

I’d have to say Shuffle! so far is my favourite.

i liked the fate/stay night anime and await the UBW movies

My fate/stay night DVDs should be arriving this week. I’m looking forward to it.

i need to re-buy that series but i am poor and would rather buy new stuff

The only series I have seen entirely that is based on an eroge is ToHeart. I’ve seen the first episode of the newer version of Kanon, and I’m currently in the middle of watching the Shuffle anime. Based on my limited exposure, Shuffle is currently the winner among them, due to sheer comedy value. None of them come anywhere near my list of favorites when it comes to anime though.

I was utterly heartbroken to see Hourglass of Summer reduced to a steaming pantload when it was made into a two-part OVA. The game itself was 12 hours long, which was condensed into 2 half-hour episodes. To put it in perspective imagine all 3 Lord of the Ring movies condensed into a single hour, all the while trying to maintain the slightest iota of the original story. :frowning:

that was done in the cartoon of lord of the rings and return of the king

the suika anime was good but i wish it had 2 or 3 more episodes
for the other heroines
the dub version was called wet summer days

Just for fun I can make all 3 movies last even Shorter :

And this guy, also named Doug, can make them last only a little more than 30 seconds put together :mrgreen: : … f-the-ring … two-towers … f-the-king

The way those links were abbreviated… I mean the first thing that popped into my mind was frak the ring and frak the king. Of course frak isn’t the exact word, but I think you get the picture.

I know, totally off the wall and insignificant. Meh…

I’d say “Demonbane” but people may say that I’m very biased about the matter… :mrgreen:

I really haven’t liked any of the h-game based anime that I am familiar with (Shuffle! probably dissapointing me the most). Sadly, I have yet to play To Heart, so the anime is the only thing I know.

O… and you’re very baised about the matter.

Did I disappoint? Was I too nice? Or too harsh? I desperately need your approval! PLEASE! :cry:

Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien. Hands down. Can’t believe no one’s mentioned it yet. It’s #3 on the top 200 anime list:

Anyone who says Shingetsutan Tsukihime sucks is either in denial or is trolling because its popularity irks them, the elitists that have played the “superior” original game. It may not quite match the game in greatness (story-wise at least; the graphics are greatly improved), and (gasp) it might deviate a bit from the game, but it’s a quality anime definitely worth watching for anyone that likes vampire anime or character-driven fantasy / drama. It’s 3rd in my top 5 favorite anime list:

  1. Elfen Lied
  2. Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien
  3. Shingetsutan Tsukihime
  4. Death Note
  5. Gunslinger Girl

Shuffle was entertaining, but I wouldn’t call it great; same for the game. I haven’t seen all of Fate/Stay Night yet, but it seems pretty good so far, though the way it blends arcs from the game doesn’t always make complete sense.

Ftae/Stay night for me. To be honest I havent seen that many animes. :slight_smile: