Your Guide to Yandere Love

Important Yandere Tip: An engagement ring can function as a Get Out of Jail Free Card if carried on one’s person at all times and immediately presented when caught in a life threatening mistake. Of course, this “card” can only be used once – and will only dig you in a deeper grave if another mistake occurs… the marriage will also begin seconds after the ring is given.

This is a disturbingly detailed guide, great work!

The latest nitro+ game has the mother of all yanderes


She’s not yandere for the protagonist, but for the PLAYER, and considers it cheating when you enter the other girl route; as far as she’s concerned, you should just keep playing her own route.
And then she rewrites reality to delete the other girl.

I played the trial of that when I saw the insanely high ratings that title was getting. The chance of me buying this is now somewhere between 100% and 130%.

I sort of wonder if they utilise this in conjunction with the USB memory stick the game ships on for the preorder version. There’s got to be a reason they shipped it on writable media =P

Axanael didn’t get the greatest critical response, so I am kind of glad Nitroplus’s response wasn’t to back away from that style of eroge but instead run with it.

Doesn’t need the USB to run, if that’s what you mean

Oh well. I guess it’s just for faster installation or whatever; just kind of puzzles me as to why they’d bother, since it had to be a lot more expensive than pressing discs. I guess it’s probably nicer to keep around (not really worried about scratching a USB drive…)

According to this interview, it’s because they wanted to make that small package, and a normal DVD wouldn’t fit. It may have been also to reduce reselling.
Though it was just announced the standard edition that will come in DVD.

Between Island Days and this it looks like this could be a good year for yandere heroines: … dere-hell/

Hahahaha, I used to think Kikakuya was a person myself ages ago. Research faillllll =P

If you’re into yandere, you might wanna check this out:

Yes, it’s all-ages. No, it’s not a VN. And?

I wonder if NIS will localize this… … e-forever/