Youtube has free anime and cartoons

Some of it sucks… but some of it is honestly good.

I can get my He-man and She-ra groove on. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s also non-cartoon stuff like I Dream of Jeanie and Addams Family. 8)

I didn’t know about watching old cartoons on Youtube, but I’ve known for a few months now that Funimation has been putting certain series they have licensed up on the site. This is immensely helpful when something comes up and I am able to have my usual weekly “anime night”.

Yea, sadly someone had to ruin the One Piece thing. :frowning:

Although TBH they should have waited to upload it till close to the last minute (they could have deleted if they uploaded it earlier for testing purposes).

O, which ones did they upload ? :?

Everything on the official Funi channel (warning, audio starts automatically): … 4de0382490

Unfortunately, a friend of mine who was visiting her parents in Greece found out that not everyone can view their stuff. She said she was going to try again once she got back home to the UK, but I haven’t heard from her yet as to if she finally was able to watch there.

she could have proxied to view it.