Yuki Suetsugu

Fun stuff:


For those who don’t know, Yuki Suetsugu is a mangaka who did major plagiarism for all her works. That site shows the most obvious thefts. Some are revealed to be outright tracing.

I did not read her manga yet. Animenewsnetwork posted that her works- Flower of Eden, and Silver. Flower of Eden copied from Slam Dunk and REAL.

Snicker. What was she thinking? This is worst than this guy i knew who stole somebody else’s work to present as his own. Why he was not ranked lower? Cuz he never succeeded in convincing anyone he drew it.

Well its kinda sad really. While she obviously traces the hell out of things, she actually wrote the stories and scripts to those manga. If she were able to find an artist to team up with, and just stayed the writer, then this whole mess could have been avoided. Then again, its not all that easy for a writer to just find an artist to draw for them at an affordable price. However after the success of her first series, you’da think she could have afforded an assistant - but I suppose she thought she could continue to get away with it.

Yuki Suetsugu can draw - she didn’t trace everything she produced - but she lacks “creativity” in layout design and fashion, while also having a strong weakness in dynamic positioning. Hence the copying. Taking an art class might have solved those issues… but who knows.

I hear she’s back in the manga business though: legit this time…

I don’t understand that opinion at all.

Sure, tracing bits is plagiarism, but it’s still minor (and it’s done ALL THE TIME, even ‘respectable’ artists have been known to lift something here and there, not to mention that it’s a useful learning technique) and you still have to do the actual drawing. For that matter, a large number of professional artists are using reference photographs and models - it’s just that they’re properly licensing the photographs and paying the models, rather than lifting without permission, and if they’re paying the models and taking the pictures, you never see the intermediary stages to know what it was done from. The end result is still the work of the artist. The artist DID draw it.

Whereas someone stealing someone else’s stuff and slapping their name on it is pretty low-down scum. On the other hand they’re often easier to catch… because if they steal from multiple sources it becomes obvious that it’s not their work.

You still have to be able to basically frame and compose the work, even with Poser. Sounds like her issues were not being able to do that in the first place, hence the copying of others work to overcome it.

Yea. It’s one thing to draw, but it’s another to know how to properly position bodies, produce backgrounds, or conceptualize outfits. Miss Yuki seems to have a serious lack of confidence (or perhaps lacked the skill) in her own ability to setup layouts. Thus the trace, trace, and more trace as Darkstar puts it.

Doesn’t make it right of course, and the sheer magnitude of how far reaching her copying went, is quite insane: other manga, idol magazines, news clips, and even foreign sports footage. I mean no one will fault you for taking inspiration from a picture here and there (for example many vampire anime steal their positioning/clothing/layout from American and European vampire films)… but not when over 50% of your work can be directly linked to an original source that’s not your own.

Actually, using live models is fine. Especially from sporting events. It’s the direct tracing of OTHER ARTISTS WORK without any acrediation that is the problem. But there are certain American comic artists that have been caught TRACING porno frames for their work. Seriously. Now, getting caught doing that? Wow. I cannot imagine DOING IT in the first place. Not even as a truly crappy hack as an artist that I am, would I even consider it. But apparently, some think of it as quite acceptable.

It seems to me it would take more time to search through material to find to trace or closely model/follow (some one with skills who model a picture on some other work will come out looking very close to a trace) that is suitable for what you need would take more time then just to take a couple of pics of yourself and friends. I suppose some of the more “dynamic” poses aren’t easily self-modelled, but that’s why artists use sport scenes for such material.


Just look at this one! :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously. :lol:

Interesting find Narg. So which one came first? I’m familiar with the Cowboy Bebop movie, but I have no idea about Naruto. Should I assume that because the movie is on top, it was first?

Speaking from what it looks like (and personal bias) I would say/hope Cowboy bebop is the original :lol:

Let’s see… The Cowboy Bebop movie was released in 2001 whereas the Naruto TV series started in 2002 (and its OVAs started to be released in 2003)…

Yea… Cowboy Bebop is the original source for the fight sequence. People have been examing some other fight scenes in Naruto, to see if this is an isolated “steal” or not.

On a side note, here’s more images of the Slam Dunk copy cat I mentioned earlier:


Case in point with Slam Dunk, VIZ Media is doing the manga translation, but has an official tie-in with the NBA (a tremendous bother for VIZ to setup and pay for). The reason is that photos can be protect as intellectual property: especially the ones from magazines, news journal sources, and professional sports. The cheating discovery about Slam Dunk hurts, because it’s been consistantly voted as a #1 manga in Japan. Now that standing is tainted. People can rightfully counter claim, “the artwork was copied/stolen without permission/credit” or what have you.

Crazy stuff though. Flower of Eden was caught copying Slam Dunk, which in turn was copying NBA photos. Like a daisy chain of idea theft. :?

It’s surprisingly common though… D.Gray-man copied TrigunCross Hunter copies Dragonball Z… there’s like two or three dozen of these cases. Disney does it too.

Here’s a short English article about all this, but first watch this funny YouTube video that takes it to extremes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok9EWXx9l3Q

It even has twins (the only copycat stuff Narg approves)!!! Can’t go wrong with that!!! :mrgreen:

:shock: Horror at 1:52 !!! :shock:

If they are ever going to release an “Idolm@ster featuring Hulk Hogan” then I fear I have to …
… boykott that one!!! :roll:

What? You’re not an Idolmaniac? Wha’cha gonna do, when Idolmania gets on you? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, I like idols, I even love idols!
I am really looking forward to the triple release next month - or to which other date it ever will be postponed…

But if the idol looks like Hulk Hogan and then after I managed the idol to become number one of the charts, my grateful idol puppy-eyedly takes me into a loving headlock turning that into a german suplex, then my limit of love for idols has been reached! And I don’t even want to imagine what happens after that… :shock:

OMG… caught this myself…

On Earth as In Heaven from Globus.

Now listen to the credits theme in Red Alert 3.


I’m assuming EA isn’t dumb enough to copy someone else for a tune, so they both must be sourcing the same thing. Maybe a traditional religious chant or something…