Yume Miru Kusuri hidden character?

I have heard tell there is a hidden character in Yume Miru Kusuri, but have been unable to find it, I was hoping someone here had done so (and let me know what I’m missing) - or could assure me I had been misinformed.


There are no hidden characters in YMK - Aeka, Mizuki and Nekoko are the only three who have paths.

It’s just that there should have been a path for Aya (your sister), but it was dropped.

So what we got left with is a paltry 3 scenes of slapstick humor. They should have left us with nothing because it screws our anticipation.

Where’s my Shingo route :(((

It appears it was dropped some time during the Japanese release mid-way, ie after the layout had been done and several scenes had been drawn, probably due either to time or budget contraints, or both.

Whether there are more hidden pictures inside the file unaccessable via normal means no one has yet said. However, it has been confirmed you aren’t being ripped off any more than the Japanese customers. They had Aya route stripped there.

There are numerous reasons to think that such a route was suppose to have existed, but was taken out, all of which is explained in an older thread.

Okay, that must be where the rumor came from, thanks. And I don’t think I would have wanted a scene with “the Puff”, as they would not have done it justice and he would have come off poorly.

To clear this up once again, there is no hidden character in Yume Miru Kusuri. I playtested it before release, I checked the code and the script, and I’ll swear on any arcane codex you like that there is nothing in the game other than what you see on the screen. I was not privy to the Japanese side of the development process and have no idea what went on in their heads any more than anyone else, but it’s my personal opinion from playing the game that it seems likely that at one point an Aya route was considered. There is no evidence at all that tells us how far this was pursued or how seriously; all evidence is purely circumstantial based on what happens in the game. Rest assured that there is no hidden or omitted content, no secret truncated sections of code that if you decompile you’ll unlock some kind of forbidden loli incest paradise.

I hope that’s perfectly clear. ^^;;

There you go ruining people’s hopes now… :mrgreen:

Crystal, thank you. Speaking of this game, I’ve just started diving into it, and it is very refreshing. The last game I played to completion was Hitomi Stepsister, and that was fun, but most of the time it was such a downer. This game is funny and happily eccentric, and it’s great. I also love the puff.

Almost the entire Nekoko line is funny, while almost none of the Aeka line is; Mizuki is a good middle ground.

Heh, Aeka does it to herself. I’ll admit it’s mean, but I gotta laugh too. Poor little dope.

Keep in mind I haven’t finished the game yet, so if things get worse I will adjust my feelings accordlingly. But for now, she just seems like a bumbling goofball. Though the little time I had Kouhei spend with her outside school was nice and refreshing.

Send me a quality lolicon game for replacement?

It gets much worse actually.

Yeah, Antionette is psychotic. She looks like a doll now but then suddenly the fun and games are over.

But Mizuki’s path is my favorite especially since she is the middle character. She has a balance of Aeka mellowness and Nekoko’s insane personality and in the same way, the balance of restraint is also exercised. Although she is actually closer to Nekoko’s side in terms of restraint…

I’ll take your word for it. Unfortunately my depress-o-meter is a little skewed ever since I started reading Berserk. I’m trying to bend it back to the normals of reality, but it’s surprisingly difficult.

Berserk is actually the only manga I read.

Epic, isn’t it?

Well I finished the Kirimiya ending, what a nice lovely moment. I don’t think I shall be forgetting that one anytime soon. It ranks up there on my favorite endings list, which is quite refreshing. I hope the other two endings are this well done. I shall see in the future, I suppose.

And whoever did the music is good. “The Plot Suddenly Thickens” is probably one of my favorite mood transition songs out of all the games I’ve played.

Aeka’s good ending is the best ending ever.

And Kirimiya’ bad ending was the saddest ending.