Yume Miru Kusuri: Missing path? [Spoilers]

There is no hidden Aya path. One might have been in planning at some point very early in the game’s development, but that’s pure conjecture; it’s impossible to know without getting word straight from the developers at Ruf, and they aren’t talking.

Considering that they went to the trouble of arranging a non-blood-related scenario and providing at least some romantic interest between the protagonist and her (not to mention giving Aya her own block of scenes in the scene replay extras section) it does seem suspicious, but there’s really no way to know.

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I’m afraid Aya has likely joined the Satsuki Yumitsuka club of heroines that didn’t make it to a scenario.

Isn’t it sad…Aya?

It would be interesting to know if there are missing scenes embedded in the English or Japanese versions that were just taken out for her. The fact that there is a separate slot for her in the CG section tends to make it look like a very late alpha or beta testing descion to drop her because the artwork is usually done early on, especially for menus and the fact they didn’t put her section in the misc one and kept the scene dialogue, plus the suggestive dialogue with Tsubaki’s comments supports this hypothesis.

There are no hidden or missing CG scenes with Aya – or anyone else for that matter in Yume. I have only verified this with the English version though.

There are only two games in which I have found much in the way of “hidden” CG: Crescendo and Time Stripper Mako. I’ll fully admit that I haven’t checked everything though.

With all due respect to our friends in the lolli community, wouldn’t any GCs of Kouhei and Aya doing it be just extra creepy? I for one am grateful that Kouhei doesn’t get it on with his sister, touching her butt was bad enough. Anyone notice that his harassment of her at home parallels in a comedic way the bullying that Aeka’s classmates visit on her? Is the writer perhaps suggesting that bullying doesn’t just originate with a few evil individuals, but with us all to some degree or other?

Hmm. Interesting interpretation. I read it as a sort of public service message denouncing the dangers of playing H-games all night long. That’s what originally put the idea into his head after all. I believe he also refers to her as the “sister character” before committing his debauchery.

No it wouldn’t be extra creepy if Kouhei and Aya got it on, infact I think it would have been extra hot. Loli is hot. Oh and btw today is my birthday, yay I turned 24.

[ 08-19-2007, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

Seriously, the part where Kouhei’s in a stupor after playing the H-game just made me LOL.

Are you talking about going in the code here?

I’d suggest that the purpose of Aya is to keep the hentai-lovers tuned in to the game. One thing about YMK is that it’s a long time before there is a proper sex scene, the fanservice with Aya breaks that up a bit.

No, I was simply referring to browsing the CG archive files. I’ve got a Susie plugin for GGD archives. I’ve also got one for TS Mako, but I can’t for the life of me remember which one it is.

I should rephrase perhaps. If there was an Aya path, there are no graphical remnants of it that I can find. As for intentions? Only the makers of the game could answer that question.

Koehei’s problems do raise an excellent point. The sound of the train that he hears his entire life (which he refers to as “that noise”) is highly symbolic. Yet it remains seemingly unresolved. In all the true endings it “goes away.” Was it supposed to be symbolic of his life being guided as though it were a train running on a track? Or perhaps it merely represents the speed at which things are moving around Koehei as he lets life pass him by?

Symbolism and metaphors like this are engaging at a level I don’t really expect to encounter in a B-game. Congrats to the authors and the localizers who kept them intact.

I believe the train was suppose to mean that it was just that his life was prepared for him and he was just there on a ride. The fact of it being on a traintrack and not a monorail or other newer transportation devices which go faster and smoother, which are common in Japan now, sugests that his pace was slower as well.

There are also several hints given about Aya by Hirofumi as well. Finally the setup of the game is done in such a way that it should have had 4 possible paths (the path structure).

I loved Aya fanservice, it was hot!!! Wish there had been an Aya path that would’ve made me very happy but whatever.

[ 08-27-2007, 07:03 PM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

Bumped by request.