YUME Problem

Do you have any codec packs installed

If you would take screen shots of the CCCP settings (can be found through start>all programs>Combined community codec pack>settings) and I want both pages since you shouldn’t be having any problems as I have CCCP installed (although it is a slightly out of date version) and I have no problems with either of the games your having problems with.

There doesn’t seem to be that much difference but try and alter the following settings and see if it does any good

First Page
FDDshow Audio: Check MP1/2 and Vorbis
FDDshow General: Check both options and select modern from the dropdown menu below them
FDDshow Audio Settings: change the mixing to 2/0 - stereo

That should make your settings exactly the same as mine (don’t forget to click the apply button on the second page to confirm all the changes) and if that doesn’t work then first check the reset all settings option on the second page and if that doesn’t work then try the re-register filters option (these two options are one time only checks and they will be unchecked the next time you access that section).

Also I would like to know what version of CCCP your using (it should be in the lower left hand side of the settings menu in date form YYYY-MM-DD) since I suspect that they’ve done something that has broken video playback in those 2 games.

Have you tried running their insurgent program to make sure there are no conflicts?