Yumina the Ethereal

It’s a great fan disc… however like any fan disc, you have to like the core game for it to be worth your while. But on the whole, it’s a good stuff.

Good, so I’ll know to start bugging Peter and co. for it the moment I finish the game. Who’s with me?

Let’s wait until after the game is sold and shipped to people. If it sells enough copies, Peter may very well do it without anyone sending him a single email. I’m sure $$$ is the best convincer for him. :o

Pre-ordered! If it’s good I know I’d like to get the fandisc too…

scratches head
…Has a fan disc ever been released by JAST and company?

no but only 3 jast games have had fandisks

I wouldn’t trust Narg on anything about Yumina, as he’s obviously very partial on the matter. I mean: there are TWIN girls in the game, and they’re mikos to boot! Any praise he has about the main game is because of their presence, whilst any complain he has is because they’re not finishable and you cannot put them in your team. Likewise, any praise he has for the fandisc is because you can put the TWIN miko girls in your team in the fandisc!

…that being said, I wouldn’t have minded if Ayumu had teamed with Tsukuyo and Youko in the main game, along with Kirara because you always need in your party a sinister manipulative bitc— I mean, because she’s the knowledgeable one and the impetus for the story to start, in addition to her using an unbrella as her weapon~ (well, the walking stomac— I mean, Ai, is an okay character but, Swatty-sama, Ayumu, leave the insipid, shallow, stupid girl, Queen of Red Marks that is Yumina for Tsukuyo and Youko, or even Nayuta or Tomori!! It’s good to have an arrow in your bow, but it’s better to be guided by the Moon at night, and by the Sun!! Besides, I’m sure Yumina is broken~ Ufufu~)

I’ve been very busy the past months, so I only recently finished ??? ??? (that, and mad levelling-up). Since it will be released [size=10]one day[/size]soon in English, I’ll try not to spoil it “at all” with my comments. Let’s say the system wasn’t too bad, even though incredibly frustrating at times. I don’t think I ever swore that much against a game because its system favoured so much the enemies! Story and character-wise, there was one girl whose personality I just wasn’t able to like (because I found her to be incredibly boring, flat [no, not in that meaning], and insipid) and whose story I found way too “shounen-manga” (i.e. a boring, large ham), one I found so-so (though I’d agree she was the most hilarious character in the whole game, thanks to her… obsession ^^;;;;;), and another I just loved… and that was absolutely unrelated to the fact she was a [size=10]manipulative bitch[/size]motivating leader, animated by [size=10]hatred and revenge[/size]love and setting right what went wrong, and whose story contained the [size=10]highest named characters body count[/size]best treatment of the named characters, really. More because she was frankly very [size=10]dark[/size]cool a character, wielding a cool weapon instead of the boring, stereotypical ones. Totally my kind of girl, ufufu~ :mrgreen:
8/10 for the whole game, individual scores being (character/story): 6/6.5, 8.5/7.5, and 10/10. Bonus points for the SD character parts.

Now playing the fandisk, ??? ??? ?ForeverDreams??. Apparently, it’ll focus more on some side characters of the main game. Considering I liked them more than one of the heroines (WAY more), I think I’ll enjoy it~

Is this game as hard as Sengoku Rance?

I personally found it very easy, as you can reach the maximum level (100) in your first play, at about half the story… though it may requires levelling up like mad.
OTOH, it’s no really comparable since Sengoku Rance is a S-RPG whilst Yumina is a RPG: you can’t really go dungeoning in the former whereas you can in the latter. And, as in pretty much all RPGs, as long as you dungeon enough, you level up and acquire items, making story battles easier (e.g., being level 95 whilst the final boss is level 30 is kinda… overkill but makes defeating him child’s play)~ OTOH, since the SNES era (and even then…), I didn’t find any RPG hard so…

Since you decide how much grind to do before going for the boss fights, it’s actually up to you how difficult the game is. I find most rewarding going into tough fights with just enough exp to win them, but you can also go more prepared and take it easy. Let’s just say that the game can be quite tough, if you want it to be.

characters added http://www.jastusa.com/yumina/characters.html

Something tells me I’m gonna like Kirara. Well, EVERYTHING tells me that.

Tsukuyo + Youko = AW HELL YA!!! 8)

I’m confused. Yumina FD is a seperate release that sees the hero become the secretary/slave of the class president?

Correct. It’s a fandisc.

EDIT: also, not the class president, the student council president, or whatever the term is. Nayuta =P

Also, “lover” would be more correct than “secretary” or “slave”, especially the former, considering how kind Nayuta is (that, and selfless --making her leave actual work to the other members of the Council instead of doing it herself is probably the hardest task Ayumu can be given). Nayuta FTW! If only because she’s such a game breaker, even when in your team!! …plus Tsukiyo because she’s such a Yamato Nadesiko, and Youko because she’s such a tsundere, even to her OWN SISTER! :smiley:
P.S. I should add that Ai is so much hilarious in FD that she dethroned Kirara in my heart, and is a heavy contender for best character in the game. Each dungeon dialogue involving her is laincursed hilarious (sleeping whilst walking, eating the trap wall, calling Rei “siscon” and actually forgetting about his name, trying to activate a mysterious switch with her feet because everyone is actively holding her up, etc.)


So are we gonna get any more info on this one or what? Last update was March and then it completely dropped of the radar. Not exactly the best idea to go “Here’s the character profiles, btw this game won’t be out till 2015�� :confused:

There’s a sticky ‘status update’ thread: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=7341 I’m not sure whether Yumina’s status was actually changed last time the thread was updated, but I think it was. Last thing I remember anyway was it saying there were a bunch of images that needed to be edited.

Of course, it’s not at all obvious the thread’s there … they might need to look at a better way of sharing the info.

Seems like pre-orders for Yumina the Ethereal are avalible. But it doesn’t matter to me. I’m only interested in pre-orders if there is already a date for relase. If not my buy can take place a year later from all i know.