Yuri + Twincest = Candy Boy

Plot Summary: Yukino and Kanade Sakurai live together as high school students enjoying their daily life; until one day Sakuya Kamiyama confess her love for Kanade to Yukino, asking for her support. This makes Yukino to release her true feelings for her sister.

Even if they don’t really look like, the two sisters are twin (according to the official website, their birthdates are the same).
I just hope we won’t learn in the future that they are not blood related (one of the most predictable rule in eroge and hetero hentai is that they are almost never blood related).

the official website : http://candyboy.jp/

PS : Watch the OVA before ep 1.

Twins don’t mean they have to necessarily look alike. There are, after all, identical twins aren’t the only type of twins. There are fraternal twins as well you know.

Yeah but in anime twins should always be identical :smiley:
(even when there is a boy and a girl… despite the fact that twinsboy x girl cant’ be identical)

Maybe they are trying to go in a new direction and break the trend? I don’t know. Speaking of anime that doesn’t fit the norm, I’ve really been enjoying watching Red Garden…

Despite its off-topicness: You are not alone! :wink:

Yuri + Twincest = Happy me

I’m already happy too, but we need more “action” now :slight_smile: