Zelda OOT 3DS

So since the release date was revealed recently, how many here plan to get it? I never actually beat the game. I borrowed it and an N64 from a friend and he wanted them back before I did.

I am wondering if Nintendo will make a special 3DS for its release. The 3DS did just come out, but by June it’ll have been ~3 months. Still short, but Nintendo has released SE bundles in that short period before.

Waaaay back once upon a time, I rented Ocarina of Time for the 64. Never bought it.

When the compilation disc was released, a friend of mine owned it. So I ended up playing Ocarina of Time after I played Wind Waker. It was a good game and all, but one of the complaints I have about the Zelda series is that ever since the first game, there just aren’t enough enemies. Ocarina of Time is very light in this regard.

Even if I had plans to get a 3DS soon, I wouldn’t be buying Ocarina. I have no desire to play it again. I am, however, looking forward to Skyward Sword.

Why skyway sword?

It’s the new Zelda game. Of course I’m going to play it :slight_smile:

You mean the old Zelda game, except on a smaller screen and with some bad 3D to go with it =P

EDIT: Oh, you were talking about the ACTUAL new Zelda game. My fault for only reading the first and last posts in the thread.

That’s what people said about spirit tracks.