[ZyX] Binetsu Kyoushi Cherry - has it been licensed?

this is sooooo not worth fighting for and i may be unclear in my post but i was actually referring to this:


Sorry to break it to you but PP will not license this title any time soon if ever. If GC was still alive we might had a shot, but since PP/GV just sells their old games now days we wont see it.

it’s the “will not/wont” that kinda ticked me. you actually sound like you are a peapri employee or something. never once did me or peapri say that we “will not” consider any titles from companies that we have relations with flat out without any thought or consideration or justification. in fact, since peter took over the gc titles he has been trying to pursue and buy licences from the japanese companies. we may succeed, we may fail, we may only have 0.0001% chance of success, but never say never. even if we failed to get the license, it will be a “cannot” and not a "will not"

it’s been what, half a year since gc was taken over and we have to deal with gc games in addition to our own stuff. the whole time we have been fixing gc’s mess, redoing their titles and setting up a vmate system that is more acceptable to people. please understand that we are a very small company and these things take time. honestly, it’s too early at this point to conclude that peapri “will not” do any cd-bros titles.

i am pretty sure that we have proven ourselves to be quite open for suggestions/requests (at least on this BBS), but of course whether it’s feasible to do or if the japanese company will listen to us is another issue.

i mean, if you wrote something along the lines of “very unlikely” instead of a concrete (for lack of a better term) “will not” i prolly wont be so ticked off…

and as for the “financial trouble” issue, i do realize that you wrote “looks like” and it’s your opinion but you have made some members upset because of this so i will let the other board members do the lecturing on this one :stuck_out_tongue:

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 01-20-2006).]

Dude, you started a rumor, and you said SERIOUS trouble. You didn’t ask a question, you gave the impression you had inside information, and you got people upset. Whether or not that was your intention, just look at the results and learn that perhaps you should be more careful with your words next time.

Think before posting!

I agree Lamuness, this is not worth fighting over so let’s just leave it at that.

papillon, It’s rather laughable to think that any one can have inside information except the obvius ones on this board. So if you ain’t a retard people should have understood that I was speculating, but apperantly I was wrong…

papillon, It's rather laughable to think that any one can have inside information except the obvius ones on this board.

Actually, it's happened before, so it's possible.

Ahhh, tripple crossface from Benoit on Bremen…and Bremen tapps out!!!

You have besterd me Benoit, you all are better men then I and without a shadow of a dubt correct in every way possible…

You just started a rumor. It happens.

Personally, I did consider it a very long shot for us, the dedicated fans, to ever see a new title out of GC. So this thread proved useful in finding out that the wonderful people at PeaPri, led by Peter the Great , is still fighting the good fight to bring us a new title or two from their GC connections. Go Peter!

hey what about me :stuck_out_tongue:

Aren’t you Peter The Great’s selected boss man to keep the unruly mob of the forum in its proper place, Lord Lamuness? Slaying rumors with your great 22’ katana, and pining for the day when your service to Peter the Great is fulfilled so that you can go seek revenge on your father/brother for killing your mother/sister in an insane rage; pursued by demons, which seek the guard piece on your katana, as, unbeknownst to you, it is the final key to unlocking the Dreaded Darklord Poetan from where he’s been banished 10 million years ago by the ancient but noble suarians (who died as race in that struggle, thus making room for humans to be born on earth).

Is that enough about you?

You watch waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much anime.

Originally posted by kmusky:
You watch waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much anime.

Be glad he didn't base it upon the more disturbing Bishoujo Games...

Otherwise, there'd be wape, and (foster) incest, and lolis, and tentacles, and more stuff that I can't think of right now, but are pretty disturbing.

Originally posted by kmusky:
You watch waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much anime.
You can never watch to much anime.

You can, however, watch waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too little anime.


Jinnai is correct. There is no such thing as too much anime. But there is such a thing as too little.

Wow, Vaga42Bond. You’d do that to Lord Lamuness? Is that how much you like him, or just your preference of entertainment?

Otherwise, there'd be wape, and (foster) incest, and lolis, and tentacles, and more stuff that I can't think of right now, but are pretty disturbing.

HEY, hey, hey!!!!

Now what happened to my good old days--where nice fluffy RPG anime was just easy and slightly naughty??!!

Yeah...like my much beloved Dragon Pink! Simple, funny, naughty...

Oh, I forgot about the one episode containing the poisonious phallic cobra which makes women go insane with lust and when reaching climax shoots thorns into a woman's privates injecting toxics meant to try and end her life unless she can handle even greater pleasure than any human (or catgirl) could ever possibly imagine. Err.....never mind.....

I came to the pp site to see whats new and I got sared away to the gc site by the yaoi.

Anyways, there are 18gc games
well 19 if you conlude figures of happieness, that i dont have yet, onw that I can get them all on cd without vmate, I have around 700 sitting here debating if I should just order them all at once. Too bad we dont get any goodies anymore…

Originally posted by smog:
I came to the pp site to see whats new and I got sared away to the gc site by the yaoi.
Yaoi games seem to have gained acceptance here as a matter of "fairness" and to appease our resident BL fangirl. Whether or not PP has enough resources to produce yaoi games plus more bgames - besides the already announced Doushin, X-Change 3 and Yin-Yang - this year remains to be seen.
Anyways, there are 18gc games
well 19 if you conlude figures of happieness, that i dont have yet, onw that I can get them all on cd without vmate, I have around 700 sitting here debating if I should just order them all at once. Too bad we dont get any goodies anymore..

According to information posted above, Vmate has been removed from the GC game CDs.
Originally posted by Peter Payne:
Since V-Mate is totally optional now -- anyone can opt to not mess with it by buying the CD-ROM versions of the game for $5 more -- there is no currently "curse" of V-Mate that we are aware of.

I decided to test the waters by ordering Figures of Happiness from RightStuf because 1) they removed all VMate references from their product description [though the packaging still says INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED], and 2) their $19.99 sale price is attractive. I'll soon find out if installation/play require verification from some network server.

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 01-29-2006).]

Hey, Perigee. Did you get Figures of Happiness yet? I’d like to know if the prints of the games, formerly with V-mate, are now in circulation without it. I still want to get a couple of the games that had it. I think, Pick me Honey!, Sagara Family, and Let’s Meow Meow. I have Figures already and got the patch, but I’d prefer not to have to download anything to play, though it’s not inconvinient. But sometime in the future I may be without internet capabilities due to my job.

The Sagara family I got from RS just before Xmas was a print with vmate completely removed, and was refered to as such on the packaging.

Thanks for the info. I hope the rest of the prints are the same.

But sometime in the future I may be without internet capabilities due to my job.

Well, now, that would stink.

Okay, I am the nosey type. Why would your job ..err..well, stop you from having an ISP? Or is it some remote place or something? Of course, if that is too nosey, just lemme know.

Try not to throw rotten fruit. Least something close to its' freshness date please.

We don’t throw fruit here. We send vampire lemons.