[ZyX] Binetsu Kyoushi Cherry - has it been licensed?

I believe the complete name for this game is, Binetsu Kyoushi Cheri Tsuujou Ban, by ZyX.

Official Site: http://www.zyx-game.co.jp/newsoft/chieri/index.html

Getchu.com: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=95141

I know I’ve seen this before but I found the CG art someone posted online and I was looking around to see if this game has been licensed for English release. I can’t seem to find out if it is or not. Does anyone here know?

If it isn’t, is there anyway we can get Peach Princess or G-Collections (or some other company) to pick it up for an English release?


Sorry to break it to you but PP will not license this title any time soon if ever. If GC was still alive we might had a shot, but since PP/GV just sells their old games now days we wont see it.

Oh, by the way it looks PP is in serius financial trubbles since they bought GC…

Not only that. This one looks to be a SHOTACON BGame.

I don’t know if G-Col would translate something involving very young-looking characters, even if this time the protagonist is the one.

Still, looks interesting…

Oh, by the way it looks PP is in serius financial trubbles since they bought GC...

Huh? Elaborate.

The lack of updates and reports over the mail is a sign that something is seriusly wrong. Think about it, since PP bought GC the updates and frequent mail we used to get has almost dissapered.

I don’t know for sure, but unless something happens soon…

We have all been patient about not complaning about the lack of games beeing relesed since there is a perfectly good reson. No one is intressted in bishoujo games and the intresst doesnt seem to haave risen as much as anticipated.

I was hopefull at one time, but now…I just don’t know any more…

It seems Vmate curse stroke again… sigh…

Originally posted by Italicus:
It seems Vmate curse stroke again... sigh... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

Don't you think that it is still a bit too early to jump to conclusions?
Just because one person got the impression doesn't mean it _has_ to be true!

As long as Lamuness is still around and this BBS is still up and working, there is no reason for going that far.

Admittedly, I am also a bit concerned about what happened to Doushin that was scheduled for December, but...

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 01-19-2006).]

Yup… after all, they are “our reliable turtle”, LOL!

Isn’t it more just that whoever does the newsletters has wandered off on vacation or something?

The pp frontpage mentions both ever 17 and exodus guilty as coming soon - in fact, they’re available. Peter’s “side blog” says Enzai is complete and ready to ship - it can be ordered on Jlist right now.

The PP site just hasn’t caught up yet.

And look how busy they have been reprinting titles, including older ones that had been a bit harder to come by. Jewel Knights appears off the DC list, and the latest print runs of the vmate titles, come with that software completely removed.

I admit that I’ve also noted that we don’t get many e-mail updates anymore (though I’m not subscribed to them at the moment). JAST USA’s has been updated close to Christmas, though, so I’m not too worried.

Admittedly, I am also a bit concerned about what happened to Doushin that was scheduled for December, but…

…It was? I didn’t think we had a release date, like it’s customary for Peach Princess.
Jewel Knights appears off the DC list

I would like that game before it gets out-of-print.


i dunno how i can put this in better words but…peapri isn’t dead yet

just because there hasn’t been any updates lately doesnt mean that we are in financial trouble. yes it is true that doushin and xc3 is falling behind schedule but that’s because the japanese staff from crowd are busy with their own matters so are slowing down things, and unfortuantely there is nothing much we can do about that. we are a very small company and there are stuff that cant be done except by the japanese staff.

i have completed testing and debugging for doushin already a few months ago (im pretty sure i wrote something like that back then) but there are some systematic things that needs to be fixed but only the japanese programmers from crowd can do it.

trust me, if an announced game gets pushed behind, it’s most likely because we have to wait for the japanese programmers to sort it out. financial trouble from our side is and will be the last reason for it.

benoit, a few titles that proved didn’t sell well…peter has decided not to publish them anymore (didn’t he write about it before?) and i believe jewel knights and DOR are 2 of them.

finally, bremen, i’d really appreciate it if you refrain from making unjustified (and from a semi-legal standpoint, libelous) statements in the future.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 01-20-2006).]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
i have completed testing and debugging for doushin already a few months ago (im pretty sure i wrote something like that back then) but there are some systematic things that needs to be fixed but only the japanese programmers from crowd can do it.

Yeah, the life of a B-game programmer seems really tough. Hey, Lamuness, even your Peapri job is something like this? (the same 31MB's video is also available here or here - Carriere was Nerima-based, of course-).

benoit, a few titles that proved didn't sell well....peter has decided not to publish them anymore (didn't he write about it before?) and i believe jewel knights and DOR are 2 of them.

Yes, he wrote that they were going out-of-print. I intend to get them, but I'm faced with my backlog of bishoujo games and regular games, and I don't have that much money (though Christmas and New Year's did help, and my birthday is up next month, but after that I don't get much anymore).

I thought Jewel Knights Crusaders was going out-of-print because of the extremely loli character in it, though, honestly.

Don’t sweat it. Games, even mainstream games, get pushed back all the time. Personally, I have been waiting for the latest Elder Scrolls game for a year now.

XC3 and Doushin will be ready when they are ready. PP has a rep for not delivering buggy games, and I’d rather have that than a quick release.

Glad I read this, I forgot Jewel Knights Crusaders was going out of print, went ahead and bought it now. I already have DOR, so no worries there. Now my backlog of games just got a bit bigger though. DYLHB2, Heart De Roommate, and and finishing up DOR and DYLHB. Oh well. Better to have a backlog than to not have anything new at all.

Sorry for getting behind with the updates. I will do an update to the site this weekend. We are not in any financial trouble and are doing just fine. Since V-Mate is totally optional now – anyone can opt to not mess with it by buying the CD-ROM versions of the game for $5 more – there is no currently “curse” of V-Mate that we are aware of. We are working on ideas for future games and hope to have something announced within a few more months. Doushin and XC3 are also still coming along fine, but with some technical issues that we’re dealing with (as always).

I appreciate the info, and am very much looking forward to any new announcements you have in store for us in the future! Judging by your J-list e-mails you’ve been busy, so I wasn’t surprised too much by any lack of updates, you do have a family to take care of, after all!

Hey Lamuness! I would appreciate that you read excactly what I wrote before trying to respond.

I dont recall writing a statment, but I do remember writing “it looks” in my previus post that PP had problems. Not that they actually ARE having problems. So think before respond to something. That would be really appreciated.

[This message has been edited by Bremen (edited 01-20-2006).]

Originally posted by Billybob:
and and finishing up DOR

I hope, you will enjoy "Armored Fighter Gyleban" as much as I did. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Give my regards to Maya-chan! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]