[ZYX] Demonic Sword Girl Envy~Blade of Latens

Japanese title: ???Blade of Latens???
Romaji: Maken Shoujo Envy - Blade of Latens · Honoo no Keisho
Approximate Translation: Demonic Sword Girl Envy~Blade of Latens–Flame Successor

Getchu link: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=425265
Company page: http://www.zyx-game.co.jp/index2.html

This game from Zyx caught my eye. Looks like it has a Brave Soul-type RPG battle system with Raidy-style H-scenes (lots of defeat sex). Uh, and a loli protagonist that sort of resembles Shana from Shakugan no Shana. >.> Is the game any good? Zyx has never been the place to go for good or even engaging stories, but I can still hold out hope, can’t I?

Hell, who am I kidding. I’d probably jump on the game if it got translated regardless. Any semblance of an actual storyline (i.e., being more than just another Raidy clone dungeon crawler) would be a huge bonus though.

“Magical Sword Girl Envy”

… which should totally be a story about someone getting Magical Girl powers which turn her into a futa, and then let her gleefully use her new magic ‘sword’ on hordes of schoolgirls.

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Ugh, I can’t stand futa, but the combination of what papillon said and the title of the game make me think of Freud’s “Penis Envy” theory. :shock:

Damn, ?? actually means “demonic sword,” not “magical sword.” Got it confused with “ma-hou”, the 2-kanji combination for “magic.”

Meh, I checked out the game on erogamescape, and it ranked slightly above Raidy and below Raidy 2. Other than the theme the game doesn’t sound like it’d have much to hold my interest.

http://erogamescape.ddo.jp/~ap2/ero/tou … ?game=9616