21:52 (Nandemonai) shutthehellupLamuness

Its not really a mystery… its just a matter of which company is willing to take a risk on the english market… Libido comes to mind… considering they released their romance club game in english and from what ive read actually sold quite well to the american audiance in the States, but i guess in the end… only certaint people know for sure, and even if we name the name of the company… Lamuness prolly wont tell us who got it anyway

[This message has been edited by Gambit (edited 02-25-2005).]

Libido would have been my real guess, for the reasons you mention. However, it’s all kind of moot now…

royalties can be any of those (and others) that dark_shiki mentioned, but i aint telling you which method peapri uses :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Lamuness:
royalties can be any of those (and others) that dark_shiki mentioned, but i aint telling you which method peapri uses :P

just so ya know.. blackmail is cheaper, *evil grin*

I think that I’ll go for an X-change complex.
It’s more sure and with a little luck my dream could become true in less than six month.
I’m not against to see new companie’s games translated by PP.

look, i cant tell you guys EVERYTHING you know…

not sure if it’s ethical for us to say in the public who they are and why they are cutting the deal…i can say things to a certain extent but at the same time i should respect their privacy

Originally posted by Lamuness:
not sure if it's ethical for us to say in the public who they are and why they are cutting the deal....i can say things to a certain extent but at the same time i should respect their privacy

This is debatable. For example, if they have manifested signs of indifference, distrust, or, worse, contempt towards the English/gaijin market (unfortunately, not an unusual attitude for Japanese software houses), "privacy" is meaningless, in my opinion.
However, sincerely, if you have already decided for silence about this entire "affair", please close/delete fast this thread (broken dreams are SO painful, do you know [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]?), and let's hope in the future (months, NOT years, if possible [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]).

yep, after his last comment, that tells me this deal isnt even close to being closed… and would prolly be best just to delete this or simply lock this entire thread until the deal is done… or if it falls though… as last you cant blame this thread

Originally posted by Gambit:
yep, after his last comment, that tells me this deal isnt even close to being closed... and would prolly be best just to delete this or simply lock this entire thread until the deal is done... or if it falls though... as last you cant blame this thread

No, I think it's indeed over, and Lamuness has some funny ideas that keeping this all a big secret is the right thing to do. Otherwise, you're saying he lied that the deal was 99% closed; I choose to take him at his word. I kind of understand his reasons for wanting to keep either the company's name or its demand private, but I don't see why he feels he can't reveal anything at all to us.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter anymore. The deal is closed, my hopes are dashed, and knowing these things won't make it any better...

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 02-26-2005).]

… what a shame…
Well, it was nice while it lasted…

Best luck next time…

“The reason we think the flowers on the precipice are beautiful, is because we are standing on the precipice as well.
Do not fear, because we are like the flowers,

We did not step off.”

It seems perfectly logical for the reasons/company name to be kept secret.

If he comes out and says who/what, and everyone on these forums gets really pissed off at that company, it might discourage other game developers/publishers from talking to PeaPri or any other English translator.

I think it would be best to let the whole matter just drop.

The question whether it would do any harm or not is somewhat beside the point. Not telling the company’s name is simply a matter of decency.

However, out of mere curiousity, I would like to know the demand they made. Since we don’t know which compnany it is, I don’t see anything wrong with telling us. (At least not if/after the deal is really dead)

No company in the world would want to go out on a limb, and make a rare business venture like this, if they don’t think the user base is going to be any good.

Considering the extremely small number of companies that are willing to deal with English translators, clearly most publishers/developers consider the English market to be one of two things: Completely worthless, or an un-needed risk.

Some of these companies also publish Anime and various other things that DO get translated into English; and considering the English Anime fanbase, compared to the English Bishoujo fanbase, I doubt a company that dealt with both would be willing to step into this arena, if they thought it would be in any way risky.

Simply, if your logic that it “wouldn’t effect them,” held up, then we’d see English B-games constantly.

We’d have Air, and all of those other things that we’d really like to have, but clearly
the companies that hold the publishing rights to those games are unwilling to deal with the hassle and trouble that would surely come about from involving themselves with the English community.

Just my opinon.

[This message has been edited by Kalzin (edited 02-27-2005).]

Ouch, my hopes! Yeah, I know it’s just wishful thinking for quick releases but it’s nice to have that to think about

the unjustified demand they made pretty much shows that you will never see english uncensored games by this company in your lifetime…and that’s possibly why mystix anime disappeared as well.

This is a major clue. Mystix-Anime was at one point the overseas distributor for F&C. Plus, F&C meets all criteria for the hints (console ported, higher profile, etc.) Therefore, F&C is my guess, although it’s still unknown what the reasons were. Oh man, Pia Carrot? Witch’s a-la-Mode? Canvas 1/2? It could have been, it could have been! Oh well…

Either Lamuness slipped just enough to reveal this hint, or else the Mystix-Anime bit was just a planted red herring.

[This message has been edited by GipFace (edited 03-01-2005).]

no i never said that mystix was considering to translate any games; all i was saying that if they did consider doing so the things i have went through may have caused them to errmm… “retract”